Thursday, January 25, 2018

Pure Quartz Is Colorless

Rose quartz also has the chemical formula SiO2. This is the same formula as regular quartz and cristobalite. So why do they look different? Pure quartz is colorless. However, quartz often contains impurities. 

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In the case of rose quartz, the impurities are titanium and iron. The impurities are at the parts-per-million or parts-per-billion level, so they do not get written in the chemical formula, even though their presence completely changes the look of the mineral! 

If there are fibers embedded in the stones, shouldn't it be possible to carbon-date them?
No doubt about it, not to mention the shells which are organic material as well! What gives? Egyptologists do you hear us???
I wouldn't be surprised if the fibres are from either linen or papyrus.
The shells wouldn't provide an accurate date because they could have been deposited in the rocks hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Organic material like fibers from linen could provide an accurate date though.
stevie kay tourism profits? can u hear them? its like the ability to produce gold from any metal. why tell the masses of bozos for lol
there would be human hair and dna and urine, spit and pollen in the mix

Congratulations ! Joseph Davidovits is a genius . I noticed a bunch of other people kinda taking credit for it without proclaiming Joseph davidovits as really teaching them .
Gregory Dahl who said he taught them? maybe they too came to same conclusion only decades after lmaoo
If it is true, it would make sense that others have found it and talk about it as well. If it is not true, it would make sense that "only that one guy" understands it.

I noticed that too. However, the other video I saw shows damaged art and buildings that were originally believed to be sold rock, but now that they are broken apart one can clearly see that they are made from cement. This discovery should not take away from the orginal builders or masons. It took a lot of ingenuity, intelligence, mathematics and chemistry to build the pyramids and the other buidings.

“Packing the material required little effort...” - clearly this guy was not on the tamp.
kosnow11 The entire Ancient Egyptian Civilization is a fraud....
Ideas & Consecuencias any proofs?
why RU knechtel watch the video dude....
Not Fraud ... Illusion ... for the diluted

Would love to build a house using that technology
Jan do it :-D

I was just thinking how can I use my own dirt to make a concrete foundation I'd like to know the recipe
Or with hay bale walls or ground up old tires made into rubber bricks.

Jim Rushing when I was younger I saw people do it with whole tires on the tv... the way the sun hits it in the winter wot will absorb more heat apparently...

a g lmaoo go study adobe made by the mexicans

Jim Rushing what about wood chunks not chips, held together with melted rubber tire which sounds ultra toxic ur better off building an adobe brick like the purepechas from michoacan

Gnostic Gang General will do mate...

stop trying to invent something and use what is proven to work

Ed Leedskalnin built Coral Castle

Unfinished obelisk anyone? this theory explains everything but the unfinished obelisk It was not built on site but carved from the quarry explain that and you’ve answered everything
Shadrack Nelson: the unfinished obelisk is proff that the Egyptian were carving, the proof is right there but not accepted. It easier to theorize about artificial stone (that you don't' have to prove) than to prove how it was carved with bronze too la or a combination of other stones stronger than quartz. I agree with the internal tunnel to build the pyramid, evidence is there in an other pyramid in ruin. But why solve the mysteries, a lot of theorists will be out work.
Shadrack Nelson because cement is good up to a set mass bieond which it can't support it's own weight without metal reinforcement. Obelisks so big have to be faultless rock to be stable. Also different dates. Obelisks supposedly 1000 years l8r time of hatchepsut the female pharo they became popular sparking a obelisks arms race. Most being erected by only a few dynasties.

He explained his theory of why the obelisks are carved, because they are connected with the religion of Amun and not Khnum.
Looks like to me, that the Unfinished Obelisk actually fell into one of their pools that it was being made from. This is obvious, because the scoop marks are mostly around and under the obelisk. Which would also explain why it was left there. Something that big once it has hardened can't be moved so easily. Seeing as how the very top is severely cracked, I would have to assume that indeed it did fall.

Robert Elliott do wut m8?

I always had a problem with the lack of stone rubble that you'd expect from cutting so many blocks.
I can't understand why this is not accepted for what it is.. The truth..!! Mr Davidovits, I would like to thank you and your team for your research into this... I am a believer and have been since your speech in 2002.. There is another important detail that I believe will prove your theory on this geopolymer pyramid(s).. It is with the 2.5 million stones that make up the Pyramids.. Most of the stones are placed so close to each other that a razor blade is unable to penetrate its edge, but what most people do not know is that they are all flat on top and the bottom, but are not square on the remaining 4 sides, they are trapezoid to some degree.. If these were carved stones, the carver would have to tailor carve each side, so it matches the seam of the stone beside it perfectly.. And on all 4 sides.. Impossible..?? That depends if you believe in Miracles, fairies, wizards(lol) and honest politicians...
The problem is that this doesn't take in account the existence of limestone quarries. Also while it's a viable model, I guess they use a different method, and this one was a posterior invention to explain how the pyramids were built.

