Friday, July 6, 2018

Visualise Your Abundance

Do you know ‘What is stopping most people from becoming a Money Magnet?

It’s their negative beliefs about money.

How can you become a money magnet if you feel negative about money? Even if you could able to make a good amount of money with your negative beliefs, it won’t stay or grow with you.

For example, these negative beliefs are like big holes in your container. Take a container and fill it with water. Water will not stay in the container, if it has holes in it. The negative beliefs are like those holes in your container of prosperity. The more holes the less you can have. Unfortunately for many people, their container has nothing to hold at the bottom, forget about the holes.

So the first step to becoming a money magnet, you must check your negative beliefs about money.

You must understand that money has a relationship with gratitude. Because the thought of money either makes you feel positive or negative most of the time. If it makes you feel positive then that’s great. But if it makes you feel negative because your focus is on the lack then this is where gratitude works like magic.

"There are many types of Lakshmi Mantras and each Mantra creates its own vibrations but all mantras give money, wealth, and prosperity. People often start Lakshmi Mantra from Friday or from Full Moon with a lotus seed rosary or a crystal rosary. Counting of Lakshmi Mantra depends on chanter’s need. If your need of money is little then 108/daily chanting is enough but if your need of money is high then go for 108X5/daily. The more you chant, the more you attract money as the blessing of Goddess Lakshmi."

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