Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 2 Of Cups

General: In general this is a card that says that things are likely to be going well. You should be feeling more than usually loved, cared for, and content.

Work: This shows that you are likely to be appreciated in your workplace and should be feeling comfortable there, at least to a large degree even if you don't particularly like your job.

If looking for employment, this can mean that you are going to find it very soon.

Love: This card represents true love, balanced partnership, commitment, and all of the things that most of us hope for in regard to love and relationship. 

However, this does not mean that you can just do or say "whatever" and that your love/relationship will last; it only means that the underpinnings, the real, solid, potential for true love and affection is there.

If you are "looking for love," this is a signal that it is very likely to be headed your way very soon. Relax.

Kelly LeBrock - Woman in RED 1984

" The woman in red represents a more exciting life, she is a distraction but also a false promise of something better. Something more exhilarating. She is an escape from the droll responsibilities of real life. An escape from doing the right thing. She represents freedom from the harder roads in life one must take. She represents everything we’ve always been told to want and she can make us believe that having her will make our life better. "

Paige Bartholomew with Bashar

" Souls evolve in a predictable way, and the map for our journey is written within our very DNA.  The evolutionary map is the chakra system. If you understand the essential meanings and messages embedded within each chakra, you’ll understand the evolutionary steps your soul takes on its way to Remembering WHO YOU ARE. "

" Himalayan salt lamps are very popular. I have several in my home. It has a beautiful color that spreads in the room and it has a soothing effect. The salt is cleansing the air and it contains negative ions which protects you from electromagnetic radiation what all electronical equipment radiates. You can search for it on the Internet and find a lot of information. I definitely advice everyone to purchase one or two :) "

Farming maggots will be a huge industry in the future. They are used for fish feed, chicken feed, turkey feed, duck feed, lizard feed, pet food, etc. They also get rid of biowaste and produce plant soil. They are also cheap to produce. Every country will start to produce them.

The soldier bot fly is the most beneficial bug on earth its main from is a huge maggot like larvae that eats everything better than anything else, its been said that if if this bug was set free everywhere it would remove 60% of the waste from landfills plus remove waste from all over the fly has no stinger or mouth making it harmless and are great source of food for many critters I have a compost bin in the back yard for these that I have had for many years.
Jeremy Madison what about agricultural? Do they only eat rotting vegetation or do they go after the good too? That would be my concern letting them loose somewhere they are native and harming the ecosystems. I don't know anything about them.
Yes that’s the Real issue is they would eat everything if allowed!!! They don’t just eat garbage !!! They eat anything humans eat!!! So letting them loose would destroy the world food supply quickly !!! Not very wise!!!
The flies themselves don't eat, as he said they don't have a mouth. They lay their eggs above rotting piles of food waste and feces then the larvae will feed on this until they pupate and transform to a fly to keep the cycle going. The flies look like a wasp but they are not aggressive, they get their name because they drive away other types of flies by excreting a pheromone. They are native to warm climates however can survive in cooler climates through the summer but will die off in the winter.
Quincy Berman maybe before you respond you should know exactly what your talking about?? Your completely “wrong” about them not drinking water in the fly stage of there lives!!! If they begin to get over heated they will if available drink water !!
WTF are you talking about?
Scott Sutton and how exactly would they do that when they lack mouth parts?
M. Preclaro they don’t lack mouth parts, I’ve heard the same garbage but I assure you if you pick one up and examine them closely or under a microscope you will see they indeed have mouth parts!! Some idiot who found one or two who were born with some birth defect has been saying that online, but it not factual ok
Scott Sutton show me a scientific illustration or diagram
Jeremy Madison Soldier bot fly!!!!! I would never leave the house if that was true! Black soldier fly is the name my friend. Check out Bot fly, your own sentence will scare you!
The fly itself taste good fried too...