Mau Lop Actually, it is accepted into a working theory and published in 18 Jan 2013. You should have no problem finding the link.. Why would limestone quarries ruin this, when hundreds of mixing basins are found around the pyramids.. What were they mixing..?? Most importantly, why is there Hieroglyphics showing the exact recipe of how to make the limestone, and how is it the geopolymer institute was able to re-create the same blocks you see in the pyramid even producing the same air bubbles..?? Air bubbles in rock are not possible..

Because the quarries had huge chunks of granite removed, and they were far away from the construction sites. So if they made everything from the method described, what was the point of cutting granite blocks from other places? Maybe it was a combination of things, they could have use solar power to melt or break rocks also.(you can do it with water and glass) And all that "cult" to the sun, or the representations was because it helped them as a technology. To me it seems there's still a tool missing, since you can see cut marks and drilling on other rocks that don't make sense if they were done in the mold, they look like they were cut with a tool.

Mau Lop There are many theories about the pyramids and I believe in the geopolymer cement theory cause so far, it answers all the questions, but you don't have to believe in it.. I am not here to change your ideas and am perfectly fine if you want to believe in solar power, or that they carved a million 2 ton stones perfectly so they match the irregular stones on each of its four sides and dragged these 2 ton stones 500 km each then up a mountain.. I am totally fine with that..!! I will stick with the easy simple concrete theory.. It's how we do it today.. Sure they had granite quarries, but that means very little when you know they were producing obelisks pillars statues etc.. And are you able to prove they used those quarries to build the pyramid..? The Greeks were also producing large obelisks and used ancient concrete, but nobody denies that..?? Why is it so hard to believe the Egyptians made cement, especially when the evidence has been accepted and documented as a possible working theory..??

Mind blowing. Legendary work, love your work.
I expect you'll need to do experiments showing how much pressure it can handle before it's crushed.
yes I thought the same thing
Mnd0vrMnky's already been proven to be 6-10 times harder and less water absorbent. Even Roman concrete using fly ash is still getting harder to this day. If they were made of today's best concrete they would have crumbled long ago.
Mnd0vrMnky's a logical deduction... Which would you think would be harder and more durable? Sand under pressure to produce adhesion (sand-stone) or sand with a chemical binder for adhesion? Sometimes you just have to ask the right questions and use logic.Todays concrete is made of sand, lime, water and stone aggregate filler. Still harder than sandstone. Large is pretty much the same thing but higher line less the stone aggregate filler. Stucco is same thing but even higher lime content. The last three examples could actually be called limestone which is just line under natural pressure. So the casing limestone is even harder than the interior sandstone filler blocks. The Chinese pyramids are primarily rammed earth and are still standing but sides are not as steep angle. The outside is a stone facade construction.

...and compare it to the rock used for the pyramids - although after such a long time there might be differences because of the curing.

I want to see more geopolymer making, casting, molding, ceramics and recipes. Please.
Chris Redfield same. I'd like to see even a small mini scale model made from these artificial limestone blocks
Maybe built in 19th and 20 th century
The egyptians didnt build the pyramids. They couldnt get inside, thats why theres no inscriptions in them.
There could have been paint that has since oxidized

Very sensible and factual, best explanation I have found that sticks to facts.
They were unbelievably excellent at chemistry ,the proof is that they mummified and preserved human bodies for 1000s of years ,and they tried to do the same for their SOULS as well . Great video ,everything u said makes sense ,keep the good things going
ALchamy - Al Kemi - Kemit - The way of Egypt

