Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian lazhward meaning ‘blue’

I am an expat living in Pattaya Thailand, I am showing you around Pattaya and parts of Thailand that i travel to and what these areas have to offer you whether on Holiday or an Expat living here !


@Are You Serious Its the minimum amount in the account. If all the money you have is that 800,000 Baht then you should not be retiring in Thailand or any other foreign country. You need to. Time’s not on your side Ian. You’ll be well catered for, trust me. Yes😂Immigration will have already weeded out the time-wasters and those that are left will barely ever make it up the stairs for that massage.


@Are You Serious From what I am seeing by someone's comment on here, at 60, you only need $640.00 dollars (American) a month pension and then don't need to leave any money in the bank.

Just don't establish a regular hang out.  There are enough places in Pattaya that you should never have to visit the same place twice.  You always are just a two-week tourist and you are poor.  Act poor.  It works.

@Greg Who told you that? Many people live in credit. You should be ashamed of yourself for making an arrogant statement like that. I am 67 years old and the most money I ever had in a bank was about 8,000 Euros which was my inheritance and I spent the most of it in Thailand.

Over 50 trace... You can retire at 50 in Thailand...

@Edgar Bleikur lol here it's 74, unless you can pay yourself.

will be having the time of their life if they're more in demand! Thank god for Thailand and Thai women. Pure bliss away from the west :)))))

@Ian Buchan I am and I'm 71. Like Tracy said, time is not on our side.

@Tracy Beckett There's always one, maybe he prefers apple tarts. It's not fair for him to refer to those women as tarts though, they do a very necessary and sometimes dangerous job. I have the greatest respect for all of them and happy that they exist.

@Сперти за правду Too true but don't tell them that it's your first time there.

If you got money at long like beach ..long as you Go to..and so fun to I love Thailand is my aconty..but I love in Newzeland. Everything is world go with the times always be ok ..  but everyone else in the world not the same..   So

@Greg Couldn't agree with you more!  If you only have that amount and you live on that money each month,  you won't be running into a problem at the end of the year when you are going to renew your visa.  People with limited fund should refrain from retiring here.

@patrick bateman If you can't comply with the rules and laws of a country you are residing, you can't fit in, and should stay put in your own country.  Respect the law of your host country as you would expect other people to respect the law of your country if they move there.

@Kawika Jones no, as of 1 March you need just over $2000 per month income or 800,000 in a Thai bank.

@patrick bateman that's worked out so well for Europe hasn't it?  No, kick all foreigners out unless they've got a lot of skills or a pile of dosh.  The rest should be forced to live in the shithole they were born in.  If you don't like your country, get on the streets and sort it out.  It's your attitude that has white kids getting murdered and raped in white countries.  Keep Thailand for the Thai's.

@Kawika Jones - At 60 years of age, you need to have 25k USD in your account no matter who you or what you do, is what I read. Is that right or wrong?

My mother a U.S. citizen retired and lived in Pattaya for over 12 years. She had a retirement visa with money in a Thai bank account and also bought a condo there. She developed Alzheimer's and I had to take her to another country to get her care in a nursing home.


The problem with depositing a large amount of U.S. dollars in a Thai bank to get the retirement visa is that the bank will not let you withdraw your money years later if you want to leave Thailand. I experienced that first hand and it was a real nightmare trying to get the money my mother had saved for her entire life out of the bank in Thailand. They love taking your money but just try getting it all out if you need it later.

You can easily transfer your Thai funds to any other bank account via a Swift transfer. Most banks allow for this type of transfer.

Really I went to the Thai bank with my bank book and withdrew 1.3 million Baht and they did not even ask for my ID.  I did think that was scary what if someone else got my book what could happen????

A retiree has a foot in the grave. Why has a last will and testament not been signed?

Kasikorn bank turned me down for no apparent reason  except siting new policy, new policy )-:

It was easy to wire into Thai bank but it wasn't easy to wire out.

No sane bank manager would hand over the right for a relative to access someone elses bank account. Put it in perspective and understand any foreign bank would hesitate for security and legal reasons of the account owner.

Banks in the U.S. are good at that also. Banks cheated people in the 1930's and still suck 80+ years later! I have better dealings with my credit union.

@ Rick Smith you just made that bullshit up! You can do a Will in Thailand just like any other country. If she did not do that then tough luck, you going to have problems getting money. with that said, all this just sounds like a fabulous lie!

I have not had any problems drawing money from Bangkok Bank.

I am not sure why so many people forget to post that Bangkok Bank has a branch in New York.

I think the difference is the amount
He was talking about all his mother's savings, that would be a substantial amount
I've got friends who had a similar problem with getting l very arge amounts out

It’s been a sliding slope for the last 5 years, making life harder and harder compared to the other alternatives. You can’t retire on a sliding slope. I’m fine now, but what’s coming next?

I am tired of governments placing so many damn rules on places where we want to go.

I love thailand but Thailand is dying in many ways everything that is changing is only going to
Hit the poorer people that rely on farang holidaying or living there !

@MGTOW_ Beto it's more likely to be packed with Chinese as is currently the case. Indians are coming, but not in any greater numbers than say Americans or Australians (if there's more then it's only slightly more). I find there's not all that many Indians coming to Thailand outside of places like Pahurat and Pratunam. A few in Pattaya but nothing compared to the Chinese. Elsewhere you don't see them much.

@MGTOW_ Beto what was so "glorious" about 1990-2006, other than unlimited visa runs being permitted?


@MGTOW_ Beto - GFE's long gone? That's a gross assumpton that is on the ridiculous side. No way will I ever believe that every Thai hooker in existence will never produce a GFE experience. Your mileage may vary.

Well. I'm done with Thailand. The dictatorship doesn't want westerners. The PM is in bed with the International Globalist Establishment, and, therefore,  China. Big mistake.

John, get your point and to put it on the comparative scales wait till you see the "domestic" policies being proposed during the lead up to the 2020 clown show... there is enough "free' stuff to make everyone into a domesticated plow horse... ask Boxer how he is doing... (Animal Farm - reference)… heck the Thais might be doing this to prevent all of folks in the States from flooding in should the voting tides want Venezuela styled policies... i.e., preventing the equivalent of the Euro invasion  ;-) (*some of this comment is tongue in cheek... some not so much*)

They r only enforcing their immigration policy LOL. Karma my friend.  Latinos trying to get into America for a better life which u object. You trying to get into Thailand a better retirement life n getting rejected. Just remember this going forward. I hear El Salvador doesn't have any financial reqts n u can own a gun too to fight off the death squads. They love teaparty people down there.

Dan Man .... the Latino's going to America are working for lower wages and taking  American jobs.... the retirement  people help Thailand by bringing in much needed foreign cash.  Your argument is BS.  Mexico allows 6 months for free because they want retirees.

The dictatorship doesn't want the westerns but it does fully collaborates with the NATO area main aims and (dis)values. They give asylum to the feminist (men hater) Saudi cunt but hand the Bahraini soccer player who criticised the Bahraini tyranny (Bahrain hosts the us 5th fleet)

I have a modest, private pension plus rental income from my properties back home. On which I live quite happily. Each month I transfer in my monthly living expenses, which are less than the required 65000 baht per month, and the remainder is reinvested.


As for the 800,000 baht in the bank, I refuse to transfer that amount, at current exchange rates, to see it sat in a Thai bank, dead. Also, in an emergency it would be very difficult to transfer the money back out. So, I do not meet the requirements for a visa. Therefore I must be a 'cheap Charlie'.


In that case I will take my money to Cambodia or Vietnam where it will be more appreciated.

800,000 baht is barley 25 grand. If you don't have that laying around you got no business moving to Thailand.

You can open a FCD and transfer equivalent plus allowing for some downward fluctuations in x rate keeping it in your local currency

It's a pity he has such a strong accent because his videos are interesting.

he is what we in the uk call a cockney " its a London thing"  lots of the rest of us talk very English and clear as a bell.

That's a south London cockney accent

If these rules, old or new, mean  a substantial reduction in the farang flotsam and jetsam that one sees on the streets then great work.

Thanks Kev, great update, maybe if you can’t afford to live there probably not a good idea to get agents to fudge your income!

Great vid as usual Kev, question for you with these ever moving visa requirements would it make more sense to get a Thai Elite visa?

Who's writing the immigration policy? The Chinese?


The Chinese pretty much stopped the Chinese visiting Phuket to the boat accident. Thai changed their policies and even have a dedicated Chinese immigration lane for them. They want to reduce western numbers and increase rich Chinese numbers. Some of it is western fault, doing border runs,  working without visa etc....

I would personally never put that kind of money into a Thai bank which means I could never get it back. Thailand is nice, but not that nice.

@Chris Gray Nonsense. That's a most ridiculous conspiracy theory. If anything they just want to get rid of unscrupulous agents and cheap charlies. That's why they got rid of the zero dollar Chinese tours. Now they want to ensure these supposedly "rich" farang actually have money, turns out many of them don't. I've seen non-white tourists in trouble with immigration far more often than farang. Please stop with the victim mentality.

I`m originally from London and I`ve lived in Thailand for 25 years with my family here.
Use the money in a Thai bank method to obtain my yearly retirement extensions, never had any problems.

I can tell you that there are many expats abusing the system, don`t qualify under the immigration rules to remain in the country long term and have used dodgy tactics to remain in Thailand. Using corrupt agencies, working illegally, faking documents and overstaying their visas. This is what`s initiated these stricter immigration rules and it`s those assholes the artful dodgers that are to blame for all this.

This is good.   They have been mooting this for ages.  There's one thing which may alter the mix.  That is when a civilian government is elected

Roll out the barrel, up the apples 🍎 geezer ....

Shame England couldn't have of screened people in a similar way. Would be a better place than it is now. U can have all the poms back from my country. Two birds one stone

The Thais do make me laugh,  so this is to crack down on corrupt visa agents fortifying documents ?, well maybe how about cracking down on corrupt Thai immigration officials who refuse to extend a retirement visa extension directly through them,  because they wont you to go through a agent because they get a backhander..  I know 3 people who have been living in Pattaya for over 5 years and 2 of them got refused last year, and there situation is no different from previous years, and hey ho they went through a visa agent and got the visa..

These Thai immigration rules are getting crazy , I know of many expats that are now going to Cambodia to retire because there's no hassle there over immigration and you get more for your money on every day living , Thailand is not the land of smiles it used to be....!
Cheers Kev....👍

Damn that sucks for a whole lot of retirees. Good info Kev!

Thailand will regret that very badly.they will lose billions and many tourits..

They likely make more $ from the mindless 2 week package tourists from China than from the wealthy westerners. Churning through through tourists that are guided like cows through fake markets and group hotels are fast money. Retirees are more work.

bye bye Thailand... whats next. seems to me that they are trying in every way to compensate for the faulting economy. I was wanting to Retire in Thailand but as it is looking now Cambodia is an atractiv replacement.

Doesnt effect me thank god but surely this will screw the tourist trade/economy 1000s of poor pensioners that  are only after a happier life spending their weekly  payments at restaurants  supporting some thai family.i know a few ....the cheap rental  villages will become miserable Ghost towns ...i guess house rentals will drop...

Yes.  They always act impulsively without thinking through all the possible ramifications.  And in this case the ramifications could be devastating for a lot of small business and families.   The higher end of town tourists support the big international hotels and resorts and restaurants, but it's the lower end who keep a lot of the street traders and small restaurants and bars going.

LOL guarantee you rental rates WONT drop...one of the funny things about Thai "economics". This will likely crush the real estate developers though, as fewer people will put down deposits, and existing units will only be sold to Thai's....big losses coming!

@Brian H Your right and this will come back to bite them in the ass crime and government costs will esculate out of control.

Crime will rise dramatically to compensate for lost of farang income

Don't worry: the state dep an the allies govt will support Thailand in this. Remember that those are manoeuvres done to enforce feminism.

Why would it screw the tourist trade?

Tourists are there for short term visits.

Good news for all those who actually do stay in Thailand legally

High levels of smugness on this thread.

I wish the UK government would take a leaf out of Thailand's book.

I can't see the UK government giving prison sentences for smoking e cigarette's anytime soon.

i would like to see thailand take a leaf out of uk government and ban prostitution.

Will never happen. Thai govt is supported by the western govts because it's all done to pursue feminist  (hate against men) aims.

I wish UK sort its own Brexitshit.

Sounds to me the Thai government is just enforcing the rules that have always been there. That's not a bad thing I think.

What about moving to the Ukraine ? Weather is not as good but Kev-In-Kiev has a good ring to it !

Female to male ratio is pretty good too I hear

I believe Kev is over 60 and making great YouTube videos with almost 30K Subscribers will cover everything and then some for staying in Thailand for life. I think Ukraine cold weather might be similar to the UK and he wouldn't want to put snow chains on his brand new truck.

Not so easy to stay long term or retire there, and of course, the on going conflict in the east.

Matt C you’ll be sorry you fid that after a month tops!
Anyone who wants to challenge me on that go ahead ill answer any of your questions, I’am Ukrainian after all

HAHAHAHA 🤣😂😆 yeah right lol 😂 the people are no where near as friendly as in Thailand 🇹🇭 the women aren’t as hot ( just my opinion ☝️) and neither is the weather .

Trump and Putin may exchange Venezuela and Ukraine. Meaning Putin doesn't interfere in Venezuela and Trump gives them Ukraine back.

Everybody loves white pussy

That's a NO because there are relatively no trannies in Kiev. Best tgirls in the world are in Thailand.

Thailand is the first country I ever visited outside my home country Ireland. It will always be a place I think fondly of, however the shine has certainly worn off a long time ago, and nostalgia wont bring me back there. Time for pastures new.

Sure. Many won't be related because they are westerns who can't leave.

Great to here that you are going to be staying in Thailand Kev. Thank you for clarifying the latest situation.

I went last month to Thailand and this next week again I am going Thailand for 4 days only, will it be a problem for Thai immigration

Amazingly though anyone from Africa can come to England without having to cough up anything to stay here but automatically qualify for benefits and free NHS treatment.

That is because you left-wing nut jobs Brits are stupid. The former coloniser is now being colonised by the former colonised. Ha! So, what is so great about GB if all you pricks want to leave? Best piece of advice to you Brits  is to stay home.

