Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hey Pot, did you meet kettle? He says hi. Give people the same respect you expect from others. Look into flat earth; before you dismiss it as foolish. You are doing exactly the same thing you accuse others of doing to you. The examples you gave of Flat Earther comments is childish. "

What is everyone doing for this super blood wolf moon coming up in a few days?

Is it not a full moon, a wolf moon (the first full moon of the year, and a blood moon? Did I get it wrong? If so you can simply tell me instead of making fun. I'm hear to learn not be judged

I think the suggestion is that 'January lunar eclipse' would say the same thing less flamboyantly. Lunar eclipses are implicitly at the full. Calling lunar eclipses 'blood moons' seems to be a recent fad. Naming the moons by month is older, but not everyone does so. Not sure where the 'super' comes from.

I think super is supposed to be the moon is closer and appears bigger. I can't say if it is correct every time I hear it, but the moon does seem awful pretty when it is a Super Moon.

I'm hoping to watch it from a beach in Hawaii. :-) Super stoked.

This will be the first esbat that I’ll be recognizing! Just recently got into Wicca, been interested in it forever. I was just going to cleanse my crystals, go for a walk and enjoy the moon (there’s a super old cemetery by my house that I love to walk through...plenty of open space). Then curl up with a book...make it a night of learning, probably going to do a tarot reading for myself too.

Good question, I hear some traditions view eclipses as negative energy - and many do not perform any work. Others will do work in rebirth/renewal themes. I plan on using the symbolism to manifest a new employment opportunity using candle magic. A ritual Friday night, Saturday night, and close on Sunday during the eclipse. I could be swayed (the whole negative energy bit) to just do Friday Monday Wednesday instead but I like the movement covering, obscuring, and revealing symbolism.

Renaming these new moon cycles to a more
mundaneflamboyant version. lol!!
Coming up next, "Retro-spinning Super Rainbow Armadillo Moon with Dancing little Brother Moon". (seeing as we do have two, sort of)

Super moon because it's eliptical orbit puts irs closer to the earth than usual this month, and therefore will be bigger in he sky. wolf moon is the first full moon in January. And blood moon because it's a total eclipse that will give the moon a red hue. Super blood wolf moon is correct.

Watch out. They carry leprosy. At least the non Super Rainbow ones can.

I thought that was leperds..

I don't think I would kiss either. :-) That rainbow guy is pretty cute, though...

Lmao!!! Rainbow armadillo...go figure. ROFL!!!

It’s on my birthday so I’m real excited! I’ll be doing a sort of letting rid of all the negativity and bring in goodness sort of thing!

Once again its being over hyped. Our tradition calls it the "Snow Moon" because its the 2nd Full Moon since Winter Solstice. The current fad of renaming moons is silly, in my opinion. The "super" part is only a small percentage so its not observable to unaided eyes. The "red" or "blood" part is also something of a misnomer. Supposedly there is a partial eclipse only seen on the other side of the earth from here.


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