There are several gaping holes in this theory / presentation. 1. The concept of the Saqqara pyramid being for the same purpose and utilising the same technology as the Giza pyramid is not only grossly inaccurate, but also totally in line with conventional outdated tomb timelines favoured by self confessed experts like Lehrer and Hawass. 2. I absolutely accept this pounding, shuttering method as a natural progression of rammed earth techniques, however it says nothing whatsoever of the manufacture of rose quartz granite geopolymer . Why not ? It's obviously all over Egypt and undoubtedly used to make the casing stones and most of the megalithic statues that were hijacked and re-branded by Ramesses. In summary, rather than going for the low hanging fruit or quick win , why not reverse engineer a scale reproduction of a Serapeum Sarcophagus. That would be most impressive and perhaps even worthy of a subscribe thumbs up less scathing comment.
concrete can explain a lot, but it cannot explain the megaliths that form the sacred site tht predated the pyramids. They were built on top of something older and more advanced. You'd need machine tooling or diamond tip cutters, sound oscillation to degrade points that the rock doesnt transfer. and the sarapeum of Osiris underground megaliths show there was a dynasty there predating everything. and the style of art is similar in eye structure and symmetry as the Akkadian structures of Marduk, or Sargons face on the sacred bull. It matches the facial symmetry. while the Sphinx's nubian lady is asymmetric as it was carved from a plaster mask of the queen bet.

well clearly more work needs to be done on this,, some of the stone vases have handles so i say they are molded not cut, another good place to look.

Sorry, I find this more than unbelievable.
Bin Ladin: Very nice but I disagree that the Giza pyramid is made of of ancient cement because we have to take into account structural integrity. It is impossible to support the weight of the Pyramid with ancient cement, rather it is used on sides only where the weight of the pyramid does not put force on the sides rather for trapping water, leveling and aesthetic value. Everybody in even in ancient times know that mud brick pounding can never create such a tall and heavy structure without crumbling and this is proven time and time again by dam building which is the root cause or the origins of why people pound bricks on this scale compared to normal house bricks. Most likely a considerable portion of the pyramids components are carved natural limestone randomly arranged if not thrown into the mixture the larger the better. The largest being at the base with as little plaster as possible except to level the pyramids base and where even extreme chipping the stones might even be necessary otherwise uneven stones will pierce the ancient cement because of the weight of the pyramid. The obelisk prove this cause they weight even hundreds of tons. No other pyramid can stay that stable if the center is not hard rock given the slope of the pyramid while all other pyramids are like terraces indicating that they have a man made mound if not a natural small mountain as a base. The proof in this are the small pyramids build besides the Great Pyramids of Giza, where the sides of the step pyramids collapse. Trying to downplay the importance and hard work of the people by claiming only a few hundred people build this is a cheeky way to get attention, not only because obviously ancient cement is common knowledge by archaeologist but trying to put more weight on ones research by degrading another is not very professional. No wonder your chemical finding which archaeologist know was dismissed by the scientific community. Seriously where is the romance if only 2,500 people build the pyramid, a false romance since we all know Egypt is a nation and at its height even reached Ethiopia and Carthage Libya. Thus it would even be more logical if stone quarry are located hundreds of miles from the site.
The jumbled fossils, 40 percent less dense than carved limestone, completely amorphous, perfectly gravitationally true, and true/tight on its adjoining edges, plus the high erosion at the top of each stone with none at their bases - are all aspects that preclude it from being carved stone. Besides, it's not "concrete" but a geopolymer - extraordinary strength - and indistinguishable from natural stone. The natural stone crumbles over time. There were only ever some 2000 workers at the pyramid, and it was completed in less than 20 years. Geopolymers make sense of these things, because they could do it with fewer people and only work in-season. The Egyptians don't like this narrative because it reduces the GP to a common, and not-so-special construction project. Still, the chemistry mastered by the early Egyptians should not go unnoticed.
Yours Truly was proven that even Roman concrete was 10 times harder than anything we can produce today according to experts on the subject using the mohs scale of hardness and proven only 1% absorbent. Polymer fake granite countertops are almost indistinguishable from real granite. It's cheaper and more durable. Why do you think that stone is harder and more durable? Modern concrete building's crumble and fail during earthquakes, the pyramids are still standing after over 10 thousand years!
can you give me some info about fake granite countertops. I can't find anything on the web. only some painted plastics to put over the countertop

"Where the second set of twin peaks was required, mountains there were none, Only a flatland above the water-clogged valley from the ground protruded. Artificial peaks thereon we can raise! So did Ningishzidda to the leaders say. On a tablet the image of smooth-sided, skyward rising peaks for them he drew. If it can be done, let it so be! Enlil with approval said. Let them also as beacons serve! On the flatland, above the river's valley, Ningishzidda a scale model built, The rising angles and four smooth sides with it he perfected. Next to it a larger peak he placed, its sides to Earth's four corners he set; By the Anunnaki, with their tools of power, were its stones cut and erected. Beside it, in a precise location, the peak that was its twin he placed; With galleries and chambers for pulsating crystals he designed it. When this artful peak to the heavens rose, to place upon it the capstone the leaders were invited."
Great presentation! I agree!
Yep they are fakeries built by masons..1700's
this is so simple of an answer to the origin of the is about damn can people be this  gullible ? books or instruction manual for building?.....the burning of the library in Alexandria?....those are the missing history books
so no ancient aliens? hahaha
The Earth is FLat !
Erin Mizumoto mountains don't exist? Flat earthers are perspectively deficient and incredibly self centered. Your parents must be proud!
this is not even relevant.

