Monday, June 18, 2018

A Game of Inches

Often in life, people quit pursuing a goal because it seems unachievable. Perhaps it is too large, complex or difficult. However, if people would just realize that life, much like a Spartan Race obstacle, is a game of inches, perhaps they would not be so easily dissuaded. Step by step, inch by inch, they can get there.

A number of years ago, I remember hearing Anthony Robbins, the famous life coach and personal development guru, say that people often overestimate what can be achieved within a year, but majorly underestimate what can be achieved within one decade. No matter what the goal, if it is broken down into small manageable steps, eventually, through hard work and persistence, it can be achieved.

 For example, learning all of the Talmudic tractates might seem like a lofty or even unachievable goal, but once it is broken down into one folio a day, suddenly that goal can be achieved within seven years. Putting money aside for a vacation or investing may sound impossible to many, but when a percentage of one’s income, no matter how small, is put aside from every paycheck, that goal can eventually be achieved as well.

Losing 20 pounds would not sound attainable to most, but as long as an exercise plan is in place, calories are tracked, and self-discipline is maintained, many dietitians say that losing one pound a week is realistic. This strategy is a critical component in academic success as well.

In graduate school I learned that a student who reads 20 minutes per night, five times per week, will have read for 21,600 minutes by the end of sixth grade! That is the equivalent of 60 school days of reading!

Aristotle, arguably the wisest philosopher who ever lived said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Goal setting, which is the foundation of success in any area of life, is a practical tool for realizing one’s potential and achieving one’s dreams. The advice is simple, but powerful. After setting a goal, resolve to take one step every day towards realizing it.

Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is A Season)

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