Thursday, February 8, 2018

Words We Use Have Energy and Vibration

I have added this excerpt from The Hindu Way of Awakening by Swami Kriyananda, on AUM. It is fascinating and a great description on why we spell the word AUM in this way and how to say it so that all the blessings, and energy, in the word flow through you.
“The word AUM, when written properly, contains three letters, signifying the threefold nature of Cosmic Vibration. …AUM should be pronounced correctly for its mantric power.” (Again, showing that there is great energy in a word.)

“The “A” in AUM represents the cosmic creative vibration, and should be pronounced short, rather than long as in “arm.” When this sound is heard in meditation, it is pitched highest of the three.
” “U” (pronounced “oo” as in “moon”) is the cosmic vibration of preservation. It maintains all creation in a state of equilibrium. This sound, when heard in meditation, is pitched somewhat lower than the first.

” “M” represents the vibration of cosmic dissolution, which draws all creation back into the Absolute at the end of a universal cycle. The time allotted to cosmic manifestation is known as a Day of Brahma, and spans a period of billions of years. This vibration of the AUM sound, when heard in meditation, is pitched lowest of all, like a deep rumbling.\

” The fact that all three sounds are audible in meditation is proof that their activity is constant, and not only sequential in cosmic time.
“…A final point should be made here: When chanting AUM, the “M” should be given equal emphasis to the preceding two vowels.

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