Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Charlotte Church - Amazing Grace

by Margaret Ruby

Each cell of your body contains a mastermind within its nucleus: DNA, the blueprint of life. Just as significant, but much less known, is ground-breaking research indicating that our DNA is not a fixed code and that our genes can be affected and even altered by our emotions and experiences.
Genes determine much more than whether we inherit our mother's curls or our father's eyes. The way we react to others, the way we communicate, the way we think and express our emotions, even the patterns of our relationships, finances are all shaped by our genes.
These patterns can be traced back to what I call the stories. I like to describe our DNA as a giant storybook. Of the 46 chapters - scientifically referred to as chromosomes - in our personal life book, 22 chapters were handed down through our mother's lineage and 22 through our father's. The remaining two chapters are our original abundance gene programming.
How can we consciously create the life we want? What role do our emotions and belief systems play in our wealth? Where do our belief systems originate and how can we work with them to create a more meaningful and satisfying way of life?

Our emotions and beliefs, those we learned in this life and those we inherited, affect our DNA. I have found that DNA is not a fixed code but a flexible code. Our negative thoughts and emotions affect our highly sensitive genetic material which is capable of sensing unexpected events and responding to them.
In short, our genes respond to emotions for better or worse. After revolutionary breakthroughs in science and genetics of past years, we are now facing a new and exciting frontier, a frontier that goes beyond exploring how emotions and thoughts affect our abundance.
It asks us to confront new questions. What kind of information is encoded and passed on through our genes. How do our thoughts and emotions affect the sensing devices and signals inside our genes? How can we use this information to keep our abundance gene turned on?
In 1983 Barbara McClintock won a Nobel Prize for her discovery that genes could change their position on a chromosome in response to stress. As it turns out new research is starting to prove that stress does alter the DNA.
A landmark study released by the National Academy of Science in December 2004 indicated that a major life stress can actually damage the telomeres. In 2001, a team of scientists in Barcelona discovered the Phobia Gene, a mutation on chromosome 15 that makes people more susceptible to panic attacks and anxiety disorders.
There is a new science called Epigenetics that focus on what turns our genes on and off. They have discovered that there is a network of chemical switches that sit on our DNA turning genes on and off. They now know that these epigenetic switches can mold our personalities. Epigenetics is changing the way we think about inheritance forever.
I have found that the key factor that determines which genes are turned on or off is the emotions we experience. Genes are "on" or "off" in the sense that the genetic programs we inherit don't always express themselves immediately when we are born. Sometimes specific patterns don't show up in our lives unless something happens to trigger them to turn them on.

The vibration of scarcity may have been in your genes all along, but you did not experience it until a specific event or emotion triggered an ancient memory, awakening the gene and causing a great deal of lack in your life.
Programmed into your cells are deeply embedded patterns that affect your wealth. The reason you get stuck in a pattern is that the pattern is programmed into your cells. The programs come not just from this life but from generations past.
These inner programs are like tapes that keep on playing telling us what to do and what not to do. I realized that if we could find a way to access that patterning within the DNA, we could change the programs playing on the tapes.
An experience of an ancestor generations ago are replicating today. For example, the lack of food, the lack of work and the lack of money of a great grandfather can be passed down to you today making it difficult for you to get ahead.
We tend to think that we develop certain emotional patterns or ways of dealing with life from being around our family members or those who raise us and imitating how they act. While this is always part of the equation, it is by no means the whole story.
It doesn't explain for instance, the fear of water some people have when nothing happens to them in this life to cause that fear. If you are really afraid of swimming, there is a good chance you have within your genes a memory of an ancestor drowning.
If you have what seems to be an irrational fear you will most likely be able to trace it to a real event that happened somewhere, sometime, in your ancestral lineage. If your DNA is programmed to, you do not deserve to be rich, then no matter how much you want to be rich it will never happen.
You have a force living within you that can take you beyond your beliefs tied to scarcity. I champion that force of abundance within you and welcome you to your next step of success on your journey. 


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