I have my second year AO visa

I guess it's about weeding out the illegals, goes on everywhere, and makes life difficult for everyone. However, the illegals always find a way round the rules.

like the Nigerians with fake marriages, forcing everyone to get one extra document (a police report from your home country) before being allowed to marry a Thai.

You're such a sweet man, Kev....don't shoot the messenger. HA!  Love your channel!!!.

Reinforces what I have believed for a long time: you can't give up your home country and come and live in Thailand on the basis of not having citizenship in Thailand. In fact any country. If you have no citizen rights than the goalposts can be moved at any time and you might find that you can't meet the financial requirements in a country that is fast developing and becoming as expensive as your home country. That's what I see is happening.

North Sentinal Island is the place to retire these days.

Yes I agree. I hear you don't need much money at all to stay there. The locals sort all your future plans out for you on arrival.

The locals are particularly fond of Europeans. A welcome party will greet you forages on arrival.

I can frickin' see through you to the good ol' Chon Buri Immigration building!

Christ ! Thailand is draining the swamp ! high time too

Thanks for the info. Kev keep them coming

cruising vlogs I missed. I know your in the hospital right now kev,  hope you are doing well, stay strong.

Thaiexaminer 2019/12/23 Thailand Healthcare Insurance, for a write up on the PROPOSED new insurance.

Thanks, Kev! I like the upgrades on the channel (haven't been able to watch much over the past year).

I have been visiting since 1997 and never had an issues - spent a lot of money in Thailand and always have been respectful to the people and culture. I just arrived in Bangkok a few days ago and almost got refused entry. i had a 60 day visa in my passport which was what the main reason i was eventually granted entry  - without that i was told they wouldnt have allowed me in - the reason - i had too many thai visas in my 10 year old passport - when i pointed out it worked out at around 1 a year they were not interested - i am really pissed off .


There was no real reason given other than i had been visiting a lot over the years - i also pointed out i had been to alot of other countries. I think my time visiting this country is coming to an end  -  I would absolutely not consider retiring here  - this will only get worse - there is clearly a drive to reduce return visitors

captainkavi . same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. I have a lot of stamps in my passport and a family here. I flew in from Cambodia..  I’m off to England next week and I will get a new passport even though my one is only 50% full.

Are they for fucking real?? How the fuck can they argue over coming to many times ffs,what they want? We bring money to the country,we respect it and some of us have familys there as i just married my mrs and i travel twice a year and got two 60 day visa's 1 a year,they gonna try refuse me to?? Not many other stamps inbetween but this is a fucking joke it cant go on,corrupt fucks want our money but dont want us coming in the country to much ffs never heard of such bollocks

@Bkkbound something will have to change as it does all the time,i hear they are thinking of abolishing the 90 day reporting which they now want you to produce proof of 800k ffs one hand dont know what the other is doing but its causing panic at mo which must be sorted.the baht is bad enough without this bullshit to ffs and to many visa stamps?? Wtf ??

I worry about this too.  I have dual nationality and use the passports alternatively to enter Thailand to minimise the apparent time I have been in Thailand.  I don't understand why it should be an issue as I have never overstayed and like you I have visited many other countries too.

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, an archipelago in the Bay of Bengal which also includes South Sentinel Island. It is home to the Sentinelese, a tribe who have rejected, often violently, any contact with the outside world.

That's ridiculous! I'm flying from Oz to Thailand next week and visit twice a year so was obviously worried until I remembered I have dual nationality as a Brit.Most of my stamps are in the Aussie passport so will leave Australia on The Aussie one and enter and leave Thailand on the UK one.Will just keep alternating between them each year.

And country were you cant drink its tap water cant be trusted..

@Andy Finbar flint michigan

Just get a new passport everyb5 years I know it is not a cost you want to incur but then at least you won’t have the hassle

Bkkbound  ... No passport that allows to use for 10 years. This must be replaced for a new one every so often. Ten years is a lot old .

I got questioned in October 2018 because I visit every 8 weeks. They said I would be better getting a 3 month visa but when I said I am only here for 3 weeks every 8 weeks the immigration guy said ah ok yes no problem. Computer use flash up because of the many times a year I visit. He said he had to ask but no problem, he entered on computer what I said, he told me their would be no problem next time, when I visited in January no problem at all straight through.

@Thailand Nick :  What they actually want is for you to empty your wallet into a plastic bin on arrival at the airport, then turn right around and get the next flight out.  They just haven't been able to work out a way to do that yet.


@Mr Patraeus :  Possibly.  Depends on how the tides of xenophobia are flowing, which immigration official you get, what he/she had for breakfast, and whether or not there's an 'R' in the month!

I'm from aus to I've done 4 trips from March last year till now I'm here atm had no problem at all hopefully stays that way I'll be going to thailand again in May

@Mr PatraeusYes sir Sir !!! after 6 in/out with w30 you will be intercepted as per the rule because exemption visa is reserved for only for tourism and not other reason....  Please read the immigration rule and Command order because after 6 months during annual calendar you have a différente résidence statu  immigration will give you warning for next In/out to change your visa adapted it is same for Visa Vignette type TS 3 months ( tourism) you canot collect an other immediatly new same visa before stanby  3 months again that is normal In the world we never see people in Holliday 3 6 months except for retirement you have to required the correct visa

Darren Ring  That’s what I do, every 5 years or less,as soon as mine starts getting scrutinised.

Somchai S  but each new passport has a new passport number.

I don't understand why would they have a problem with you visiting a lot, surely your money is as good as any other visitor? What is their  issue?

@Mr Patraeus My friend had 4 30day visas for the year and was refused entry yesterday at Don Muang. So they are checking this now.


captainkavi i have encountered a few who hardly speak english so it's like talking to a brick wall.

@gordon duncan better off coming in via land... 2018 I had 4 x 30 day stamps (3 × airports, 1 x land) + 4 x 2 month visas from Vientiane Thai embassy. (NOTE: Changes to Thai Embassy Vientiane application process!) And a 2 day overstay; no problems at all!

They did question and postulate on my last entry with 2 month visa mumbling the facts of "only meant to have 2 + 2 in any given year" but it was closing time, and I was on a mud covered motorbike... each time over the 2 initial visas at Vientiane I have worried my applications would be rejected... have met a few guys with almost dozens in passport having been here for years... (young guys in their 30's)

It's funny/odd..they are encouraging low-life Arabs, and scaring off the better-behaved and educated Westerners...whatever, there are other places to visit.

I have had a one year Marriage Visa for three years now. The last time I got one in January I was asked all sorts of question by immigration, even though I work abroad for 8 solid months of the year. It is up to the discretion of the customs officer. My friend with 4 x 30 days on two different passports that are not linked was refused and put in the detention center.

The immigration officer said it was illegal to have 2 passports, but we are given them because the countries we work in. It is just because she though he was cheating the system even though he also works abroad for 8 months of the year solid. As said you get a bad immigration officer then you are fucked. One good reason not to buy a flat or keep a lot of money in a Thai account...

@ESSEX GARAGE CONVERSIONS GARAGE2ROOM CONVERSIONS A new passport wont make any difference as all your past travel history & visas come up on screen when they electronically scan your passport at customs dopey.

@Andy Finbar - US with flouride in the water is slow acting poison. Then there's the bottled water in US where they are not required to list the contents.

Oh well the Hump Tour just got a bit more costly...

I wouldn't trust any country that requires you to put that much into "their" own banking system. Why? So they can confiscate them in time of trouble.

Thailand has always been in a continual state of metamorphosis, and they really don't know their arses from their elbows. Basically, it has always been take and no give with them, the only thing that Thais are interested in is foreign currency reserves. They want your money, and all of it, but try taking it out again and see what happens. The place has gone down the tubes big time and new and more interesting territories beckon. The problem with the Thais is that they can never see the Wood for the Trees.

I can understand ur frustration but i heard many farangs end up broke, ill and homeless. It cost the tax payer alot of money to support these guys, on top of that thai Government have difficulties to send them back to their Home countries. Some of them have mental issue, dont want go back, etc. So there are a lot of issues, and then the embassies dont want issue the income affidavits anymore. Its all summed up and the new rule is just a predictable outcome of those circumstances.

@wyswyg Sommer Most of the destitute foreigners in Thailand are from neibouring countries. The amount of destitute Westerners in Thailand is such a small number it's barely worth talking about.

go to Hungary, land off free illegals, no illegals allowed there. And cheap living !!!!

Greetings from New Zealand, Interesting times ahead! I'll be in Pattya on 13th-14th Feb, hope I can have the good fortune to bump into you somewhere???? @Kev

The liars and cheaters who have used corrupt methods to get extensions have caused the changes and have nobody to blame but themselves. If you cannot live here legally you have no right to be here. All is not lost for low lifes, there will always be a way, it will just cost them more. Thanks for making it more difficult for honest ex pats!

It's control....a global control grid. Thai government is just a puppet. 

We're about to see a mass exodus of retirees from Thailand. Confirmed in police order No. 35/2561.  foreigners who apply for a retirement extension using the 800k baht in the bank or the combination of income method now need to keep 800k baht in the bank for three months after the extension and 400k baht in the bank after that.

Foreigners must still be able to show the 800k baht in a Thai bank two months before the application for the retirement extension.

 The requirements for a retirement extension according to the new police order are as follows:

 (1) Must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (Non-Im)

(2) Must be 50 years of age or over

(3)  Must have evidence of having income of no less than THB 65,000 or;

(4) At least 2 months prior to filing date, and at least 3 months after being granted permission, the alien must have fund deposited in a bank in Thailand of no less than THB 800,000. The alien can withdraw the fund 3 months after being granted permission and the remaining balance must be no less than THB 400,00 or;

(5) Must have and annual earning and fund deposited with a commercial bank in Thailand totalling of no less than THB 800,000 until the filing date. The said fund must remain in the account prior to and after the permission is granted and the alien can make a withdrawal under the same conditions as stated in (4).

The new requirements to keep 800k baht in the bank for three months after the retirement visa is granted is effective from 1st March  2019.

The new requirements are likely the result of immigration officials trying to put an end to the practice of visa agents falsifying bank statements for foreigners who do not have enough money to meet the financial requirements needed for a retirement extension.

In October 2018, the then newly appointed immigration chief Surachate Hakpan - known as Big Joke - vowed to crackdown on visa agents who falsify documents for foreigners applying for visas and extensions of stay.

They seem to want to get rid of all the  old Cheap Charlie's 😭

Cheap Charlie Chronicles will be rooted! Bye bye Cheap Charlie.
Be sure to post your last youtube vid titled - How I was rooted by Thai Authorities. Enjoy the long plane trip back home.

How many are contributing directly and indirectly to poor thai families..... It will hurt Thai people as well.

Well one more round in nana for me then it's curtains on Thailand for me

Basically Thailand wants to reduce all the expats living / surviving on vapour. They want tourists with pockets of cash to come, spend and leave.  THB  800K currently AUD $35K  @ 22.69.  The THB is artificially high / over valued at the moment so  if it goes back to a reasonable exchange @ 26.00 thats a AUD $3.5K difference.


In the current political and economic climate no way id be transferring / exchanging the THB 800K as you could be looking at a high financial loss in the short term. The time has come for people / expats to look for short term alternatives in  South East Asia to Thailand.

neil catliff Good point. I didn’t think about the farang’s inability to use the deposit or that it probably doesn’t gain any interest.

In any case, if you’re a westerner and want to live in Thailand it’s not much money. Many retirement accounts (pensions+401k+saving, etc)  in the U.S. are north of $200,000 USD or should be.

Well that sounds right if they can get each girl receiving money from five or six men that make sense,,,, they're just trying to squeeze the maximum amount of Western countries they can get

What about the poor foreigners divorced in Thailand living from day to day. Should be some consideration? People who have spent all their money on a lovely home 5mill up.

Saw you can keep 800k equivalent allowing for some downward currency movement in an FCD

Will the Visa Rules change again after the election in March?

Good point... We're only 7 weeks or so from the election and it's surrounding turmoil... Dont bank on these rules actually coming into force yet.

Spent 25 year's there sick of it been in Philippines 9 years now so easy love it they don't understand there end of

Here in Australia we get pretty indignant when people try to game the system to get residency. Rightly so, we are living in one of the 200 odd sovereign countries in the world.

Thailand is in exactly the same boat, and their laws must be respected just as we'd expect the laws at home to be respected.

The thing Thailand has not been good at is consistent implementation and administration of their laws. No doubt the "agents" found their niche when a non-Thai speaking foreigner faces an opaque system, spending days juggling documents or paying a sum for that problem to go away.

If the agents have been assisting fraud instead of just helping applicants navigate that opaque system they should be shut down and prosecuted, and if the Thai government wills it then those fraudulently obtained visas should rightly be cancelled.


If people resident now have to bring in money at less favourable exchange rates to continue their current visa, that sounds to me like a cheap lesson to learn...

Wait a minute, you've got a thinking error here or you haven't seen through the system in the system yet. You can get the annual visa without the required 800.000 Baht on your account and without the required 65.000 Baht per month by paying tea money.


The tea money is paid into this pyramid. The pyramid starts at the bottom and the tea money is then passed on to the top, you know what I mean? Here everyone earns money in your "sovereign" state. And so it runs worldwide. There are no sovereign states in this world, they never existed, they exist only in your head. You are really well conditioned, my condolences.

I think the point is ฿400,000 can never be spent. Plus ฿800,000 cannot be touched for 5 months.... Plus married man with say 4 children needs less money????

Also, may westerners have caused part of this, illegal working, border runs on free visitors on short tourist visas, instead of getting the correct visa. Thais are very patriotic and will prioritise their own citizens over aliens.

Actually it’s a shame the British government does not do the same. One of the UK housing crisis is foreigners buying up properties.

I hate illegal immigrants not getting the proper visa to live here, so it’s right the Thais expect the same.

Foreigners buy a lot house in Thailand too.

I agree Chris well said. The one aspect of Thailand i love is how patriotic they are, and they can show how proud they are of their own country. Im glad they put their own first. When im in Thailand i truly feel im in their country.

I can understand its not a great feeling to be treated like this, but at the end of the day we have to remember we are guests in someone else's country regardless of what we bring over there and contribute.

How many thai people take home 65,000 baht after tax a month? Buy houses cash cars cash, ok I know there are some. 20,000 baht is average take home, but more on less.