So is the top of your head, Erin.

This is a great theory, and just like any I am sure there are some minor details that will change, and expand with new discoveries. Fundamentally, he definitely proves it. The problem, do you think it will ever make it to the schools? Here in the States, science, all branches, are not taught as a search or struggle, something fluid for understanding to grow. They are taught as a set of static "facts" and rules to memorize. It's very much our state religion, everyone is indoctrinated from the age of five. Not to take anything away from Dr. Davidovits, he put the work with his words, but this is not a new idea. It is hard to state you know someone's thoughts, but it must have been know in the hearts of Egyptologists for over a hundred years. It's not so much if it walks like and quacks, it's a duck. It's more that if it has horns and hooves, it's not a duck.
Up until last week I had been taken by the mystery of how they carried these huge pieces of stones from mountains to the pyramids. But thanks to the videos such as this one, the mystery is solved. And thanks to Joseph of course. Nevertheless these monuments are still marvels of engineering.
possible maybe for the casing stones but the internal core stones are not the same and why would you have a random jumble of oddly cubical shaped stones when you could have almost homogeneous, continuously close fitting stone for the entire core as well?
Because the blocks needed some space to move when there was a earth-quake, and also because it reduced the work needed to be done to make the stones. It all seems to working out well!

nick f the base stones are granite and the fill stones varies hugely in size and shape. If all are cast then they would all be as big as the technology allowed throughout not the random ones in place.

Thankyou David. Well done. I always though these blocks were cement made in situ. It makes sense.This way they could just walk up and down the ramps without using sleds.Sleds were use to transport this material on flat ground to the building site.
Hello Sr great info ...but what you would say about hieloglyphic of giants people that lived in Egypt ,that have been found
Whether chiseled stone or poured into casts, idc... wake me up when someone figures out what they were used for...
...except he didn't "invent" the technology, he was TAUGHT the method...and Giza is NOT the oldest megalithic site on Earth...
one glaring problem with the "cast block" proposal - most all the building stones Do Not Have the Exact Dimensions; also you must overlook chisel marks and the copper chisels found on site. spectrograph anyone ?  -  guess not - why not? i can go on, but I've given up listening to fairy tails a long time ago !
Astroptx ".why is that an argument? Maybe - probably - there were moulds of different sizes which were replaced as the building progressed.....
"chisel marks and the copper chisels" There is not many blocks with such marks, and at that time moulds was made manually by different people and did not need to be the same size all the time. This is not mass production of modern bricks. You set as premise one made same size moulds, which would have resulted in entire Pyramid collapsing at first eartquake. Makeing different sizes make them earth-quake-proof. The more uneven sizes, the more earth-quake proof it will be. Straight patterns like modern bricks means toal collapse if big earth-quake, unless one use a lot steel bars inside the cement (which they did not have at that time)
First they built with mud bricks the earliest pyramids. Then the Nile taught them Alchemy, showing patterns of compounded elements that form rock hard river beds and then softer issues that vary with coloration , such that in time , day workers would carry baskets on their heads in bucket brigades, bringing concrete aggregate mixtures and water up the Pyramids and poured the ark baskets into the wooden forms and beat them down with boat oars. When the Romans conquered the Egypt of the Hellenic age, they immediately built the Roman Coliseum of concrete and also the Pantheon ,which did not crack , even after two thousand years of weathering. The Romans knew this technology from the Egyptians, but due to craft and trade secrets, this information was word of mouth from father to son , that the technical facts did not become popularly known until the Renaissance .
The religious angle of Davidovitz doesnt fly. Since when was any religious monument ever been found without the names of the gods carved all over it? The guy was so logical re the stones, why wander into the morass of myth, symbology and superstition? The arguments for the Pyramid as a machine, a part of the hydro-management and other practical uses has more going for it. And as for the ash, that could have been shipped in from any volcanic site. Not deforestation necessarily . . .
Quran, Surah Al-Qasas, Verse 38: Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have an ilah (a god) other than me, so kindle for me (a fire), O Haman, to bake (bricks out of) clay, and set up for me a Sarhan (a lofty tower, or palace, etc.) in order that I may look at (or look for) the Ilah (God) of Musa (Moses); and verily, I think that he [Musa (Moses)] is one of the liars."
Have you seen the new videos of the guys running up the pyramids they reveal all you are talking about please look pause the film and see just wot you are talking about!!! please if you have seen them then forget it but if you have not then get there now and have a good look on his way up and on the way down you won't believe your eyes its all made from geostuff its true you are bad ass man you cracked it thank you fella john lovell news at ten nairobi haha!!! LOVE IT!!!!
We need to know the electrical characteristics of these limestone castings. There is speculation the pyramids had electrical purposes and that alternating insjlating and conductive materials were used in casing, core and central passages for that reason. What can you tell is about electrically properties of these casing and core aggregates?
yougeo it's denser so it must be more conductive and more accoustic

