Thursday, December 28, 2017

Picture end result of what you would like to manifest

This video will show you how to Feel like you already have that which you want to experience. The missing key for many people is that they feel resistance to not having what they want.

This will perpetuate more of that lack and this video will give you tools to actually feel in to an experience you haven't had already. Transcript below...

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, on this video I'll be sharing with you the secret to feeling like you have what you want to have, right now, in the present moment.

Now this can be the missing key for a lot of people, because when you think about emotion, realize you will only experience that which you are feeling.

And, if you are feeling resistance towards experiencing what you want, and there's that gap of resistance, you won't actually be able to perceive it. 

There are times when it might be right in front of your face, but you won't perceive of the opportunity, because you're not in the right state of being in order to do so.

The idea behind this video it can really help you transform the way you see the whole process, so that you are more able to embody who you prefer to be, and knowing that as you make it more about your state of being, and the action you're taking in the present moment, eventually the external surroundings will begin reflect that change that you've made. 

In order for us to feel like we have that which we want to experience right now, in the present moment, it has to come from understanding where our emotions come from.

First thing is our emotions come from what we focus on. Whatever we focus on we feel. If we're focused on a perspective that says, "I'm not worthy," or on a perspective that, "I don't have what I want." 

There's a certain feeling or emotion that can come from that. And, if it has a negative belief or definition tacked to it, that may be continued to perpetuate over and over again.

Now the other thing that meanings come from, or the other reason we have those feelings, comes from the beliefs we have about who we are, and just simply the way we relate to the world. 

So, if we have a belief, which sometimes can also be the focus, but a belief that says that, "I'm not enough. I don't feel validated," or, I can't ever really achieve that." 

And, the belief is more centered in victim mentality, or that there's not the ability to change that which we want to experience, like if there's no influence of what we think, feel, or do over our reality.

Many times we'll catch ourselves in believing that that's who we are. Everything is set in place.

"Now, the key to changing these is simply realizing that we can change our focus, and we can modify our beliefs. Just realize that the real thing ... 

Really the main power of this whole video is putting the focus on the gratitude for what you already have. Realize it's more about the heart. It is more about feeling, than thinking. 

So often we can get so entrailed in the thought process and intellectualizing how we will create what we want, when if we simply trusted the process, which many times comes from trusting it from the point of view of taking action and being, from a heart-space, rather than thinking and projecting ourselves. 

That's where the missing key is, and that's when we start to exist in that frame.

All you have to do for this is bring more of the awareness into the body. Bring more of the awareness into your heart, and feel the gratitude for what you want to experience.

To simply do that, realize, first off, that anything that you want that is outside of yourself can be broken down into an emotion. 

And, I've said this before, in a lot of my prior videos. If you want to experience more money in your life realize that money many times means the emotion of freedom, the emotion of security. 

What you can begin to do is be grateful for the security you already have in your life. If you live in a house.

If you have friends and family. If you have the ability to do what you want, when you want to do it, even if it's just a little bit every day.

Even if you have to go to a nine to five you don't enjoy, even if you have to be around people you don't necessarily want to be around. Be grateful for the opportunity of the hour or two a day that you can do what you want to do.

You see, as you focus on those perspectives that feeling will grow, and that feeling will allow you to see opportunities that weren't there before. 

And really, they were there before, it's just that we weren't tuned to it. What that allows us to do is to really feel it more and more, because whatever we focus on, we feel. 

So, the other part of this is the beliefs that we have, and one way to let go of limiting beliefs is to simply realize that we are enough already. That many times we are looking for something outside of ourselves, and by doing that we are reaffirming to...
This video is about The Secret to Feeling it BEFORE You Have it--Aaron Doughty

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