Im not sure what to make of this as ive been coming to thailand for 8 years twice a year and now have a wife and family there and although i just turned 50 i do plan to retire there i was hoping in about 6 years when my 3 private pensions mature and from my mass work load i should have enough income and 800k in my thai account to retire happy,either way the thai goverment want to screw us when alot of us have already contributed to their corrupt state and respect their culture.

Having to have 800k in 2 months before was normal but to keep in 3 months after then 400k minimum will fuck many but im sure the (AGENTS) will work around that and charge more money for a constant service but as for reporting the amount in bank every 90 days i think is bollocks as their planning to abolish the 90 day reporting system so one hand dont know what the fuck the other is doing and as if the baht aint bad enough to,scare mongering tactics,it will all change again soon anyway ffs its a joke! 😡

Hi there, you didn't say if your wife was Thai or not, but I'm assuming she is. If that is the case, fuck the retirement Visa and just get yourself a one-year Category (B) multiple entry visa for $160 dollars from your nearest Thai consulate prior to travel. I've been there, done that, (in 2006) even had my Yellow registration book. believe me, It's a load of pure Ballox and a pile of crappy paperwork that gives you no more benefits or rights over having a simple category (B) 1 Year ME Visa. Good Luck and Enjoy your B800,000 Baht instead.

it would be dead money any way, as you would need it in the next year and so on, so if you spent it, where would you get the required amount for the next years

@Are You Serious yes my friend i have only just married and yet to register it plus still got a few years before i can retire anyway and no doubt the marriage visa is cheaper and i heard only need 400k in a thai account? I have a thai account to but thanks for the info and good luck on your future.why not become a youtube buddy and i will return the favour 👍

@Paul Hart exactly,once you have it just need to leave it although its taking the piss being dead money and the corrupt state just want to feed their banks and take the money of you to get yourself out of trouble if your that stupid.things will change again soon no doubt.

Paul Hart you should get into economics with your sharp financial acumen 🤣

Thailand is quickly becoming a bureaucratic nightmare. After the new wears off, it can be seen for what it really is. Definitely not the same place it used to be post WWII. I've found somewhere else that is more appreciative of expats with similar climate, terrain, etc.


I would like for Thailand to get a dose of real economics after running off the filthy farang that built up their economy, infrastructure, technology, wealth, modernization, culture, etc. I almost can't blame them for taking measures against the expat invasion, yet they bite the hand that feeds them.

They would cry foul if they were treated the same in the West how they treat us the the East. Opportunity is wide open and they are protected from the same practices in America that they encourage in their homeland. Thailand is ok for a visit every six months or year or so, but I'd rather be appreciated and given basic human respect and decency if I were to live there. So sad to see Siam turn into what it has become and is becoming. Keep up the good work, Kev.

Glad you're enjoying your twilight years doing what you like. I'm making inroads to attempt to do the same (just not in Thailand), but without a pension, unfortunately, due to Western practices against men in "modern" society, thanks to feminism and gynocentric courts, government, etc. I've got about one more year to bankroll some money here at my job in the petroleum industry, then I'm headed off to hopefully never set foot in the West again.

What place exactly is the same as post WW2 ??? It's 2019, wake the crap up will ya!?

😂😂😂 I’ve heard that shit my whole life (I’m 53) and now I hear people my age saying the same thing “things aren’t the same as they used to be” no shit! And I’m glad, if they were the same as 1940s we wouldn’t be having this conversation and Kev wouldn’t have a You Tube channel  because the technology didn’t exist.

And they talk about if they were treated like this in the west,  try getting your Thai girlfriend or Filipino girlfriend or Cambodian girlfriend a visa to the US, good luck,  talk about financial requirements, Try being a person of a modest income and getting a visa to the US from a developing nation it’s almost impossible,  these people need to put on their big girl panties and deal with the fact that they’re not special people , May you all have a blessed day 🙏

Kev is 57, hardly twighlight years.

What country would you recommend for a cheap safe retirement in Asia and elsewhere.

Can always rely on Kev-in-thailand for up to date information...... Your vlogs are legendary, Thank you.

It will keep out the military from all countries.  Lets see how long this lasts.

This change was to stop crooked visa agencies falsifying bank balances which, was getting out of hand. You either need to have 800,000 baht in a bank or an income of 65,000-it's one or the other.
Of course, those living solely on govt pensions with no other assets will need to go to cambodia,

guees they dont want our money anymore ? ... lets find a new country to visit :)

I voted with me feet  and left Thailand Visa laws seem to change every 2 months. The whole place is corrupt you can buy any thing or get out of any leagle problem if your willing to pay those with power over you. After 34 trips over 8 years I had witnessed enough.


More will follow me to a far cheaper better place where to extend your Visa for up to 3 years is as easy as a visit to the imagratoin office no questions asked pay your less then a £1 a day and just keep getting 30 days extention, repeaterly.

After your 3 years of easy Visas have been used just fly to the nearest Country stay 24 hours then return to the Philippines for another 3 years. No  need to prove any thing about income in any respect. Just don't over stay your Visas after your first  month's extention your third month and after your granted 59 days at a time and now your Visas are even cheaper.

My partner has just baught a brand new brick 2 bedroomed house on a new estate with 24 hours security cost for the new built modern home was under £21.000. Renting as I do I pay £126 a month for a new Condo in General Santos City in the Philippines an amazing smart city that certainly puts Pattaya to shame. Like every where in Asia sex tourists are catered for with bar girl's available for adult entertainment in certain areas.

I don't know the cost but can garentee they will be very cheap. Beer in my local bar is 59 pence per pint. Imported German Larger just over 90 pence per pint. Food in any restaunt always less then £1.70 for the same meal in UK would cost you £15-£20 each meal. This is the future with huge investments been made. Yes there is poverty and scams like any where in Asia. Best  move of my life and if you get married the parents are not looking for a new home to be baught, gold, and a huge wedge of cash at your wedding.then cash every month.

You will of couse need to give your Philippino brides parents a monthly allowance £60-£70 monthly easy covers that and keeps every body happy. Any other family members that ask me for money my answer is always no I don't give loans that would never be returned or give my  money away only to my wife and adopted young children. Thailand has been its own ruin and it morals just lower by the month. From Karl (THE COFFIN MAKER)

Karl Gibson, you make a strong case for the Philippines.  I was recently in Cebu and really liked it.  General Santos City sounds very interesting.  Maybe I'll retire there.  Thanks for the info.

They seem to be more aggressive this time, a friend who paid to get a visa received a visit from 4 big Thai Immigration cops this week. Seems like they are paying more attention than before.

It's called the NWO moving into Thailand

Sounds like you want to come back to Thailand badly and are making excuses for the Philippines visa mess. Up to you.

I have lived for several years in both Thailand and the Philippines, and yes: I feel much more welcome in the Philippines. How can I find a condo in General Santos? I have stayed for a long time in Davao Occidental, but it seems to difficult to find online adds for housing outside of the big cities... By the way, I am now in Thailand...

For many people, it's a summer tradition to buy their kids a hermit crab at one of those beach stores. Sadly, it's also a summer tradition for most of them to die after a couple of weeks. If you think this is because these creatures naturally have a short lifespan, think again — and meet Carol Ann Ormes. She has had her crab, Jonathan, for 37 years, and it all started with a trip to the beach in Delaware. "One of my friends had read about hermit crabs, and I'd never heard of them," she says. "She kept telling me how they change seashells, and I thought, 'That's really interesting.'" Ormes had second thoughts when her friend bought one, though: "I took a look at him, and I thought, 'Uh, I don't think so.' He was a pretty ugly little guy." But by the end of her vacation, she decided to buy Jonathan Livingston Crab on her way home. Since this was long before the Internet, Ormes had no source for care advice, but her instincts told her that the wire cage he came in wasn't suitable. She went to a pet store to buy a glass tank, and "there was Crab Kate sitting there, looking at me and waiting to go home with me," she says. Sadly, Kate died in 2011, but Jonathan is still running around Ormes' apartment in a retirement community in Florida 37 years later. So why do most people have such a different experience with a hermit crab? Experienced crab owners offer the following care tips. To start, hermit crabs need to be kept at around 80 degrees with 80 percent humidity, which is impossible in the wire cages they're often sold in. You'll need at least a 10-gallon aquarium with heaters, a thermometer and humidity meter. The tanks should have sand or a similar substrate that's deep enough for the crabs to completely bury themselves in order to molt. If they can't molt properly, they'll die. You should expect to spend around $100 on a setup, Katherine Trammel says: "That's the minimum it's going to take to provide a good home for these animals." Trammel should know. She has 22 crabs, after getting her first just last November. She wasn't put off by their care requirements — in fact, far from it. "The salesperson told me, 'Oh, you can feed them whatever, throw them a piece of fruit every couple of days,' and then I got home and started researching," she says. "These guys need a lot of care, and the more I learned about them the more I said, 'This is incredibly fascinating.'" Trammel became particularly interested in researching their diet, and she now has an online shop called Kat's Krabby Supplies that sells organic hermit crab food. As scavengers, they need a varied diet containing protein, fruit and vegetables, nuts, calcium and tannins. The pellets you can buy aren't really suitable, Trammel says, and, perhaps fortunately, most crabs won't eat them anyway. "I've never met a hermit crab that would eat pellets," Ormes says. Jonathan likes worm castings from the Hermit Crab Patch and a mixed fruit treat, but he alwaysleaves behind the coconut. He has also always loved oak leaves. Now that Ormes has moved from Maryland to Florida, she has friends mail them to her. http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/giving-hermit-crabs-a-full-long-life

Karl.just had a month in Pattaya and after the first week, i was bored to nuts. Pattaya has changed for the worst and will be going with mates to another country this year and defo next year.There was a time the early 2000s and you had Jet skis at 250Baht  a pop and no ripping folk off, only see Pakistanis and pissed Rushkys going on them now and didn't see none this holiday.

Thai Mafia and corrupt cops and officials are pissing all PROPER TOURISTS OFF and Folk will go elsewhere. Its a shame but Chinese are buying up everything all over Thailand and CHEAP CHARLIES will stop going. Especially now with Retirement Visa Bollocks. Sorry Thailand but you're cutting off your noses to spite your losing FACES!!!

Good news for me ;-);-). Less people when i need to extend my visa ;-);-);-).

This is the nail in the coffin for some very good people in Thailand what a shame,for all those affected my heart goes out to you, watch what’s next the economy is going to drop ,no expats, vacant condos,and apartments disaster in the works????

Robert Mcintosh Doubt it will be as bad as you believe - it will though, thank God, get rid of a lot of the dross/deadbeats

Singha beer's shares have dropped on this recent announcement.:-)

Hmmm reduced prices in condos and rents... which will affect Thais... which may create an interesting "feedback" loop....

I don't understand how the Thai economy can handle the THB where it is at moment

Lol. No one will even notice they're gone. A bunch of old shufflers with nothing better to do than wait for death in the sun. Thailand wants tourists; the people who spend money there, not the deadwood that are expats living on a pittance.

@b b762x51 Thais are not stupid enough to buy condos.

@WelcomeHome76 Well my Thai sister in law must be very stupid then as she has brought condos she gets in at the pre building stage. She brought one for 4 million Baht 3 years later she was offered 10 million Baht for it. That was a huge mistake lol

Really? Foreigners can only make up 49% of those buying a condo. Tell me more about Thais and Thailand; I love to read the statements of the ignorant.

Yes, the UK has the strongest economy in the EU. What a terrible fix to be in. The UK also has the NHS, and an unweildly benefits system to pay for, and minimum wage laws. Add to this the facts that the UK has free speech, democracy, justice, and very little corruption and you'll soon see its a most awful place to reside. If only the UK had hundreds of thousands of its womenfolk prostituting themselves for foreign men it would improve dramatically.

@Greg Then she must have bought prior to 2008.  The Condo market in Pattaya and it's suburbs has been stagnant for years.

Nissan wanted to set up a new plant to build a Peice of crap that no one wanted outdated desiel CRV fuck all to do with brexit that's the fucking remainers...get it write so many on this thread no fuck all...

Robert, any farang who can afford to purchase a condo won't have any trouble meeting the financial requirements and won't be affected here. Perhaps you are talking about the poor farang who are homeless and live on Pattaya Beach? Thailand won't be missing them though and the economy certainly won't feel a thing.

They actually have a choice.  Whereas the expat is not given the option to buy a house/property unless he wants to trust his Thai bride.... and you guys have trouble trusting banks.

The western govts will supply with job outsourcing. Tunisia got the same. Remember: this is done to pursue feminist aims.

Thanks, Kev.  That Pattaya news YouTube channel is called Fabulous Pattaya for anyone interested.  Great stuff, Kev.  And everyone should watch your weekly live feeds, too!

Seems like the farangs are helping prop up the thai economy with the money in the banks

Excellent, comprehensive vlog for those who are involved in this. Keep it up Kev.

March 01st 2020 when they enforce - we have until then to enable income of 65000 pm into our accounts.

At least Kev keeps it real, keep up the great work love the videos.

Sounds like you have had too many sherbets

Time to relocate to Cambodia

Thanks kev i think the Philippines is a good bet . I must go into more detail

Phillipines next stop

why  would you want to live there

Save A Hoe, boycott Thailand

It's not about the money for me. I'm over 50 and work part time in the USA for 2-3 months/year on a contract basis and make well over the 800k baht, plus I have savings many times over the requirement. But I've had enough of Thai immigration making me feel as though I'm a criminal at a parole hearing. Every time I visit immigration, it's incumbent upon me to convince them that I'm good enough to live in their third-world, polluted, corrupt country.

There are so many other countries much, much, more welcoming where I can spend my retirement $$$ to buy a house in my name, swim at clean beaches and not have to wear a pollution mask or die on the most dangerous roads in the world.


Thais are so arrogant to believe that their country is such a paradise that Farangs will pay whatever price demanded. Goodbye. I hope everything works out for everyone who stays behind. Who knows what will happen after the Chinese build-out the "belt and road initiative" and colonize Thailand. The Japanese did it back in the 40's. History repeats.

Same for me. The money isn't the issue. The problem is that drastic chaotic changes happen every year and its just not worth the trouble anymore with other options available.

