Saturday, May 12, 2018

Crystals and Manifesting

Orange Calcite Carved Apple With Stand

AOrange Calcite Stone is a strong sacral chakra stone that gets the positive energy moving, especially in the areas of creativity and sexuality. 

It has very strong energizing and cleansing properties, like all calcite. 

The orange calcite meaning is ideal for those who are looking for new and innovative ideas or solutions to ongoing problems. 

It gets the energy moving, encouraging you to look at things in a different light. Orange Calcite stones encourage playfulness, lightheartedness and confidence. It is a catalyst for inspiration, sparking your creative fire. 

The orange calcite healing properties are powered by the Sun, and are very energizing and healing. 

An orange calcite stone is a wonderful healing stone for anyone trying to break out of old patterns or overcome shyness. 

Everything needs a structure through which to manifest, especially the subtle energies of thought and intention. With their crystalline matrix, crystals absorb, hold and radiate energy and, perhaps more importantly, have been used as part of the manifesting process for thousands of years.

Each crystal has its own unique power, which can be harnessed to manifest your deepest desires. 

Our world is made up of consciousness: energy and matter. Light, sound and vibration underpin creation. 

Everything resonates at different frequencies, and crystals can bridge those frequencies, bringing your consciousness into harmony with whatever you seek.

Guanyin, northern China, c. 1100-1150 AD, wood with pigment - San Diego Museum of Art

Before your can go down this path you must understand and be able to visualize your energy body in order to have conscious control of this process.

  1. Hold your Quartz in your hands and ask that it works with you for your highest good.
  2. Picture whatever your dream is, as clearly and intensely as possible. Feel all the joy of having that dream come true. Let yourself really feel the power of the dream and how it is when you manifest it in your life. Let that power flow into the crystal in your hand, and ask the crystal to manifest the dream.
  3. Put the crystal where you will see it often, or keep it in your pocket to remind you of your dream.

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