Convoluted, illogical jumping to bizarre conclusions, wholly unconvincing.
very interesting. i was always thinking, that they must have cast the stones since there is a very similiar way of making cement used by malaysian people. they use sand, ashe and water mainly plus plant material and they cast it in wodden forms. furthermore is it fact that royal graves in china where build by workers who stomped earth layer for layer so it becomes more dense than most rocks and become water resistant by it. normally i wouldn't talk about such matters, but since it's considered science now i can do so! thank very much and greetings from germany ( i'm a musician and worked that out

I was thinking about this problem and before I found this information online I had come to the same conclusion - from the starting point that it was known that the Romans made 'cement'! I then googled "reconstituted stone and the Egyptian pyramids" and instantly came upon the video demonstratng this! I was thrilled to discover I wasn't by any means the first to use my common sense in this!

I agree that the stones are man made and a total engineering of the surrounding material. All cultures on this planet, had the knowledge to make stones that appear to be hewn from natural surroundings. Essentially, what we have in these ancient structures are the remnants of concrete. If they were making rocks, then they knew the electrolysis of water...Now you have the best gas on the planet! Smelting iron and liquefying rocks would be no problem! The Great Giza pyramid ignited the accumulation of HHO gas, in the "kings Chamber", via a spark gap discharge presented over the "sarcophagus" lid. The box housed a battery potential to allow a spark to fuse the gas back in to water. This reaction sent a shock wave through the the pyramid structure.

That geopolymer theory sounds like an elaborate hoax to get public fundings from the taxpayers.

I am amazed. Science wins again. However, Egyptologist should still be proud of the builders of the Pyramid of Giza. In my view, this presentation shows how they accomplished a difficult feat with intelligence, ingenuity, mathematics, and chemistry. With their knowledge of chemistry, they figured out how to make cement (which is impressive in itself) and then with meticulous planning build a magnificent pyramid with less of a workforce than we orginally believed. Bravo!

Hands down the best explanation ever advanced for the construction of the Giza pyramids, backed by solid (and indeed liquid) evidence. Congratulations to Prof. Davidovits for identfying the chemistry involved and finally unravelling this age-old secret. As exquisite masonry can be found at many other megalithic sites worldwide, advanced forms of geopolymer technology could have been used to imitate other forms of natural stone. Whoever designed the Great Pyramid also knew the speed of light (check its latitude and see below) so we are not dealing with some hicks who stumbled upon a recipe for concrete they did not comprehend, a recipe they somehow managed to "forget" just a century later. A next step would be to extend this ground-breaking work by figuring out the chemical reactions used to fabricate the "granite" walls of Machu Picchu and the King's chamber etc. Valuable time is running out:

Me Davidovits.. what is the phrase in Egyptian that names this process which was their industry? Are there hieroglyphs that denote what this was called

why do the 'reliving chambers" look like a chines and Japaneses temple? i say they built a temple up high and buried it, because it had some function to do it that way. if not where are the "reliving chambers" over the queens chamber? moving sand to be packed up there is a lot easier then moving blocks that weigh 2 to 3 tones, i like the idea of the internal ramp for this also. you could burn out a forest building something like this.

Most plausible one ever, just one comment: Ramses II tagged everything over with his sign..most is much older and from someone else. Ramses II was like these ignorant kids today spraying their stupid tags over every wall.