But what made Thais to believe that their country is such a paradise for Farangs is actually from those flowing-in Farangs, not the Thais themselves to have such idea, then, it's necessary to have a proper regulation to screen some out so that local Thais and the screened expats wouldn't be disturbed.

It was unfortunate at the time of WW2 for Thailand to have pro-Japanese government signing a treaty with Japan so Japanese troops could use Thailand as a passage to Burma and India. Japanese soldiers didn't do anything to local Thais so very few Thai people were distressed but those severely tormented were allied P.O.W. forced to build railroad in thick jungle, most of them died of starvation and malaria but it was Thai people who helped by secretly giving foods sometimes they threw fruits to the river so that P.O.W. could grab them.

In the case of Chinese affair, it merely showed your pessimistic idea, the belt and road initiative cannot be a mean of colonization. It's true that the Thai Junta government invited Chinese in to do project contracts but one day the more democratic government should come to revise the uneven treatments and the balance of power must be carried out in the future. Being a person from a civilized first-world country but you're too indulgence to be considerate.

They love to lord it over westerners. Thais love anything that makes them feel important, that's why so many of them wear uniforms.

Happy expat memories of Thailand in years gone by with better exchange rates, has clouded many to the fact that it is a filthy polluted zenophobic shithole country.  It will get much worse as extreme climate change proper kicks in with a probable food crisis and farang will then (somehow) be blamed for all their ills and become even less welcome in the land of hidden scowls.  Dengue fever & rabies are on the increase too and the abuse of over the counter antibiotics is a sleeping health crisis threat.  Avian flu & swine fever outbreaks will probably be hidden from the public, like the stats for drink-drive accidents & fatalities.  Time to move on boys.

Its to hot there not need to stay the whole year! I have reteriment visa but I not stay more than a few mouths then I go back home to Europa. In dollar my pension is low, 1400USD/mounth, its about  45000 bath but i dont now next time when i go there, anyway I dont care….Thailand are very expansive today, like a country in Europa, food and beer the same...Grosseri in the shop much lower price here!

Well Said!! Specially the part that you can not buy a house in your name...

Good talk.
And the beer are stronger and cheaper in Europe.
Barking angry dogs,HIGH MUSIC,garbich everywhere.

Try it trust me

Hey dude, the Chinese aren't just coming to Thailand - they are "colonizing" EVERY single country in the world, you're not safe anywhere. Ever been to Cambodia or Laos? They're far further along the road to being Chinese colonies than Thailand is. Northern Laos is full of Chinese immigrants and signage, while Sihanoukville, Cambodia is 20% Chinese now and westerners aren't welcome anymore. If you as a white man (farang, or barang in Khmer) go to a Chinese owned casino in Sihanoukville you'll be the only white guy or non-Chinese person there and people will stare at you like: "what's this guy doing here?"

Also, Cambodia is hardly better than Thailand as a place to live - it's actually the opposite. Infrastructure is terrible, corruption is endemic and the immigration police at the border hate foreigners, especially westerners. They constantly overcharge on the visa, will try to refuse a visa if you don't give it, never say hi and throw your passport at you. Always.


Thai officials are MUCH better. I must have made 100s of border crossings into and out of Thailand over the years (with a proper visa, most of the time) and also dozens of crossings into Cambodia and dealt with Thai immigration. I've never had a particularly bad immigration experience in Thailand, but I've NEVER had a nice one in Cambodia.

@Mike Harrington LOL you are brainwashed to the core. Farangs are not that important to the Thai economy, stop being that entitled. and stop believing everything you see/hear on TV. Swine flu and avian flu were a hoax, they were used to create vaccines to sell to a gullible public. All of a sudden, all mention of these fake epidemics were removed from the media attention. You recognize overuse of antibiotics as being a problem (good on you, I didn't think you were capable of that) yet this problem is worldwide, not just in Thailand.

Thailand isn't blaming farangs, stop playing the victim. Thailand can solve it's own problems - it managed before farangs and it will manage without them perfectly well.

Where were you living sounds like hell, my mates in udon thani no problems at all

I don't agree and I used to live there.  Originally from Australia.
I now live in Singapore which is admittedly more expensive but not a corrupted kleptocracy like Indonesia. It is also clean, things generally work properly, the rule of law applies and I can even drink the water....No country is perfect and I still like Bali as a holiday destination but it is a different issue when you live there.

As for the cost of living, I have found that over the years, Europe has got cheaper and Asia more expensive.  The big cities in China are now very expensive places - more so than Singapore - and if you want to drink quality wine and champagne like me, have a varied diet and live in a nice place, then many places in Asia start to become expensive.  Hong Kong and Shanghai for example always surprise me how expensive they are.

I am in my early 60's and after 9 yrs in Asia, may look to Spain, Portugal or similar as a retirement place.

@Mark Dignam I live in Spain but thinking of moving to Bali -- I miss asia, I think it's depends on one's experience wherever u r  😊

Some serious nutcases commenting. Just stay at home ! We don't need you in Thailand.

your a sycophant to thai authorities

Reef Diver so true. Malaysia is much better

Maybe the Chinese will treat us more favourably.

@Toshiharu Kobayashi come to penang Malaysia.

@JC MONTE CARLO yeah, most people speak English too.

Kevs ok good guy very polite and honest ...gives good advice .

About time they drained the swamp of western filth.

well i wouldn't say that. There are some pretty useless drifters around, sure, but it's not just westerners that will be affected. Frugal Japanese and Koreans will be equally affected and I think anyone, irrespective of nationality who is undesirable should be "cleaned out". The Nigerian drug dealers and scammers especially, they are worse than useless.

They will just make it a poorer swamp

Paul Bolton lol and it’s gonna nite them in the ass in the long run.

If you think about it, there must have been a bunch of people gaming the system to precipitate these changes.

There have always been people gaming the system but the Thais are so dumb, especially this new junta. They don't want backpackers on a budget, they want the Amari, Spa and Marriot resort types, but what they don't realize is that the backpackers and cheap Charlies kept the street vendors, local small enterprises and poorer communities afloat and not the business or resort type of visitor.

@Are You Serious aint that the truth. Thai govt. is convinced they can turn the whole country into some uber upscale resort and move all the thais into shiny new condos. The clearly have either lost sight of the market or really over value what they have. Backpackers travel on a budget, ecotourists have plenty of other options than thailand, sexpats are always cheap, retirees cant afford upscale, indians are too cheap to pay for upscale, they dont make anything on those horrid chinese group tours. Thailand is the big bubble in SE Asia in my view.

I think this might be about reeling in the corruption and the dodgy agents as much as it is about the expats.

@Kev-In-Thailand have a link to the news channel you mentioned? (Hoping they have a YouTube channel for their reports 😁)

Legal people stay and illegal goes back and this is how it should be

The fact is that Europeans won't get rid of the Thais all illegals and stealing their jobs. This shit is all about feminism, you moron.

While the Thai illegals won't be deported from the west because " there is no bilateral agreement ". :c

Hello Kev. Good info again thanks BUT I see it as a GOOD thing if it stops dodgy agency,s and also if it helps reduce the amount of less well off expats from sometimes running out of money and end up on the streets. I can’t see it as a negative situation. Ian.

Thaland's super complex, difficult and ever-chaging (for the worse) visa system is making other SE Asian countries far more attarctive.

They've made enough from the last 50yrs of Westerns banging their women, so they're now going salty on us and living off the proceeds. This is the work of a female minister who was appointed in about 2010 and said that she would end sex tourism, however they're 'cutting their nose to spite their face', which will undoubtedly bite them in the arse🤗

For as long as I can remember, one of the requirements for a retirement visa has been to show Bt800,000 in a Thai bank account. The requirement is still the same, so technically nothing has changed. It seems that all Thai immigration is trying to do is to ensure that visa applicants genuinely have the money, rather than acquiring it as a short term loan from a visa agent in order to acquire a visa fraudulently.


Regarding the pound to Baht exchange rate, David Davis suggested recently that a no deal Brexit could see a further 20% fall in the value of the pound. That would mean around Bt32 to the pound after 29 March - slightly lower than the Bt75, or so, I was getting when I arrived in 2003. Scary.

Kev, this just puts those on retirement visas on a more financially secure footing with money in the bank, should something happen, with a better management of funds should an unforeseen emergency happens.

Went to change from Retirement visa to Marriage visa, went into immigration to ask what we needed went back with more than they asked, because I got paid twice in December so it looked like I did not get paid in Jan, they said no, had to show 3 months income into my bank.

They also wanted a witness, we brought a friend the officer said she was not needed. They refused my house lease because it was in English, same lease I had when I got my retirement visa. So long story short, they give me an extended retirement visa 60 days. So I can show 3 months income 44,000 baht and a Thai lease agreement. But I don't have a problem jumping through hoops. Good luck to everyone.

Rubbish I got mine today same old same old and used an agency

I meet the 65k per month requirement, how do I now show this to immigration in lieu of the Embassy letter? I'm guessing cross referencing 12 month statements from my UK and Thai  bank accounts?

I have been living in Thailand for 5 years and I have asked the Australian Embassy to verify my income.  What I has always done is made a statutory declaration about my income. I simplely made a statement that my income was $X  and the Embassy staff witnessed my signature and put its stamp on the document.   I have never had an issue with Thai Immigration about the use of statutory declarations.   Not sure what the problem was that some in  the expat community had.

Maybe some scoundrels were not entirely truthful

I don’t get why all the dedication to retire in Thailand with their unwelcome laws. The Philippines are super laxed with their immigration laws and everybody speaks English.😀

Horrible food tho. Thai food is far, far superior.

@MGTOW_ Beto ..and what filipino food have you actually had?

That won't last - they are cracking down. Also, the Philippines are super strict on onward/return tickets, something Thai officials are mostly relaxed about and will rarely ask for.

Am Australian. If I renew my visa in Australia will I avoid 800,000 baht requirement

well thiland can stick it  ill find some were else to spend my money thx for  the info

good news for me, being over 60 I need less, maybe they think us over 60's do not party as much so need less

I have to wait another 18 months but that's Ok! 👍👍🙏

@Kev-In-Thailand at least it will free up a bit of the dead money, well three quarters of it

3:45  NO! WRONG! The people over 60 who only need a lump sum of 200,000 baht were grandfathered in in 1998.  They are all in their 80's or older now and had to have maintained  a retirement visa continuously since 1998.  Click on the document in the link to enlarge and read number 6. https://assets.thaivisa.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2019_01/FINAL_Page_3.jpg.a059027d3357b978d5ef004b05382652.jpg

Is that for over 60s who have been here continuously since 1998?

Kev, read point 6 very carefully again.

Were you already a pensioner in Thailand before 21 October 1998? I don't think so ;) So this does NOT apply to you. Unfortunately too early pleased.

However, I know a good buddy, a German, he had entered Thailand before 21 October 1998 as an early pensioner. At that time he was only 32 years old, could submit his early pension because of an accident at work. So my buddy will soon be able to claim this point 6 legally. So he can, but you cannot.


Yes. Read Point 6. The alien who entered the kingdom before 21 october 1998 and has been consecutively permitted to stay in the kingdom for retirement shall be subject to the following criteria: .....

Hi Paul Hart, I am a bit confused over all of this ! I will be retiring in Thailand in about 2 years and I will then be 61 yrs old. Do you know the “ current requirements for retirement visa at the moment “ .

Only fair..   Weed alot of cheapo's out of the country.  Hopefully the 'long term tourists' are targeted next..

Everyone is freaking out LOL. There r so many other countries. Take Vietnam or Panama.

I will worry about it in 18 years when I decide to retire, so for now I will continue my 2-3 times a year visits and watch it all play out.

Damm I'm 1 baht short.can someone give me one baht

Dragon goes to japan

I don’t understand the Thai government acting this way. It seems to me they are “shooting them selves in the foot” because expats consistently spend a lot of money in their country.

Thailand is not a country I'd consider moving to anymore. The cash wouldn't be a problem, but wouldn't want to live in a country that threatens to jail you for 12 months for smoking on the beach or 10 years jail for using an e-cigarette. What other options now available? Plenty of other countries in the world.

As I said previously, it's past its sell-by date. No mystique anymore and lots of Thai intolerance.

Daniel Mills just give up smoking simple !!

Indonesia and Philippines much better

9 times out of 10 you would just receive a fine. And unlike other countries they may just accept a little money on the side to forget they caught you for being dumb in the first place

Vietnam but there is no real red night districts like thai. but so what them hoes aren't everything.

Under Duterte,  the Philippines now has anti-smoking laws which are even stricter than Thailand.

Smoking is prohibited almost everywhere in public, including on the streets, except in so-called 'Designated Smoking Areas' (good luck in finding one of those!). As a visitor, you probably won't be able to smoke in private either, as the hotels are also now non-smoking. The recently reopened Boracay has implement a complete ban on smoking anywhere on the island, and smoking is also banned on beaches nationwide, the same as Thailand.

And yes, the laws ARE being enforced.

Stopping you smoking E-Cigarettes is to save your dignity.  Just like not wearing Crocs !!!  You know the holes are where your dignity leaks out

D.M. you are correct... minus your home country and now Thailand, 189 countries to try on for size.

Tiber Foaming the laws in bacolod are hardly enforced, in a hitch offer a bribe and they accept right away!

Stop smoking its a nasty habit:)

Hey, they have the law against E-ciggarrettes bcuz people were using Canibis oil and opium oil in them. Also they mentioned meth as well. That's why they had to make it illegal.

Stop smoking. Simple 😂

Same as Malaysia don't want to support the Muslim brotherhood organization

A confirmation of your monthly income / pension is still good enough ( right ) and if your authorities do not want to give you this it is not the Thai imigration's fault, it is your idiotic homeland coming up with crap. I can understand Thai authorities they just want to have a confirmation that it really is your money that has given you a residence permit and not as previously anyone could borrow from a rich friend or one of the well-known agencies.

Smart people don't have dead money sitting in a bank, they make it work for them through investments. Having said that, I don't blaim Thai Immi. for requesting it. You have a car accident, lose a leg and then what ???, they don't want to be left holding the baby. 800 00tbh is now about 300 000 aussie peso's, hmmmmmm..............I'll keep visiting for 30 days

You MIGHT be able to use a Thai brokerage account with the funds in Thai government bonds.

Smart people think 800,00 baht is a joke. What kind of return are you hoping to get on such a pittance? Can't even buy a cheap car for that. Maybe Thailand has finally woke up and realized that Western countries are their citizens are broke.

