Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Where to Place Animal Symbols for Prosperity

In Feng Shui, a walking or running horse helps to re-focus energy onto a successful path. However, it can also bring excessive yang energy, due to its association with the element of fire, so be sure to balance a horse with a yin energy symbol (a frog, for example.)

Place two horses together to build a strong partnership in business or marriage. Horses should face the door or window. A horse placed in the southwest corner of any room will bring luck in social situations. In the northwest corner, it will assist with on-going trials or tribulations.

Elephants should be placed high upon a mantle, shelf, or altar and have their trunks facing upward, as if trumpeting good news. They can be placed in the entrance hall, but never directly facing the door. Placing a frog, elephant, or monkey in the northern corner of a room is often thought to promote career stability.

The money frog is thought to have been the personal pet of the Chinese god of wealth. The money frog is actually a three-legged toad and the figurines often hold a coin in the mouth and have a string of coins around the feet. They should be placed either facing the main entrance, in the northern (career) area of a space, or in the southeastern (wealth) area, to activate the flow of prosperity in your life. In a store, the frog should rest prominently near the cash register, facing the entrance.


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