The idea that the builders did not clean up the area around the pyramid(s) after they were done is ludicrous. Anyone that has had a house built or remodeled knows that after the work is done you remove the tools, excess building materials, and clean up. My point is that the leftover building materials we see today in Egypt were probably left by later generations of masons, or perhaps modern masons. Comically, it looks like the modern masons gave up in the middle of the project because many blocks were left unfinished. Heck, it's hard work. Lol

Prof. Joseph DAVIDOVITS good job, now do south America :)

I am a ceramic artist, in 2001 I looked for recipes to make hard ceramics such as gray for example, and one day I read in the Quran (surah Al Qasas 38) this: And Pharaoh said, “O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then ignite for me, O Haman, [a fire] upon the clay and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars.” So I understood that it is clay and fire simply, and In this theory, you lack the element of fire

Just in...After further study of the pyramids, while collecting carbon samples, archaeologists discovered a strange type of hieroglyphics, after decoding, the message read "If lost, please return to Lucas studios"...

There are tomb paintings of mud brick being made why not this then. Easy the Egyptians couldn't do it. Didn't do it. They were as baffled by them as we are. The builders of them didn't survive the younger drias event bieond sparking some early agricultural societies from human hunter gatherers.

Zahi Hawass' good twin

YOUR CHANNEL IS AWESOME!! So happy I found it!

Why this tech rediscovery not more known and used?

Finally somebody who is talking sense!

Da vidovits is off the chain...amazing...

I love this development on the mystery and it in no way detracts from the achievement. Adds a knolage of chemistry I hadn't considered before. It I also another case for pre dynastic construction. If the Egyptians had this concrete I would assume like the Romans It would be used for everything and the process recorded with pride everywhere but this is not remotely the case. I suspect any structures that turn out to be a polymer build will be predinastic megalithic builds. Still .....go science @!!

Hey this is realy interesting & clever research! It could explain a lot of things, not only in egypt. It also could be a great improofment in modern architecture. Unfortunately this things take time, especial when there already are well established experts that don't want to see their livelong convictions going to pieces.

But how did they carved out the obelisks ? If you look at the unfinished obelisk in Aswan you can see that they scooped out the stone around it as it was a soft clay. The same scoop marks are found on all megalithic constructions around the earth...

This makes very much sense. I believe many of these old structures blocks were cast on the spot for a perfect fitting. Somehow this knowledge got lost. Later civilisations tried to recreate it with masonry but failed.

Do the same analysis for Sacsayhuamán! I believe they might have had some concrete recipe of their own.

Nice theory and all, but there are giant carved stones intended for use in other megalithic structures still sitting in ancient quarries.

There date palm is called Phoenix dactylifera. The saying "From the ashes rises the Phoenix" is possibly in refinance to how from the palms ashes the pyramids were built?

Yes agreed, why cut when you can make a mix, much easier. I just think that with the spec of the pyramids, they would have been more clever in construction than shown in this. Let's face it, there massive structures, amazingly aligned & have a purpose. In other words they were just as cleaver as us with a lot more focus than we have nowerdays.

now I know how they where built, they become no more impressive than a garden wall

It makes perfect sense.....

So can do away with the jewish slaves built the pyramids now? 2018. Thanks.

This is more plausible theory than aliens, giants or lost ancient technology theory.

just because the pyramid stones may have been cast on site, doesnt at all mean they are fake. That is a silly conclusion. I t seems a far more intelligent method than the ludicrous rock cutting with Zahi Hawass's rock hammers! It still would have been a massive effort.

I was so right all along :)). For years I've told people . Everything said I knew about 40 years ago. :))

Great work, Sir.

and what about granite in the kings chamber ? they seem very flat and smooth

Watch Brien Foerster and Jean Pierre Houdin to see the real way the pyramids were built

Without the technology and effort of the Egyptian people, the aliens could never have built the pyramids.

A most patient, focused, scientist, whom appears to have ethics. Why has this information not received its value of mainstream profiling "?" Why are videos floating all over without noted updates - A mere statement in front of or captioned on these videos would suffice - And I've watched every available video on Egypt on YouTube - this truly angers me - it is beyond irritating. It doesn't replace with position on Who/When they were built - I wonder if the Megalithic Stones of Stonehenge were also fabricated. This actually helps the "Establishment" maintain their mundane stories that are absent in facts and incorrect on dates. If this is true - then let it be known - Mercy what a world of Egos and Manipulations.

So why if they were concrete of sorts was there so much evidence of blocking the plateau

Absolutely GREAT!

Yes... it Make's sence!!!!

mind blowing, I need to process it! thanks.

Ding, ding, ding! I think we have a winner! Finally a plausible theory and one that answers so many other questions. Great work.