Never forget the Thai Formula.... The love of a Thai Girl is anti proportional to your way to the next ATM...LOLLL

Just wondering how long it will take to get used to the winters in blightey after been here seventeen years!!

Freezing your bollocks off and fucked mate i reckon.

You never got round to do the vlog with Thai Visa Express which you said you were going to do have you?  I got my O-A from London and best thing I did....Agents can get stuffed !!

I obtain my retirement visa in Australia from the Thai Embassy in Australia.  I only need to show I have at least Bt800.000 surrender value in a Govt approved retirement fund in Aus. a medical from my doctor, a police report showing I am free of any outstanding warrants and a bit of paperwork, copies of passport and Aus $275.00. ( all info  on the Thai Embassy web site)

It's quite simple and takes about 10 days and you get an  A  O  multi-entry retirement visa and arrive in Thailand with everything in order ( do it by post).  Come and go out of the country as many times as you like (no charge) and provided you leave and return a few days before it expires you will get an extension for a further 364 days, free.  Yes, altogether 2 years  I wonder if this method of getting a visa which is good for 2 years will remain?

I have been pushing this info on ThaiVisa for years now they have now banned me.  Would you believe after being banned I received an offer from a from someone called ThaiVisa offering me a retirement visa for Bt25,000 and an extra Bt 4000 for a multi-entry visa...all above board...TIT.....I have a Thai retirement visa A  O   M issued in Aus. .  I have never had a bank account in Thailand in 7 years or ever.

Best option for those having to leave thailand, is Cambodia. I do not know about the rules in vietnam or laos.

get ready for high cost mandatory health insurance too or no admittance

Exchange rates are much better now in Philippines and Vietnam and inmigration rules too. And they let expats to buy land, work or have businesses.  It seems they prefere Chinese tourist and residents now in Thailand. Up to them. Moving to another country is really easy in SE Asia, if you only rent.

In the Philippines expats cannot buy land outright. Only in a strata,  so a condo or apartment is ok. They're building many condos in manila and Cebu and alot are for the foreign buyers mainly Chinese. Expats can buy commercial property or start a business only if Filipino owns at least  60% of it. So maybe you build a house but you wont own the land its on. Risky move in my opinion. Lots of racketeers and swindlers there,  it's a culture of corruption in the Philippines.


You can also lease the land for 25 years I believe. And if you are married to a Filipina, you can "buy" the land but it's going to be under her name and if you divorce her, she will own 100% of it.  I also heard the Philippines is making it harder for foreigners to work there because it takes jobs away from locals. This is only fair as the locals should always get the jobs before foreigners.

No one can buy land in Vietnam. It's a long term lease only. Although I'm not sure how long foreigners can lease land for or what the terms and conditions are but it's undoubtedly more restricted than for Vietnamese, who can lease for 70 years and then renew the lease almost automatically after that.

As for work and businesses, Thailand allows foreigners to engage in these just like the Philippines and Vietnam, what are you talking about? I know or have met a number of foreigners running businesses in Thailand and/or working for local/multinational employers and I'm not talking English teaching here.

There are in fact far more westerners employed in Thailand than in Vietnam or in the Philippines. More than 100,000 foreigners have work permits in the Bangkok area alone. I'd be surprised if there were even half that many foreigners working throughout all of Vietnam or the Philippines.

Thailand requires Thais to own at least 51% of a business (up to 100% in a few BOI approved industries though) and as I've just read below your comment it's 60% in the Philippines. So Thailand is slightly less restrictive. Also, these other countries are cracking down on foreigners working and owning businesses as easily as they used to, as they develop they have less need for foreigners like they used to. Eventually they will follow the lead of Thailand in this regard.

Every single immigration crackdown in the last 20+ years has been accompanied by these kinds of predictions, but given that many of the people in question were already in their 60s when I first set foot in Thailand we're talking people with considerably less options than they may have had even 5 years ago (the 2014 crackdown was  a blinder).


The forums are full of people bragging about how they can live on a hundred baht a day (on top of their minimal rent and electricity charges each month) - not my choice but that's a ridiculous number the instant you land in the UK, US, Europe or Australia. I've met young overstayers who were relying on the sale of a motorbike simply to be able to afford the airfare to go home - not an ideal start to life in an expensive country.

Indonesia and the PI would be obvious alternatives - I don't have any direct experience of those countries other than as a tourist but unless you are genuinely willing to rough it I'd think long and hard before trying to make a life in Cambo - kudos to those who can do it but its a long way behind Thailand. I'm content to be able to live in a tropical city 4 hours flight from Singapore, but for some the transition back to their home countries will be a lot more painful. Good luck.

Thailand is having more and more the luxury to choose what guest they allow to stay. The bar will go up even more if not much more in the future.

For your video with the green screen, you can go into the colour balance and fiddle with it to get rid of the green glow around your shoulders and head etc. Can't remember exactly how but plenty of videos out there and once you figure that out you will have a better green screen appearance all the time.

So this will hit those who have fraudulent bank account and balances.....good, these must be the people who are spoiling it for others

So they are just starting to enforce the existing law & closing the loopholes!

Good succinct coverage of the issue. 👍. I agree this will impact those that thought they could blag the system through agents and inaccurate income affidavits. Unfortunate for them but if you bend the rules that's the way it goes. Looking ahead I think the days of getting your first pension cheque and hopping on a plane to LOS to retire will be over. Overall I think it's a good move for those of us that can comply. The bottom line is that if you can't or do not want to comply then leave or don't come.

all that money in the bank plus $2000 a month that should weed out the riff raff

so they want you to put a ton of money in the bank,, to show  that you can support yourself,, but you can not use it to support yourself,, because it has got to sit there,, to show, that its there for you to support yourself

The vast majority of Farang will have no problem dealing with this. The ones who do are simply living on borrowed time at best.If they are that tight on the money one serious health issue would see them done. The days of living in Thailand on fumes are over.

Ehhhhh, not exactly, the pollution levels in Bangkok have reached really serious levels of late.😂

Oh, without doubt that's true. The disappearance of zombie foreigners shuffling around will hurt no one.

Sad for the old guys on the farm with a wife and kids who have been there for many years.   If they have to go and most likely can't take families with them.  Potential social turmoil.   Thailand tends to act impulsively without thinking things through in detail to see all the ramifications.  All that said, I just wonder if this is all about weeding out all the dodgy agents and immigration corruption, as much as it is about the expats.  Just a thought.

Might be a lot more marriage registration going on over the coming weeks.

"That way madness lies..." - Discuss...  ;-)

That's even worse than buying a condo!

Some of us don't have money in the bank, but inverted in real states or something else. We have good pensions and income, but not a lot of money dead at the bank.

Most of the scumbags have the money they've stole from old ladies to show. They should be targeting falangs criminals and with criminal records. Instead they are targeting the wrong people.

Hi Kevin my wife just checked Thai Immigration they said you don’t have to show your bank book every 90 days.

What is not being talked about is that in the future, once there are a few hundred thousand expats with 800k in the thai bank- how the govt will make a rule to keep this 800k somehow. Like say a 3 year visa for 800k compulsory acquisition of bank deposits.
China is taking over thailand right now, buying up tons of properties and businesses in return for the loans china gave to thailand via the belt and road".  Thailand will be a chinese state in 5 years time and the 800k's will be stolen somehow, expats have practically no legal rights in thailand.

If your unable to scratch up $36,000 aud to throw in a long term deposit and leave it then you shouldn't be retiring 😂anywhere lol

I agree.  How the hell can any vaguely competent person in the West get to 50 or more and not have such a modest amount of money saved up at least?

Who are you to tell people what to do?  People are free to do whatever they like on whatever budget they have.  Good luck to those on low incomes who haven't given up on life and still have dreams.

Tha'ts true but a lot of old people help their children and grandchildren so i still feel bad for them.

Shitestirrer69 do you trust a Thai bank with that amount is the question ?

no true some people have worked for 30 plus years and have very little savings but have a pension that can afford them a better standard of living in Thailand than there home

People unable to afford the required amount.. could think about semi-retirement. That is six months in LOS and the other at home. In a way it gives you the best of both worlds. You would need to work out the best time of year to go.. most likely low season which would reduce costs also. While at home maybe try to get some part time or casual work.


Not many people have a six month holiday. And you do not have to do the six months consecutively.. you could do three from Feb to April.... and say three from September to November. I imagine too.. after so many holidays.. you may even spend one full year at home... which may not be possible on a retirement visa. And the beauty is.. you keep control of approx 40,000 dollars.. and not have to prove anything to anyone.

@Stephen Monash that's the best way to do Thailand. Half the year is enough and stops you getting bored. Also if your living in the north or a non tourist place keeps you sane and at least you get some good conversation's for half the year 😁

Retire in Venice Beach instead lol

@Stephen Monash Sound advice, I wouldn't want to retire in any SE Asian nation on FT basis. 3-6mth stints much better idea.

it shouldn't be that bad past 50 year old but I don't like leaving my money in the banks when I can play it in the market make a couple of dollars here and there because you wont get any money in intrest over there and intrest is a wast of time when one short on a penny stock gives me an average of 5 percent

@Cartoon box true ive worked for local council for last 20 years and my pension when i retire in 2 years will only be about £5,500 to £6000 per year (ill get a lump sum of about £5000)


Of course im a quite low paid worker, so even if id worked there all my working life say 40 years i at best would have a pension of about £10 to £11K  + The old age pension, i wish i knew as much about life and money that i know now and i would have had a far better pension to look for ward to, god knows what it is going to be like for 'the ordinary joe' in 30 or so years time, as many youngsters dont seem to have any savings or think about the future,

norris cole until the exchange rate changes and it's off back to the airport, hope they didn't throw that winter coat away on retirement 😎

person X Because if the cost of living in Australia, lack of jobs available, housing/rent costs through the roof....just a few reasons why some people cannot save much of any money anymore

Agree...they should still be manning the fry basket at Micky D's.

The people that retired there 10 or even 20 years ago are the hardest hit by this Rubbish. Forced to leave there families and friends because they just dont have that money any more. It was spent in Thailand. You smart arses  who enjoy seeing people hurt make me not happy.

@Cartoon box Even with the new rules, as long as you can prove that you  are making the monthly minimum on your retirement (65,000 baht or $2,073 American dollars), you do not need any money in the bank.

Bullshit. That's the amount you need if you still think with the head in your pants. If you decide to ignore women and live STD-free, then 10% of that amount plus a normal pension is more than plenty. I have everything I need and go on holidays twice a year.

WHY I do not have more money? Ask my ex's and the courts who stole it.

Most people my age (30s) don't even have a pension - most only just afforded to get a mortgage by 30 and then they're paying for kids now so not much spare cash. I don't know what will happen when they're 70. The government will think of something but it could be awful like low labour work camps.

Who wsnts to keep 800k dead money in an account? If the banks crash soon your fucked,goodbye cash goodbye retirement or whatever

Money doesn’t need to be in a Thai bank, just show proof you have that much in any bank

@person X : divorce wiped me out , my savings was stolen from my account . I was in the process of transferring my retirement at the time my divorce started and the judge declared it regular money and disbursed it to my ex illegally ! so yes it can happen to competent people !


@person X You must lead a sheltered life.  What an idiotic judgemental thing to say!!

@Stephen Monash Semi retirement, with 2 x 3 mth trips a year is a good idea.  And no income or bank balance required.  Just the ability to save enough for each trip.
on,.....tired of the self-righteous expats .

These visa agents aren’t cheap either, I think they charge around 25-35k. If you can afford to pay that just to stay here for the cheap food and fanny, then you are really chasing the dream.

dipshit comment. I have better places to put my money than in a bank doing fucking nothing but lose money. I am retired here for 11 years..... I have started making plans to move to Philippines. Enough of this crap from these money hungry people here.

Well if the 800,000 baht was supposed to be to support yourself and live on....how the fuck are you supposed to live for 3 months after if you can't use any of those funds?  I understand they want people with enough money to stay, but you can't expect them to live on fresh air for 3 months after the start of your visa renewal. Dumb idea IMO.

There you go I'm retired and living in the Philippines none of this bullshit all you need is a PENSION, always keep a couple of grand in the bank for emergencies, I lived in Thailand off and on for 13 years, so I think I know a little bit how it runs

800,000 baht is less than $26,000.00 USD

@Leroy B I was watching a show where bargains could be had for 3.2 million (4 bed/4.5 bath)
med med

Many have vindictive ex wife's that took these guys apart...So easy to give it( £36th is nothing) attitude without the full story,maybe raised 4 kids and paid for their future,and as said 'Retirees' at 64/5 yrs age have no real issue--it will stop benifit cheats that live there thanks to you (taxes),most old guys living there were hard workers not earning a lot,paid their tax and live on not a lot but far far better than can afford here,it can be a lonely in a city when old.

In Thailand and else where-the sun shines,aches disappear,mates sat down on beach wall,good cheap food,a reason to wake up the day--in simple English..living a life..you don't need £36000 for nothing,health Ins very good hosp excellent,and yes-for the gutter minded a Basillion of women in a shape's size and descriptions,lol I live in the Philippines,retired at 50 now 64 and living the dream hahaha enjoy sunny UK or if US-whatever.

I'm nobody, but Thai immigration is somebody crushing your Cheap Charlie dreams :)

Almost £ 20,000 UK interest free dead money, to prop up the Thai banks and Thai BAHT

@Steve J  well obviously that is where the monthly income part comes in to play... You people are ignorant as fuck!

@rhys shine I refuse to comment on this post for many reasons...but thanks for the huge laughs if this was your intentions.

it shouldn't be that bad past 50 year old but I don't like leaving my money in the banks when I can play it in the market make a couple of dollars here and there because you wont get any money in intrest over there and intrest is a wast of time when one short on a penny stock gives me an average of 5 percent)

I think it’s good idea. The government obviously wants to clear the place of any wrongdoing. If your the type of person you gets an agent to lie for you what else are you capable of.

The rules change from month to month and from immigration office to office--but remember as far as govt is concerned--When you suspect conspiracy, its usually incompetence.

Got to have a deposit for the medical system.  Want to drive your scooter drunk into a parked car? That 800,000 baht in the bank is there's  and then some.

