Sunday, January 21, 2018

It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits

Charles A. Jaffe once claimed, “It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.”

Of course eating out is super expensive. Dish Network founder battles those costs with a simple and inexpensive paper-bag lunch before work every day, consisting of a sandwich and Gatorade from home. He and his wife have lived in the same Denver house for over 20 years.

Carlos Slim Helú, who drives himself around town in an old Mercedes-Benz, buys clothes off the rack at his own retail stores, and for over 40 years, has lived in the same modest six-bedroom house in Mexico where he raised his kids.

Despite his massive fortune, Jim Walton prefers pickup trucks to fancy sports cars. Hreportedly drives around a rusting Dodge Dakota pickup that is over 15 years old.

He reportedly still cuts his own hair, refrains from buying expensive wines, and buys his clothes off the rack at British retailer Marks & Spencer.

The tycoon behind Zara still lives humble. Not only does Ortega live in a discreet apartment building with his wife, but he also frequents the same local coffee shop, in his home city of La Coruña, Spain, on a regular basis.

Food can be a huge source of wasted money, as computer scientist and Stanford professor David Cheriton attests. He makes sure to save half of his meal for the next day when eating at an expensive restaurant. Instead of luxury cars, Cheriton prefers to ride his bike; when he does need to drive, he relies on his 1986 Volkswagen van or an old Honda sedan. He has also said that he only flies commercial, prefers jeans instead of expensive designer clothes, and even reuses his teabags.

When traveling, he only drives secondhand cars – such as an old Toyota Corolla, flies in economy class, and stays at company guest houses instead of five-star

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