Should teach this in school

spot on,I think you can see it on the pictures of the pyramids.How can the experienced experts see it.????????????

Total agree I had this theory in mind for over 30 years. Quicklime and Clay pottery are the oldest technologies.

Built with petrified giant snakes by giants, too easy.

Great Work , Congratulations, and Thank you so much This is A Great Effort !! Finally So many Dr. Pr. Geologists Writers..etc... Were all Deluded... It is really indeed a Great Illusion. Talk about Mirage in the desert... VIVE LA FRANCE !!! Coral Castle on the watch ... hahahahaha so many theories - Ice cream cones :P and flying Wheel... all can go to sleep now. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH <:)

The only logical explanation of ancient knowledge ever recorded. People rather believe in ferry-tales and aliens than simple concrete building science

Megaliths are still not explained

With all that knowledge of chemistry they were a short way of discovering the atomic bomb.

not if the chemistry was made by chance. then it was just an lucky guess

Thank you! Loved your presentation and the quick look at the 17:28 mark... words without speaking indeed. Aha!

This is an excellent video. Much thanks for putting it together. Scientific consensus is not science, it is opinion and politics. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (February 22, 1788 – September 21, 1860) supposedly said there are three phases in the revelation of any truth: 1) Firstly, it is ridiculed 2) Secondly, it is resisted 3) Finally, it is accepted as self-evident Max Planck purportedly said science moves forward one funeral at a time. By his logic, we need some funerals in archaeology and Egyptology. If the quotes are true or not it doesn’t matter, the sentiments however are valid.

It's so obvious they used concrete. I wonder what took them so long to figure it out. The proffession must have a few idiots in it.

T Payne 😂😂😂😂 a bunch of dumb fucks.. "no dude it was aliens n shit ok!?"

very good presentation.

not sure how Thoth fits in this timeline.

All of the modern sciences cling to their beliefs unwilling to even look at any new evidence, how long can it be allowed to go on letting them live in their make-believe world at the future's expense? They care more about maintaining their dogma then they do about the truth or what is really going on.according to Newton and Anatoli Femenko 1,800 years of Egyptian history were made up by the 15th-century clergy did you know all ancient history that we learn came from one book? Well, it's true it is called Evsili Pamphili and it is not even the original book it's a copy. Lol, This makes sense and all but how would it explain what Ed Leskallin did at Coral Castle, as giant blocks of coral reef were delivered to him, he had to move them somehow. I like this idea but how could they get it so high and at 52-degree angle? Perhaps this is part of the answer Funny all of the items in the Louvre museum were pillaged and looted from other countries by Napoleon and his ilk. They just proudly display it like it is theirs. What's even more puzzling is that the Nazi's didn't take it from the French, oh but they would have got it back, only Germany had to give the things they stole back. Heh

I read Davidovits' book and agree about algamated blocks, but does he account for the huge granite blocks inside the "kings and queens chambers"  that weigh in excess of 20 tons and were supposedly carved, or obtained from the quarry in Aswan? It makes sense that this how the pyramid would be built also considering Christopher Dunn's explanation that the Giza pyramid is an ancient power plant!

Can anyone explain how they made straight wood without machinery

This is a Apple hand tools..?? U mean for the molds? I can plane the surface of wood to look visibly perfect

They made boats and also ships from wood. No problems to made straight wood without machinery.

woodworking hand planes !!! easy when you know how, and the wooden bodied planes are just as effect as modern cast iron planes

Great video. It is eye opening. The theory why they used granite is just plain stupid. Here he gets lost in the Egyptology narrative and narrow minded mainstream view. His explanation for the us of granite in the inside of the pyramid is mach mach too simple. Sorry Sir but here you lost me.

How will you be able to build a building with molted stones with perfect meaxrues and direction to north? i don't think that the people who build the pyramids, can look from above to foundation and the building. And what about the inside construction of these gigantic (not molten) granit stones who are resonators? all these resonance technic inside the pyramid to transform the erath field energy are not possible for us. why we can't build these pyramids today? if we know now how they did it, why can't we make it?

This is an excellent explanation, because if the Bricks & Stones were made on the River Banks it's easy to understand why ample evidence was not found, since the Niles regularly Floods these banks where the Stones were made

Thanks Geopolymer Institute & Prof. Joseph DAVIDOVITS!

Is it possible to carbon date these materials ??