Obey the rules of Thailand, be polite and have good manners and you will never have a problem here. The Visa rules change because Farang guys without enough $$$$$$ were getting these "fake financial statements" from their embassies.  And other guys were shifting money around with other expats. Don't even get me started on the bogus education visas. Lol.
When I first started traveling to Thailand, over 30 years ago,  there were guys living here for 15 years on a 30 day visas. Tell me what countries would allow this kind of nonsense. Some I met were on 10 years Overstay.

If you cannot get a proper visa, something is wrong with you and you don't deserve to live here.
But having a younger GF is not illegal and men all over the world, celebrities and guys with money have always been attracted to younger girls. Just don't marry or have a Bar Girl GF. Simple.
I love these foreign guys, who probably don't live here, whining about men dating younger women. LOL. You think Asian men don't do that???


These are usually white guys who have bossy, fat, entitled white wives.  The kind of women who spend their husbands $$$$ and Complain. That is no way to live my friend. There are millions of normal Thai Girls, outside Pattaya, that would be a wonderful companion for guys who behave and treat them well.

It might actually be smart for someone to have stashed away 800,000 Bahts, since the Baht has been one of the strongest currencies in the world, imagine it going to 28:1 US$, what would you require to achieve 800,000 bahts? Stash fast if you ask me.
If you can't afford $25,550, don't retire, go work in your home country till you can afford to. Just my 2 bits.

kev this is  right thai immigration reguirement you need have a medical insurance befoe you can renew you visa this going new low coming in very soon did you here about this

F**k !! That's totally ridiculous I will never deposit that amount of money in a foreign bank. I lived in Thailand for over 18 months on a retirement Visa. I only had to show proof of pension and bank statement from the US. But when you're talkin about depositing money. No thank you I'll go retire someplace else. No wonder there's a half a million Condominiums units available in Thailand. I guess they're waiting for the food vendors to purchase then..😂🤣

I heard a lot about the so called crack downs but I have been in and out 13 times in the last 12 months from Australia and have never had anything from immigration except a smile.

For god sake wake up, all they want to do is use you, be it the government, the woman.wake up to yourselves

If you put the cash in the foreign cash side of your bank it should always remain till you have to do a runner  yes

United States needs to adopt these policies, send  all the dirt bags packing back to where they came from . This eliminates pretty much all of the riff raff who are just trouble anyway, no money and they’re looking to scam and rob and deceive you.

However, if you’re more concerned with this policy, there are other options, like Vietnam, great people, affordable living and even more lenient than Thailand, requirements are pretty loose . Your money will go farther . And it has everything that Thailand has to offer .

Don't kid yourself.  Cheap immigrant labor (often undocumented/false) is what sustains US agriculture, hotel, leisure, catering & many more.  They pay their taxes,  they work harder than US citizens, & they don't join in the US predeliction for mass shootings, murder in schools etc.

Sure that will happen [ sarcasm ].... Poiticians in this country dont give a damn about anything but money... and how it pertains to votes. This goes for both Dem and Republicans.

@Mike Harrington you've clearly never been/ lived in to any sanctuary cities. Immigrants largely come for the welfare

@Mike Harrington yeah.... that is like new slavery or indentured.... not good for real citizens either. There are legal ways... Look at New Zealand migrant worker process. USA has it also, but is being IGNORED by assholes, politicians and thieves. Too lazy to do it right so they just TAKE. Not good at all.

@Alasdair Blackmore So three figures worth of people vs 8 figures?

United States can't have that law because the Americans never owned this country to begin with. Everyone besides the American Indians and Latinos are immigrants.

Asian Countries besides Australia and New Zealand are owned by Asians. It's our land from the very beginning. So we can make laws to keep foreigners out.

I have to agree if these "Asylum seekers" want into the US bring cash, lots of it to prove that you will not be a burden to the system and the hard working tax payers, If they need health care they pay for it out of pocket, educate there kids pay for private schools Etc. And if you are in the country illegally instead of deportation instead 3-5 years of hard labor and there employers get fined $15,000 per month of employment!!!

Until this country gets its act together our taxes will just rise and the quality of living in the US will go down. Thailand has there policy down and even with these rules in place I still am planning on spending my retirement exploring Asia with Thailand as my home base.

Latinos have there roots from Spain from Europe. Everything south of the US is 3rd world. My wife is from Brazil i have been there as well ad others. Fair means fair. My wife gets angry that she had to go through the process while others dont. Btw find native Americans in Mexico, cental America and south America and see how they felt about there ancestors getting slaughtered by the Spanish.

@Cuckasaurus Rex  you mean the hundreds of home-grown shithole communities like New Camden, Detroit, Cleveland etc?  You can judge how civilized a country is by how it treats it's poorest, most deprived people.  On that basis the US, also the richest country in the world, can't lecture any other countries on their people.   Plus the USA needs to get Its own house in order because it indirectly generates most of the crime in S America from its extreme & insatiable desire for drugs.  If the demand wasn't there .. .. ..

Yea u injuns gotta get rid of the cowboys first huh?

Yes toss out the freeloaders. The American Indian is tired of poor cheap fucks stealing land and resources for centuries.

Kev when iI retire in 2020 I wont have to worry about any of this as already I have he amounts covered to obtain and maintain a Thai retirement visa! but thanks for sharing!

The 6 "P"'s
I could add 1 more P in there but I will keep it clean!

About time Thailand clamped down on Cheap Charlies. :)

so the super rich are about to start coming to Thailand in there droves ?? I don't think so ha ha .. Thailand needs the cheap Charlie's in some ways..

@Matt - Of course, they do and so do the small local businesses.

I am a cheap charlie who refuses to pay overpriced beers at bars and rather buy them at stores with legit Thai girls lol.

Ha! There are more "Cheap Charlies" in Thailand than in the EU. But not for long....

I'll be back in Pattaya the end of March.
With all that's going on there in Thailand it might be cheaper if I have my girl friend just Move in with Kev..... when Im away...……….. Yeppers,  good idea  Pat myself on the back for that one...…..

Keg I'm thinking of leaving BMW and retiring to thailand as I will be 60 lucky i have a 26 years final earnings pension  in three years time I will have a deposit of 5,320,900.00 baht and an monthly income of 65,488.00 baht
I'm hoping this will be enough as I don't want to sell my holiday home in Spain.

get the shit out of your mouth i can't understand you? but thank for trying to explain it!

Not sure how this  changes things if you apply for retirement Visa / Non immigrant OA  Visa from your  country of residence maybe the easier way .
10 months ago
SO sixty and over , your alright ??? 20,000 a month or 2000000 in bank, for newbee also i hope ???

To require money and not give it back when leaving is stealing their thieves.

This is ridiculous. Why the hell must I give a Thai bank full use of MY money, and deny myself access to it?

Thailand escapades

philippines is the place to live imho now,money goes a long long way further than thailand and most folk speak english.....see ya

Horrible food in the Phils tho.

The phillipines is much more dangerous place to live than Thailand.  People will kill you for 50 bucks in the flips.

N plenty of promiscuous young ladies r waiting in droves 4 the lollies from dirty old men coming down the phillippine airport.

@MGTOW_ Beto .....good ....do not even think eating chinese food...

I'm retiring there ^ - ^

Strong Herd

Morons who commented and bad mouthing about the negatives of the Philippines are just ignorant and havent had experienced living longer here. Certified idiots who are just trolls and bigots

For some reason PH ladies and ladyboy's are not all that hot looking.

Wait a second so even tho I have a 2200 us dollar a month pension I can't move to Thailand. Wow this will hurt Thailand in long run but will lower prices for those there so some will win some will lose

No Big Deal, The Thai Gov. will be reeling from this when half of the exPats pack up and leave. Many un-Employable Hookers in the Street, giving it away! Oh Boy!

Sorry, I have never asked the Australian Embassy to verify my income.  I have only ever asked them to witness my signature on the statutory declaration.

Philippines is cheaper and easier to live in i think. thailand is great for a holiday but the visa situation is just a nightmare.

could you do the next video without the annoying smacking at the end of every sentence. #shady palms retiring home

That is why i live in the Philippines no visa problems

Are you "Bricktops" brother or related to Alan Ford ?  Were you an ex boxing agent and do you own a pig farm in Chon Buri?  Do you know what Nemesis means 😂😂😂✌👍

Cut back on that Starbucks coffee you have daily, $3 time 5 =$15/week or $60 per month or $720/year, do that with a few items and you're going to save $26K pretty fast, its all a sacrifice, but then it also depends on how much you earn.

Why no mention by you, Kev, of the 65k per month deposit method that is available to all? The news reporter briefly mentioned it, and yet you didn't?

big deal I have 10 times that in checking I thought he was drunk couldn't even understand what he was saying.  I come twice a year for two weeks and bring 250,000 baht to piss away if I was going to retir it would be to manilla

what if an american falls in love with a transgender and cant afford the minimum $24000 to sponsor HER yes her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to bring to the usa? and want to move in with her! sad glad im with pinoy not thai

Doesn't seem too bad, certainly not as much as other countries I'm researching for retirement visa's which is my goal. Both the minimum bank balance and/or monthly income is not unreasonable that age 55 is a sweet spot for me. I can see how this may affect others winging it on much less but honestly if your wanting to live abroad and no emergency nest egg is risky, 800k baht is about half of what I was thinking of having in a foreign bank anyway.

"I'll be staying" lol. Couldn't stop laughing.  Doubt the few thumbs downers will be. Good info not that I'm retiring soon.

Showing 800k THB in a Thai bank reducing to 400k after three months shouldn’t bother someone who is genuinely retired here.

That’s very mild. Just means you keep less in hard currency. No reason why you can’t adjust  and transfer living money when rates are best. Still if you’re dodgy and this upsets you you’ll just have to get over it. 🙏😎

Only affects guys that have to slim shady their way in.

Gee Kev you have lost a lot of weight, you ok?

Who makes 800K a month in retirement.  That’s is just crazy.  I know nobody in Thailand makes that in a pension.    Crazy numbers

Yeah, they don't like foreigners in case you haven't figured that out yet.

That amount of money is such a small amount to put in a Thai bank. If you can't afford to risk such a small amount then you have no business living in another country at retirement age

Maybe if you are a multi-millionaire. Otherwise $36k could be invested much better than leaving it in a bank.

KrOjah 1 isn’t the law that you only need to have 2k in your account per month?

That’s hardly anything

This issue is less important to me than the terrible pollution, hellish weather(esp. considering climate change) and the crazy dangerous roads

800k is about £20,000.
If you haven't got that much money as a safety net in later life, something's gone wrong.

Huh? I do not get it, you say thousands may leave and you sound very negative on it but then you also agree with the new measures? I also agree to much corruption in Thailand already and to cook the books to allow someone to stay.


Many are saying the Philippines are better but they are more corrupt and poorer than Thailand is. I never see starving people in Thailand even the beggars look well fed. But if you keep turning a blind eye to expats milking the system that will put a strain on the economy.

@Greg it's a way to catch views. The selfish guy will gave less competitors this way.

So that's what 30,000 USD? Why is this a big deal for anyone?

Seems awful dramatic for my tastes.

Jesus.  I can't understand a word this guy says.

By the way , I am thinking of building an 30 rooms apartment ( not exceeding 4,000 B. monthly)  for rent in Pattaya . I am a contractor. Thank you.

at 22bht to the aussie dollar i went back to Australia i get rent assistance free medical utility rebate i know its dearer here but not by much these days

They want more rich Chinese,  not westerners, they have the money, and the Chinese government controls Thailand.  My good friend is Thai( and very rich and is a lawyer) and confirms this. There is even dedicated Chinese immigration lanes for Chinese citizens.

She also advises anyone putting that amount of money into a Thai bank, and buying property is asking for trouble. She says if your removed from the country or denied re-entry your risking loosing your money and property.

Your friend is exactly right. Buying property in Thailand is very foolish imo.

Nah. That's a conspiracy theory. China doesn't control Thailand - if they did, Chinese would be able to work and own businesses, do what they want in Thailand like they can in Laos (and to some extent also, Cambodia). Thailand is nowhere near that level and in fact, successive Thai governments have always emphasized the need to protect their borders including preventing land purchases to foreigners because otherwise, China would buy up the whole country.

They want richer foreigners - they even have new visas especially for westerners from about 14 countries (don't think China is included) but the catch is you need like 3 million Baht in the bank, a figure not many westerners seem to have.

There are dedicated lanes for Chinese because almost 10 million of them visit Thailand every year compared to maybe 2-3 million (at most) westerners of ALL nationalities combined. So in other words, there are 3-5 times MORE Chinese than westerners. Look around you, the Chinese are coming in sheer numbers it's got nothing to do with discrimination or preferences but with economics and numbers.

The Chinese are often despised by everyday Thais who find them rude and cheap.

Also, if anything Thailand is more generous towards westerners in a number of ways:

1) most westerners can enter Thailand visa free, generally for up to 30 days, meanwhile Chinese need either a 15-day visa on arrival (which they have to pay for except sometimes when they make it free) or a visa in advance.

2) In 2016, to prevent traffic problems, environmental issues, accidents etc. Thai customs and the Land Transport Department introduced new rules for foreign vehicles (except those from a few neighboring countries with existing bilateral agreements with Thailand like Laos, Malaysia and Singapore) to get a permit and later on, a guide to bring in their vehicles for tourism purposes. This was aimed mainly at the Chinese, but applied to all, at least in theory.

Being Thailand, there are some loopholes and some borders are now allowing third country vehicles in without guide and permit as long as they aren't Chinese. Most of these vehicles are registered in Europe and such places and driven by westerners. This means westerners are secretly being granted permission to drive their vehicles into Thailand even though a law has been made requiring permits, but it's only being enforced on the Chinese.

And of course, it makes sense - the Chinese came in droves, whereas westerners only ever came in trickles. Westerners rarely have accidents, the Chinese have a lot. Plus there is the need for reciprocity - the Chinese require permits and guides for Thai vehicles so it makes sense why Thailand would implement the same rules for Chinese.

Theyre herding expats and getting them slowly cornered to a point where many must return to theyre country of origin or elsewhere.....most ASEAN countries will adopt this...globalism at work.

I think the thai govt is trying to soften the blow for when the baht starts to fall, and i think its coming soon. Its way over priced and the value just isnt there anymore. If they can suck in all that foreign capital its the expats that will end up loosing, not the thai banks.