" Hematite is a rather strange stone, heavy, compact, quite unlike the other metaphysical crystals. Its very name is a mystery. In ancient times it has been called blood stone, which at first sight, after looking at a piece of tumbled hematite, is quite mysterious. However, when this stone is deliberately scratched, scraped or polished it sort of bleeds and forms stains that appear like blood.  "

Toning and Light Language Song

"  I sometimes get the unction to sing in a tongue not of my knowing & believe that sharing it will bless the listener. "

If it’s a new love, the Ace of Pentacles heralds good tidings and good vibrations

When it comes to love and romance, the Ace of Pentacles wants you to know that something you have wanted for so long is just within reach.

If you are in a committed or long-term relationship, expect some positive changes to happen. 

Relationships can strengthen. 

Lovers can also take it to the next level.

This can also be a chance to reconnect or rekindle a relationship that has gone cold.

If you’re single and looking for love, something new and exciting can happen in the romance department, so get yourself out there!

Who knows? You might be wearing a wedding ring and changing your last name soon.

The Ace of Pentacles indicates solidity in relationships, especially for new relationships.

The Ace of Pentacles is a good sign because it tells you that where you are in love right now is exactly where you need to be.

It also indicates a sense of healthy independence between you and your partner.

You know your boundaries and you both respect them. 

There’s enough room for the both of you to be happy and loved and still feel like your own person.

The Ace of Pentacles signifies that you are prepared enough to take the relationship to the next level.

Photons As Carriers Of Consciousness

Romijn puts forward the concept that subjectivity or consciousness is coded into the virtual photons that generate electric and magnetic fields. 

This approach has considerable advantages. Photons intermediating the electromagnetic force are, as far as we know, the most basic level of the universe.

At this level the fundamental components of the universe have given properties that cannot be explained, analysed or reduced further. 

So both the charge on the electron and the ability of the photon to intermediate it across space are given properties that cannot be explained or reduced. 

This is the only physical level at which it is possible to have properties that cannot be reduced to something more fundamental.

The only known contemporary portrait of Jeanne d'Arc. By Clément de Fauquembergue, the secretary of the Palement of Paris. The artist had never seen Jeanne d'Arc. This fascinating plain, small line drawing shows her as a small determined woman carrying her army’s sacred banner in one hand and a sword in the other. The drawing was made in the margin of the Orleans city record manuscripts on the day she got the English armies away from the city and freed the countryside around Orleans May 10. 1429

The article suggests that photons carry subjectivity or consciousness as such a given property. 


This is in principle possible because irreducible properties are present at this level. 

It is more reasonable than the mainstream approach, which suggests that a new property of consciousness can be produced by banging together previously unconscious bits of matter. 

bohemian sandals

The problem would be the same if we tried to say that electrical charge was a function of banging things together in some complex system.

It might look plausible, but we would forever be looking for what actually happened that produced the charge. 

Romijn’s theory is not fully panpsychic.


Although subjectivity is present at the level of photons, it requires brain sytems to generate ordered patterns that are the basis of actual conscious experience.

Romijn views the brain as a chaotic self-organising process, the outcome of which is the pattern of electric and magnetic fields generated by the dendritic trees of neurons. 

The author thinks that these patterns code for the qualia.

Virtual photons comprise the electric and magnetic fields and it is these which are claimed to encode conscious experience.  

Romijn argues that they are causally necessary and sufficient for consciousness.

I used to think it was something everyone knew how to do, now I realize some can't. I've always done it so easily

" I can see colors, shapes, people, objects, details.


I can do the same with my eyes open.


As in, I can look at the tree in front of me and I can visualize a flock of birds flying above it.

I'm guessing this could be a reason I enjoy art as much as I do.

It's like going to a different place for me... if I do it for 10-15 min while in my bedroom, I literally feel like I wasn't in my bedroom at that time.

I always think in images and sounds... just like a clear movie running in my mind.

Very interesting thread! "


The Devil reversed may also refer to the Buddhist principle of detachment. Detachment, also expressed as non-attachment, is a state in which you overcome your attachment to the desire for things, people or concepts of the world, thus attaining a heightened perspective. The detached person is the happiest, for to live without attachment is to live in true freedom. It is important to note, however, that the Buddhist principle of detachment does not mean that you no longer care for things or people but rather that you separate your own existence from them in such a way that means you can still care about them but that you are not dictated or defined by their existence.