Sunday, June 10, 2018

Donut cones

A false twin is someone whom you meet, that seems to share the same energetic blueprint as you, but are only there to serve as catalyst for their own spiritual growth.They are also known as energy suckers, that feed off of the other persons higher vibrational frequency.

In a false twin flame one of you always seems to be chasing the other one. Sometimes you even end up taking turns chasing each other, where one of you just doesn’t feel right each time the opportunity to settle comes around.

Even if it is because one of you compromises to accommodate the other, a real twin flame relationship will settle down for periods where you will feel like you are in a relationship.

It will be balanced, there will be real communication flow and both of you will acknowledge that you are in a relationship. In a false twin flame, the status of the relationship is always somehow in question.

With a false twin flame you’re always likely to be questioning your relationship and the validity thereof.You might compromise for a true twin flame, but you will know where you stand and that you are committed to each other.

That means that if you aren’t sure if you can tell people that this person is involved with you because you aren’t sure where they stand, then you are likely dealing with a false twin.

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