No. Banks never lose, just their customers.

how much do they want to see if your just visiting on the visa free for 30 days,kev

They never ask for proof of funds if you come in on a 30 day stamp. But for a month you need about $1000-$2500 depending on your style.

I keep my money in gold and will not do what these thais want me to do with my own savings!
I only stay here 6 months a year so in case of a problem, I just get a 2 x 3 months visa.
I guess thousands of foreigners will leave soon! Thailand will loose billions upon billions of baht and I am sure a lot of small businesses will loose out on all this mess!!

As the sun slowly sinks into the west, we bid farewell to sunny Thailand, land of cut-price massages,  cheap beer, food courts, and their fun-loving expat retirees inhabitants, living off their pensions waiting for their divorce settlement to come through.

Great info straight down the line and informative. Might sound cruel but if you have not got 19k spare when you retire to Thailand maybe its not a good idea. Thumbs up. I would do the next best thing and go for a nice long holiday every year plus you can spend the 19-20k.

I could see prices still rising if they want to generate the same revanew they will need to charge more. I think this will effect many who would come there to vacation and see if it's some place they would like to move to. They will not even go now. But I might be completely wrong

Maybe they want Westerners out to make room for the Chinese.

its not much money, ahahahahahah,

What protections are in place that guarantee you won't lose the deposit you make into a Thai bank?  I think many people would think it a risky thing to do.

Exactly right, and there's not much to prevent the bank from just stealing it....especially in Thailand.

Goodaye Kev, Thanks for the clear and simple explanation of what I say on ThiaVisa.com today.
Yep looks like the old days of coming here with almost no money and living a subsistence lifestyle with no financial prudent reserve are over.

For me the idea of living in Thailand with no savings, well, to the point of freaking out (as lots of folks seem to be doing i.e. a few forums I listen, read, & watch, and Thai Falang news broadcasts), at the news they are now lawfully expected to have approximately 25K AUD in the bank pretty much year round excluding other monies to live on in-country is foolish thinking. To live on the edge like folks do in a foreign country that provides no contingency to support falangs is fraught with future impending disaster.

I'm with Shitestirrer69 in his/her remarks that if you haven't got at least, at the very very least this much savings APART FROM A MONTHY NCOME then you should not be  living in Thailand in this day and age.

In the past it was possible to live and slip through but now the rules and living costs, exchange rates, currency values make one persona-non-grata to the Thai govt.

You've lived there for years Kev, I lived there in 2012 and worked legally for that year and have been annually and bi-annually travelling and living months at a time in-country for a decade.
I have a sane group of friends who are retired there, some  still working and running businesses offshore, both married and single so i have a decent ear to the ground.

The idea that anyone can live and nurture themselves (unless they live as a yogi or a monk  in levels of abstinence and frugality), In my opinion cannot live a reasonable moderate level on less than $1500 AUD a month.

I know folks who live on the edge and have for 20 years there. Shitty accommodation, no motorsai or one so old its not safe to ride pillion on !, eat half the time by getting other visiting falangs to feed them, always late with rent and make illegal livings and frantic border runs add-infinitum, the stress levels of the folks I have known who live this way aren't living a quality of life I would consider at all healthy.

I guess it will be folks like this that will be outed asap after march 1

It always amuses me when people claim you need at least 35,000 ฿/mon. (or whatever amount) or you must be living this appalling life that you so colourfully describe. There is a world of experience between these two extremes of which such people seem to be unaware, and seem to comment from, I'm afraid to say, ignorance.

I rent a 2-year-old detached house in Chonburi, own a new car that is serviced annually by Honda, socialise to my heart's content, have 800K in the bank, have not had a problem with Thai Immigration in 21 years... and live here very comfortably (in none of the conditions you erroneously describe) for around half the minimum figure you quote.

I don't send money 'up-country', I don't entertain 'ladies of the night', I don't drink, and I don't eat in the more expensive farang restaurants - partly because I'm a good cook.

Occasionally I splash out: travel around SEAsia; just bought a new 50" TV; which, of course, are additional costs... and am enjoying my retirement.

But I still live very comfortably here for 16-18,000 ฿/month. I'm sorry you probably won't want to believe this...  ;-)

I don't doubt there are expats here living on the edge... but they only need 15,000 to have a decent life - depending on how they spend it - not this magical figure of 35,000. Let alone the higher figures that many others claim. I'm sorry to find your comment amusing...

@Harry inHuaHin People who think they need 35k baht/month to live here either don't live here, or live in expat villages where costs are higher - similar to in Western countries.  it's just not necessary to live like that for anyone who makes the effort to learn the 'ropes'

800,000 baht seems big but it is only £20,000, so is not a lot of money for a lot of people.

It is if you only have £20,120 :-)

This is the start. They don't want people to retire there. Holidays fine work and pay taxes fine. Live out your final years on a shoestring, Sorry boys the party's over. Go home.

Good information to know. Have you talked with any expats who will be affected by this change? What are they planning to do? Leave or try and come up with the money to stay?

NOTHING wrong with this the UK should do the same !!Sympathy factor zero !

So, (good news) if you are over sixty.. and were once happily living in LOS... for two decades.. lol.. you only have to have a quarter of the required amount of funding in the bank.. OR an income stream of twenty thousand baht... ..Interesting times Kev...

This as I see it is just part and parcel of Thailand's effort to rid itself of the Negativity received from the rest of the world and aim for new markets..I have been enjoying Thailand since 1990 and the changes are enormous and widespread...the Chinese the Indians and others are now visiting and spending money not in the same ways as many have since the late 60s..times change attitudes change Thailand will continue to change.. For those who go there for one thing enjoy it while you can...or find pastures new.

my long established and reputable visa company told me that the 800,000 three months before/Three months after the extension and, then keeping a remaining 400,000 balance that cannot be touched, is only for first-time retirement visa requests.

if you are renewing an established retirement visa you are free to repatriate or spend this money immediately after your visa is renewed.

this means 800,000 for three months prior to renewal only. if you are a first timer, these rules will apply; but only the first time you are applying.

the next year the rules are simply 800 for three months prior. this seems to be at least a policy that can be justified on rational grounds - even if that is not the genuine reasoning behind it.

Simple answer go to a more ex pat friendly country PHILIPPINES

Sure that’s a great place to get robbed or shoot at No thanks

Thailand losing its niche really fast. i lived there 1.5 years between 2013-14 and it was okay. i was 26 years old at the time and talked to lots of retirees and they mentioned the good old days. I also stayed in Phnom Penh for couple months and enjoyed it more because it was a low tourist destination in my time. i really want to go back to Cambodia and visit Vietnam for the 1st time.

Okay... for years Thai immigration requirements were (and are) ฿65K per month documentable income, or ฿800K in the bank for 3 months, or a combination of both. My understanding is that Thai Immigration said it would no longer accept the Affidavit of Income, but instead require expats to show documentation when filing for an extension of stay. There are a lot of expats in Thailand who shouldn't be here... the Thai's should enforce their laws... I don't see the problem. As other's have stated, if the countries of West enforced their laws... enough said.

If I have a steady proven. income of.   $ 2000 USD A Month I stll have to have $36,000 k in there bank to retire there.

The reporter on 103 FM says:" Those who are over 60 are qualified for a much lower sum on the bank, 200.000 on the bank or 20,000bath in pension per month". We will see how it goes...

Want to live in Thailand? Follow its rules or leave the country n go somewhere else

Been living in Thailand for 6 yr now and I'm not surprised... The longer I stay the more stupid this country seems to me. What're they gonna do when "farangs" chose to go elsewhere?

Cambodia is nice. So is Vietnam. But anyhow I would wait for the elections. When the local businesses and condo builders see a good percentage of their customer base shrinking, it will be the usual wink wink nudge nudge. The military government hyasn't exactly been very smart.

so i guess no problem than for the begium pensioners. the minimum pension is still around 65000 bht, and if you have worked your whole life, you still have at least 800,000 bht savings.anyway

Kev I noticed the change in Thailand's  attitude more militaristic approach  towards Westerners.   ESPECIALLY IN THE LAST 5. YEARS     I sold my house in  Patty  2012.  I ( WAS)   living in KORAT.   but   Now  This day   I'm  visiting  and currently  in the Dominican Republic, since leaving Thailand in. November     I have  been going to Beautiful Thailand since 1998.       It is not a beautiful atmosphere anymore .
For all I  will get is the  (opportunity to  stay there   to  build their   economy  by spending more  of MY  MONEY  ) !!

on top of what they will no doubtably  begin will Tax IT    

 For whatever their  Immigration reasoning Is. You notice we've   Begin to Hear and witness  happening to us  at border crossings or Airports or immigration offices.  where their Officials  work and  my. wake up angry. with a Military empowered  nationalist  attitude.  Then take the opportunity to  Interpret the laws based upon   (They don't like  something  of you)
How in  da Fk are you's  going to protect your   £30 sterling. from seizure. ???   after Your behind is booted from the Country or denied entry  for whatever reasons     Which has been more of a  possibility  and  Has been happening  in these past 2 years .


 All I'm HEARING IS The  Propaganda ( "I'M  GETTING THE PRIVILEGE TO SPEND MY MONEY THERE.    )   ONLY   Being  monitored like  Criminal in a  East Germany Communist  Stazi military  dictatorship If you want to know what is happening Take a short trip To China

be a.   A British Canadian or American citizen you will experience a different atmosphere of investigation for your reasons for being in that country Thailand is Now in Lock step with them    none can refute this and they Have set the stage for a rapid Mass incarceration of all Foreign nationals of western citizenship that is the motivation for militarizing Immigration Thats China's policy  YOU'S BETTER HAVE  PRUDENT  EXIT STRATEGY and Keep in touch with your Embassies Consulates


anybody says  different You're stupid.  You's  better  consider heading  to
Cambodia  Laos or Vietnam   "PHILIPPINES   and Just   Only  Doing  VISA runs to Thailand be wise in these times use the big head and not the little one

Smart move selling out! Not sure about the DR tho. Have wanted to visit, but I've heard mixed opinions of the place.

Great Info Kev,  I really can't see a big problem with this change, but then I am not an expat living there, I just like to visit once in while, so it doesn't affect me personally.  I am an avid hunter and fisherman, and gun collector, so I could never retire there, but I do understand why many would love it there.  Best of luck to all those thinking about making LOS their dream retirement destination.  Anyways, Take Care My Friend, Stay Safe, Be Well,     Mac from Georgia (USA)

So in a Nutshell great news for those over 60 nothing changes... and for those under 60 who probably shouldn't be retired anyway or have £20K in savings or a pension income to meet the new levels..how have these people been surviving anyway?????

Don’t forget you will get some interest on the 800k in the bank. It’s not completely dead money. Can’t see what all the fuss is about. If you can’t come up with 800k then it’s best you keep working ole maties....

You have probably already seen this... but just in case I am sending it to you.
3 options:

1) have an income over 65,000 baht per month.
2)800,000 baht must be in the account at least two months before applying for the visa (permit to stay) and must remained in the account for at least three months after the visa has been issued, the remaining 6 months the account cannot drop below 400,000 baht.
3) keep 400,000 in the bank year round and show at least 400,000 baht income per year.


I don't know why anyone can afford to retire in Thailand now its F#$ken expensive.
The fact is is that Thailand simply doesn't want you ( but they love your money).
They want tourists that spend $300 a day not old guys spending $300  a week.
I love Thailand but it's no cheaper than anywhere else now .
Unless you just want to sit on the beach and read the paper.
Love the videos mate keep it up

Why is it a mess ? Retiring to Thailand is a privilege not a right. I'm still hoping they make medical insurance a requirement. I wonder if the "Marriage VISA" will be affected in any way. It's their Country and they can make the rules best suited to their requirements - if people don't like it they can go home or relocate. The Chief of Immigration is cleaning up the system and closing loopholes that so many have abused in the past. He is to be commended for his diligence and efforts in "fixing" the system.

Most of the changes apply to those who can not use income letters from embassy or consulate because their countries stop issue them, for all others it is business as usual and no changes, only show a incomletter signed by embassy for a new 1 year extension of stay.

kev I would think if you retire you should have more than 800000 in your bank account all the time anyway,even if just for emergency purposes

I sort of agree, when I was there at 35 I felt impervious,  . . ''bad health'', what was that ?? but at 60 or 65, unless you have decent health insurance one would definitely need at least that much in the event of myocardial infarction. Funerals cost money too.

Over 60s only need 200000.

I can’t believe all the bitching. No one’s entitled to live in a foreign country.

@Tom Andrus Tell that to the thousands of central-americans and mid-easterners who are heading to the southern border of the USA with criminal intent and an expectation of crashing the border.

If one buys a condo with cash money transferred from overseas (1st class bank), is it enough or you still need the 800,000 Tbt in the bank for 5 months, which later becomes constant plus a prove of 20,000.- Tbt living expenses. They are in the right, they want to stop all the rif rafs coming to stay in Thailand. They intend to upgrade the EX-pats living in their country on regular basis.

The main thing buying a condo gets you is them having more leverage over you. If you are not Thai, you will never really be a Thai resident, you will always be a foreign visitor.

Kev people complain about London that it’s expensive yes it is but you pay the price .? You must understand in Thailand they have many people over 50 who don’t have 800 000 in the bank and they want to separate the wheat from the tears you have so many men on the streets in Pattaya who have been thrown out of the house what they bought for the wife or girlfriend and these same men are using bent agents so we have to understand from their point of view Kevin mate .


And their looking for people who have 65 000 every month which you can live a decent life on middle class living . Now if you can’t afford it get a 6 month visa and then you can get it extended for three more months as JC says theirs always an option Kevin I retire in 10 years so I am preparing if I don’t die before or get sick it’s a bonus . 800 000 isn’t a lot of money

Why dont you stop complaining and retire in your own country ?

You don't look well , you need to get a check up !.

I Had not planned on using agents, but not being able to get affidavit of income will be a pain.

Oh thought this was pertaining to visits. This is about moving to the country. XD I got really anxious I am planning a trip this year.

EDIT: this is probably why the baht is getting weaker in the past 6 months. Serious google the exchange rate for USD to Baht. I should exchange now in case it goes back up. 100 USD get my 3-4 thousand Baht.

