Our life and health depends upon having enough of a subtle life energy or adaptive energy flowing throughout the body and brain.
This energy has been given many names such as vital force, life force, chi, qi and others. Each person is born with a certain amount of it.
As we age, it slowly diminishes, eventually causing death of the body, unless something can be done to reverse the process.
Each person is supposed to live off his or her own life energy, happily and independently.
However, many people are not in touch with this energy, or have been violated or traumatized in certain ways that make it difficult for them to contact their own life force or energy.
Note that most people give away some of their energy to others. This is fine if you are in control of the situation.
It is vampirism if you are not in control, and others essentially manipulate your energy field in certain ways to extract energy in a stealth manner.
Speaking more technically, what occurs is that the vampire interrupts the normal flow of subtle or etheric energy down the body from the head to the feet.
When subtle energy flows sideways or upwards to some degree, the energy centers spin backwards or in other ways abnormally.
As a result, some of the person’s subtle energy flows outward or upward to the vampire.
In other words, one person can steal energy from another by literally upsetting the other’s energy field.
This is related to the meaning of words and phrases such as uptight, mixed up, knocked up, stuck up, messed up, and other similar phrases.
Some readers will realize they are acting as vampires, and will want to change. To do this sometimes takes some work. An important step is to follow a complete nutritional balancing program.
This can undo traumas that often lead to vampirism. The program can also restore your natural energy and improve mental clarity, both of which are often necessary to give up vampirism.
Vampires may also need to spend time alone in order to develop their own center and to be able to tune into their own energy instead of taking that of others.
However, they don’t usually like this one bit. So force yourself to spend time by yourself and doing things by yourself.
Be sure to do the Roy Masters observation exercise each and every day.
This will also help you tune in to your own energy, so you will need that of others less and less until you realize you really don’t want others’ energy, as it is not pure at all.
Also, make a habit of catching yourself each time you find yourself saying or doing things that you have realized are designed to upset another, “get a rise out of someone”, or otherwise vampirize others in some way.
This will be a slow process of gaining self-awareness of how, when, why you act the way you do. Meditating and taking time alone are essential for this process to build and develop.
Do not be upset as you see behaviors and attitudes that are not very healthy or loving come up for you during meditation or at any other time. Just let them all go.
Keep working on your health with nutritional balancing science, not with symptomatic and other types of healing programs.
Nutritional balancing will help you let go of very deep levels of imbalance in the body and mind, while the other methods, especially any that are focused on symptoms, will not heal you nearly as deeply.
Practice love for all beings. This is complex, as it does not mean to allow others to take advantage of you.
However, it is about learning to radiate your own love, rather than to seek to gain something, absorb energy, use others or beat others, or overcome them in subtle ways.
In addition, living without a vampire with a normal happy person seems odd or strange, at least at first.
It can seem like the person does not love you, or is missing something. This is also sad, but true, and it prevents some men and women from pursuing healthy relationships.
Normal, healthy relationships may seem boring, or just “missing something”, as they say. It is missing the drama and horror of vampirism, and that is all, ladies and gentlemen.
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