This is the best explanation of the evidence I have seen, yet I only heard of this recently.

dommage qu'en intro il y ait pas leur transport depuis la zone d'extraction sur des bateaux en bois et 900km... J'imagine l'ingénieur qui rectifie sa commande la veille... plus c'est ridicule, plus ça prend sur les masses... ah si seulement vos vidéos avaient plus de vues

mais vous n'allez pas assez loin car on retrouve aussi des signes mécaniques de découpe de la roche. de plus il manque un point comment le coffrage était t'il si précis avec seulement les outils rudimentaires de l'époque et quand à la conception millimétrique de l'ensemble de l’œuvre et son orientation... il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un savoir ancien mais d'une technologie quasi plus avancée que la notre. et ça pose aussi la question de l'âge de cette civilisation. et quand je dis signe de découpe il faut aller sur tous les sites du il y aussi des recoupements en terme de civilisations anciennes . impossible de faire l'impasse sur Sumer. même si il existe une séparation entre Sumer et l’Égypte. mais pk s'arrêter en si bon chemin? votre explication sur les arabes juifs étaient super aussi. bref quand on a une si bonne analyse pourquoi ne pas envoyer définitivement chier les limitations et s'aventurer bcp plus loin? la peur de se perdre? la version officielle est de toutes façons le mensonge. ça suit la politique et les pouvoirs en place. quand on voit qu'un mec comme Atali a mis son nez dans l'organisation des enseignements supérieurs tout est dit. il a pas honte en plus...

il y a un autre point qui m'interpelle si ils disposaient de cette technique pourquoi ne pas l'avoir étendue à d'autres constructions? voyez vous c'est mieux que le béton qui a une durée de vie ridicule comparé à ça... or aujourd'hui vous voyez le résultat de l'ère béton. ils bétonnent même la nature... il s'agissait donc soit d'un temps bcp plus reculé et seulement les monuments les plus anciens et massifs resteraient. soit d'un savoir protégé mais c'est peu probable qu'il n'y eu aucune fuite. soit d'une intervention dirigée et ponctuelle par une civilisation qui ne serait pas restée. on ne peut pas si facilement que ça éloigner une explication extra planétaire.

en plus la dernière explication expliquerait la connerie ambiante.

on peut faire un tour sur le maccu pichu sur google maps. en se baladant à clic de souris vous comprendrez mieux ce que je veux dire par coupes étranges...ya pas qu'une technologie en jeu qui nous dépasse dans l'histoire. et que dire des plus grand blocs taillés jamais retrouvés. on voit encore l'impact nette des coupes. faut adopter une vision d'ensemble même si on est plus spécialisé que la majorité des gens.

is it cheaper to build houses using this technology? if so, can you help build houses for the indigent, poor people of the Philippines?

poor indigenous people need to watch primite survival vids to survive xo

Great video, thank you for sharing...

At last, something I can believe in.

pure genius makes so much sense

LOL after a minute off watching this CRAP i had to turn it off. I know one thing is i dont want nothing of what your smoking. YOUR AN IDIOT also please explain the red granite an black granite what your going to tell me they made then from cement?

LOL Unbelievably stupid
Even assuming that the Egyptians were able to construct and fire the enormous kilns and grinders necessary to manufacture the quantity of Portland cement needed, and that somehow this process was lost to the subsequent Greeks and Romans, there still remain other reasons to cast doubt on the "cast blocks" theory. Gravel had to be made and transported from limestone outcrops. Water had to be transported in buckets. How in the world would it be able, using simple manpower, for the Egyptians to hand mix the tons of sand, gravel, cement, and water necessary to fill each postulated mold? The necessary curing time would require hundreds of forms (molds) lined up in sequence. As the cured block is removed from a mold, fresh concrete is placed to cure for a period of at least 10 days. In order to supply the blocks for production line construction, a dozen forms would have to be filled, and a dozen forms would have to be stripped each day. The whole concept is simply preposterous! The concrete theory assumes that it would take less effort to manufacture cast concrete blocks than to quarry stone blocks. This assumption is totally lacking in credibility. In addition to the fact that the concrete block theory simply could not be carried out in ancient Egypt, the manpower per block that would be required for this process far exceeds that required for a simple quarrying operation

Egypt was much greener 4000 years ago and there's evidence canals were dug from the Nile to the pyramids, to bring construction materials on boats. Molds can be made right at the sight , much faster than chiseling 3 tons of stones to shapes and haul it to site.

(Qasas 38)And Pharaoh said, "O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then ignite for me, O Haman, [a fire] upon the clay and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars."

Abu Simbel, carved out of solid rock is a proof that they knew how to cut, carve n move huge stones so lets not be too stupid

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