Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Ace of Wands is also indicative of a time in your life where you have a ‘breakthrough moment’ and feel very inspired and motivated about a particular idea or passion

The Ace of Wands is a sign to just ‘go for it’. 

This highly action-oriented card sees you feeling incredibly inspired and enthusiastic about pursuing a new idea or project that you have in mind.

You are all revved up and raring to go. Use your creative energy and passion to take the first steps and get this project underway. 

Even if you like to have everything planned out before you begin down a certain path, the Ace of Wands is encouraging you to listen to your instincts and follow your gut. 

If it feels like a good idea, it probably is. 

So, start with a few basic actions to get things underway, and then continue to grow and develop your ideas through more complex actions later on. 

The important thing is that you act now, rather than spending more time planning or researching.

The Ace of Wands is also indicative of a time in your life where you have a ‘breakthrough moment’ and feel very inspired and motivated about a particular idea or passion.

Your eyes have been opened to a whole new world and you are now very excited about the possibilities and the opportunities that are available to you.

You are showing huge potential at this time and are driven by a strong, creative force. 

It is as if there is a latent talent within that is just bursting to get out and be fully utilised. 
This is also a perfect time to draw upon your imagination and to make your dreams reality.

Something to keep in mind with the Ace of Wands, and any Ace for that matter, is that it is but a seed that is yet to grow into something more solid or sustainable.

 You are being offered an opportunity here that shows great promise but it will be up to you to make the most of it and to maximise the potential for the longer-term.

It is almost like the spark that is needed to fuel a huge fire but you must work hard to build the fire up as the spark itself is not enough to make such a large fire.

The energy of the Ace of Wands can also signify a restlessness or uncertainty as to how to proceed. 

You may have energy and passion but not yet have a clear outlet for its expression. 

All of these wonderful ideas are beginning to build up from within and you are just bursting with energy but now you must find a way to effectively express this energy in a way that will set you up in the longer-term.

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