Sunday, February 25, 2018

Tickleberry is a person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment

palm leaf bowl
Your main strengths are related to introspection and intuition. Essentially you are able to unite the feminine and masculine.

Finding balance within two opposing forces which stop confronting and start complementing each other, is an ability few possess.

This however does not mean that you are superior to others. Thoughts like this can only lead to emotional imbalance.

They can become great spiritual guides, fantastic psychologists or very good physicians thanks to their ability to connect with everyone on a human level.

When unaware of their own essence, it is easy to become overwhelmed by everyday life.

Able to perceive so many things from the world around them, focusing their energy needs training. Therefore, when there is emotional imbalance, they can become very withdrawn at a young age. This makes it difficult to make new friends and encourages living in their own imaginary world.

Adults can also become loners and spend too much time on self-reflection by attempting to understand everything that goes through their restless mind.

How to achieve balance? Finding and being part of a larger purpose than oneself is a good start.

This does not mean that you have to be the best and achieve everything alone. Instead it is better to simply start contributing even if in a small manner. It will still make a difference in your environment.

In summary achieving balance for Tickleberry means discovering a purpose. A goal that truly motivates and uses your talents, so that you can finally take advantage of your many gifts. Achieving this is never an easy task and only few succeed in resolving their internal contradictions in the early stages of their youth.

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