Sunday, June 10, 2018

Charcoal butterbeer ice cream topped with butterscotch morsels

When you look into space, at any star you care to mention, you are looking into history. You are not seeing the star as it is now, but as it was when the photons of light left its photosphere many years ago.

If you can find the Andromeda Galaxy in the sky, you are getting a picture of how it looked two million years ago, long before humans ever roamed our planet. The largest telescopes can see back billions of years ago, to galaxies in their infancy, still in the process of being formed.
History is about ourselves, how we got here, why things are how they are. Astronomy opens history even further by explaining the origins of our planet, our sun, our galaxy – even providing insights into our Universe and how it all started some 13 odd billion years ago.
Astronomy is fascinating even when applied to our own modest human story. We have had an intense relationship with the stars and planets for thousands of years. It guided the ancient cycles of sowing and harvesting.

It provided the raw material for belief systems, rituals and religions. It contributed to our language. It assisted with navigation and discovery. In living memory, we have witnessed men walking on the Moon and robot probes being flung out of the solar system – events likely to be celebrated for millennia to come. Our relationship with the stars has shaped the culture of today.

Speed Dial - Samsung Gusto™
  1. From the main screen, press OK to choose Menu.
  2. Select Contacts then press OK.
  3. Select Speed Dials then press OK.
  4. Select a speed dial location then press OK to choose SET.
  5. Select a contact then press OK.
  6. If prompted, select a phone number then press OK.
  7. Select Yes then press OK.

Speed Dial - Samsung Gusto | Verizon Wireless

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