Thai people are saying its too many losers here short and sweet.

You are no Rex Harrison Keth. More Eliza Doolittle.

Informative and useful but, let's be clear, if you correctly satisfy the Visa requirements, and don't cut corners, then you have no issues. This is more of a stronger implementation of the existing requirements rather than anything new. As for the whole bank balances/income requirements, let's be real, the figures are hardly high and reflect sensible minimum resources that everyone should realistically have when considering to live in Thailand.

800K Bht is only £20k; is that really a lot of money for a retiree? Still sounds like peanuts to me, what is all the fuss about?

Problem is a lot of retirees have their money tied up in assets that produce income and dont have a lot of cash. It will make you cash out of investments for cash to deposit in an account that earns nothing, then you loose the income from the original investment. Thailand isnt looking out for retirees, they are looking to suck in cash. When the thai baht has to revaluate itself against foreign currencies the new exchange rate will crater those retirees holdings.

Willy Jimmy it’s only £20k. If you don’t have that kind of money knocking around by your 50’s and 60’s; should you be really living half way across the world anyway?

@Willy Jimmy well that's dumb then - you still need cash to live. If you are renting out a property back home then that produces income - which if you're living in Thailand should be transferred here in order to meet the financial requirements to get a visa AND to support yourself. That should be in addition to a stash of cash you have lying around for a rainy day.


Anyone who doesn't have a bare minimum of 20K Pounds equivalent in the bank when they retire is asking for trouble. Stop justifying cheapness. I thought westerners were universally supposed to be rich, but everywhere I look everyone is either poor, cheap or extremely frugal.

Brian H not really, you could pull £20k from your pension and stick it in a Thai bank account. Job done. What kind of people don’t have £20k in their pensions by their 50’s?

As for the Phillippines is a concern if you are not married to a native you cant by properties

The only ones it should worry is the people who is cheating the system but for everyone else nothing has changed.

The cheaters are those with no pension evidences except phony Embassy verifications and those especially those with 800,000 and using fraud farang agencies.

800.000 bat are a lifetime wage for locals. It's totally unjustified. This is a racist and feminist manoeuvre by the west's servant Thai govt.

So what they're saying is.... Thailand is going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it.

I hope the same applies to marriage visa re the 200,000 bht instead of 400,000 mate,its a pain having to have it in the bank, what I don't understand is what its for because you are not allowed to touch it.

Twelve years ago I married a thai woman. I bought a small house and we have travelled around the country quite often. I have the required money in the bank, since day one. Four years ago, I bought the rai of land adjoining ours. Over time weve fitted automatic irrigation. We now have a large natural pond which we use on our land. Too old for more kids, ive learned to live and enjoy family. My thai family. Y income is the British old age pension.


Which is adequate for us to continue as previous years. Were retired. I love it. Always warm. A bit like id expect my life in the UK to be. Only warm and less clothes. Were growing about sixty assorted fruit trees amongst assorted veg. I realise my income is not high. But our life style fits it ok.. our house is as ost free as any other property could be.

My diet consists of thai food and drink. No alcohol for some years. I hope to go on another ten or so years. And hope If my finances dont fit any adjusted sums, that I will be accepted as a retired man, spending his funds , living peacefully with my neighbours and not causing trouble or harm to anyone.

And should I have to start worrying financially, i trust the authorities will recognise the good years Ive given and bought cars, property etc, during my younger years. In fact, I suspect If I didnt qualify to remain here with my wife, in my home, i might simply just stop driving and forget documents. I simply could not go back to a life in my homeland. Whatever happens. And I hope the authorities might ecognise and accept this. State of affairs.


Although my wife was not given consent by my government to remain long term in my country. These changes related to qualifying for visas etc, re a problem and currently at 80 years old, Im not looking forward to the travel and trouble of complying .

I hope as I get a bit older, they might overlook the need for someone of my age to rush about like all you youngsters on the beach and booze and let me carry on gently watering my plants from the well Ive had dug 120 foot down in case of drought. My roots are here now. With the plants. Im accepted.

Maybe what we really need is a pan-SE Asian comparative video on retirement visas and other pros and cons. Get some competition going. Malaysia, I think, is friendlier, as is the Philippines. Some countries want the money and have a better attitude. The thing about Thailand IMO is that it has few glaring weaknesses...other places usually have something that counts as a strong negative, despite positives.


But things are ever-changing and Pattaya is again overrun by tourism (Chinese could really smother it) while the infrastructure is behind and it's getting traffic-choked. I think 1995 would have been the best year to retire there. Paul Manafort could have just taken the consulting money from Ukraine and done very well by skipping the ostrich coats and just going to Thailand.

This should weed out the cheats (agents and clients!) and those working who should not.

For those moaning about the amounts... even at 40 baht to the £ its only £20k. If you haven't  got that then stay in the UK as you really don't have the reserves to live in a foreign country.

And those moaning about the fairness of it all, compare it to anyone trying to retire TO the UK. No chance!

So the banks make a bunch of money, and accounts pay interest to account holder?

Excellent information Kev. It is what it is. I can see a lot of people choosing to go elsewhere. In my humble opinion, it sucks. But I understand why it is done. On the other hand. If after decades of working and one doesn't have the equivalent of 800,000 baht to leave in a Thai bank account, maybe they should consider staying home. I'm sure some may want to shoot me for stating that.

Think I'd rather put it into a decent RV and tour the Peloponnese with my dog, I might even bring the missus along occasionally. 😂

#MisterMitch ... Having that amount of cash money in a bank account that doesn't pay any interest is not a smart thing at all. Not in Thailand and definitely not in the UK, Europe or the US. People that got money rather invest it into something solid that produces a bit of gain, don't you think. In other words, putting 800K Baht into a Thai Bank account is a pure luxury which only allows you to stay in the Kingdom.

MisterMitch sorry why stay home there are other countries with better than Thailand , the Philippines for example is the only country in South East Asia where Brits get their annual state pension raise unlike in Thailand where your stuck on the rate you landed there until you leave so it’s not all doom and gloom and Thailand isn’t the only country in South East Asia expats can go

Over 60 they only need $6,300 in the bank OR a $640/mo pension. If they can’t come up with that they’re damn near homeless. Why would Thailand want them?

Many of those unable to establish the minimum also don't have health insurance, and they are a problem, especially since so many are fat drunks.  Not all mind you, but many.  Some are grifters, and don't belong.

YOU just take your money out the bank if you leave no problem.@Robert Hersey

@Traveling Man no. You lose then the day you deposit them.

I know 3 frangs who will not be able too meet these requirements.
Some years back the Visa agent I use told me that the Thai Police introduce ‘new’ laws when it dawns on them that frangs are breaking the law blaently.
I have several million Baht in the bank as I have a suspect heart condition. I know
I could not obtain the nessasary medical treatment without showing the money prior to surgery.
If folk cannot afford Thailand please leave go and stop queering the pitch for the rest of us.

RETIREMENT IN THAILAND AND THE NEW IMMIGRATION LAWS  Milking the farang cow .Another way to  contribute at the economy of Thailand , and keep the Thai government   smiling.Anyhow im looking for another destination for my retirement .To much hassle and too many complications

simple solution of the problem i live as sparingly as possible at the time this leads to the next time before the renewal of my Retirement visa less transfer to my thai bank account than the previous year and if I follow it this way, less and less money will be required annually .You see there is always a way to wait for the necessary exchange rate change in our favor just stay cool and the economic development will force the current policy and the baht to those necessary changes in that sense Jai yen yen

Retirees need to have money in the bank otherwise they are no use to anyone. Euthanasia needs to be legalised

Sad,,,the whole freaking world is following Americas lead forcing laws to control our lives and steal freedom

Hope that Greg hasn't burned all of his/her trust fund money. The members of the Pattaya flying club might increase this year ..


Another reason to NEVER buy Thai real estate....they may eventually lock you out of the country! And most people would rather keep their money safe in a Western bank.
Paul Mitford
Paul Mitford
10 months ago
Thousands of  Thai   women  and their kids will  starve when white, old,  rich men stop touring  or retiring inThailand.

I thought that "income" is not allowed on a retirement visa. Only the adequate money in the bank.

Nope...You can have income and be retired. You can't have a retirement Visa and a Thai work permit (obviously).

£20k nest egg in a bond or ISA accounts as proof of sustainability should be doable for a lot of Ex-Pat wannabe retirees. I mean why go to Thailand if you can't afford at least 20-25K plus your monthly pension for day to day living anyway?

You can see the long term plan by Thai immigration,

They aren’t so keen on the low spenders retiring there , and are making it more difficult for them to do so

Probably would be for the best. They should raise the bar a little bit... clear out some of the lower level rift raft...

Since the objective is to assure that an expat has sufficient income or eqivalent cash reserves for 1 year, I'm wondering if they would accept a cash reserve that would make up for the shortfall of an income below 65,000 bot per month.  For example, if an expat had a monthly income of 60,000 bot (720,000 bot per year), then an additional 80,000 bot in cash would bring the total amount up to the minimum 800,000 bot cash requirement.

Hi mate! Well, there's nothing much we can do about the new regulations that will come into effect by 1st March.... as you mentioned earlier. It will be unfortunate for most pensioner and retirees. Nevertheless, it will also put a stop to those "criminals" who eye on foreigners to make big bucks while doing things illegally.

Don't worry about it.... if Thailand is not opening its doors as it use too, their economy and tourism will have an impact..... a bad impact, that is...... so, where to go next? Well, there are many countries to choose from such as Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia and even Vietnam. Hope everything goes well for you and the gang, mate. Cheers!

People were leaving for Cambodia, Phillipines or Vietnam 10 years ago.  Thailand is getting richer now and they don't want dead beats screwing up there Navana 😯😐

if you get married to a thai how much income do you need to have,i herd it was only 20,000 baht a month if your over 60

Just be consistent with your rules Thailand.  Very dumb blonde wishy washy policy.  Thanks Kev!!  You are the best!

Some of the comments here are appalling! Obviously some Farangs are taking advantage of the visa system that the thai people gave to you, but as soon as Thai change the rules, you cry unfair ???

Here is what you do with your tears if you can't afford it, go back to your country and pay for tissues to wipe your eyes over there.

Don't ever think that Thailand and Thai people owe you for the rest of your lives, don't ever think it is ok to complain you are not getting your monies worth when you see the poverty there and cry that you're poor.

I have no problem with having a Thai savings account that pays 1.5% interest. The baht is strong and is  government regulated. I'm retired here and it makes sense to me to have most of my money here.

I am the same as you Gordon, I think it's a good thing, At the same time i also think that everybody should have the right to make a better life for themselves, Especially in their later retirement years!

Would you really still think that way if you were still living in the UK and witnessing the daily boat loads of ' penniless economic migrants' arriving in the middle of the night?

Gordon's Alive 1.5% are you serious ? If you ran a business in that percentage you would be f****ed

You can get 2.5% term deposit @ BKK bank for 1 year. They provide a certificate and monthly statements. It can roll over at maturity.  Immigration will also ask for proof of foreign income in addition to the 800,000 Bht. It's not on the requirements list but they ask for it.

The term deposit can be in Foreign currency. No dramas about currency fluctuations

@Gavsea BKK bank only gave me 1.5% on a one year term.

Im confused (and worried).. is this for new and renewing visas or got people also on a current visa? I had my retirement visa issued in January this year and is valid for one year. These new rules affect my current visa or i have nothing to worry about this next year?

Just a quick point I want to make but I just want to publicly state I don't have a horse in this race, I have visited Tland numerous times but am not planning on moving there. A few years ago many American retired to Mexico and learned a painful lesson.

They took a significant amount of US$$$  with them, converted the dollars to pesos and opened up a bank account. Mexico was forced to devalue the peso significantly and overnight these people lost large amounts of their retirement savings.

Tough lesson learned, now the retirees only bring down with them the amount they need to live on a monthly basis and leave the balance in American banks. I realize that Tland's economy is very strong and a devaluation is unlikely, still...

I mean when should they start when the country is overrun with drunks n beggars. thailand ain't the Philippines

so let me guess.....retired people are being used as cash cows for the banks so they can do large backdoor after hour stockmarket trades to empower themselves more and disempower the populations even more, this is tyranny.

I am 44 years old and yes I am retired For now anyway if I want to I will come out of retirement if I’m going to get bored but anyways I’m here to talk about the money if you people don’t have at least US$3000 a month for yourself to leave why would you fucking retire and I’ll go fucking work you idiots

Dear friends , what country do u suggest me to emigrate to if I am a Thai nationality and my wife is Chinese nationality , from Shanghai. I have 400,000 USD. in my bank account. I am fed up with this corrupted country . Please do not tell me China !!! Thank you . (Be polite , please)

You might try Malaysia from this list as it encourages well-heeled expats to settle there, & real estate is affordable.  https://www.tourradar.com/days-to-come/12-safest-countries-asia-2018/

Pensioners get O-A in Home Countries. Many don't want the health and criminal checks and come to Thailand because some Farang said it's easier. . Same rules still on Thai Embassy websites globally apply to pensioners and I confirmed with a letter from the Thai D.C Embassy.


Make sure you have pension proof income verifiication Letters the same ones you used at your embassy in your home country. Bad greedy Farang agencies have screwed up many folks! Income verification letters were never required for pensioners with letters. Thailand should be commended for getting rid of bad folks now they should apply "bad guys" to more Thais too!

Who's writing the immigration policy? The cashless electronic communist spy points Chinese? time to go to a good free country.

Based on what I am seeing, this change will not effect any ex-pats that have a monthly retirement income (minimum) as an alternative to having a minimum in the bank.  It just effects those that don't have the minimum retirement income that are fudging their income.  I see no issue with this as it looks like the Thai government is just cracking down on those that don't make enough money to support themselves while living in Thailand.  I am over 50 and still am attracted to moving to Thailand when the exchange rate gets better in the future.  It's just a matter of time when Thailand's economy comes off it's artificial high.

Not sure that people will leave . May actually encourage people to go off grid as it were . Dont bother getting visa , and just live their , if they get caught , the worst that can happen is deportation . "There is always an option" 555. " .

Those that live their already without visa etc , will see this news n carry on regardless . I wish the UK had half the balls the Thais do as far as immigration acceptance needs are concerned .. lol .You could swim here , do nothing , get benefits , amazing .. As long as we live in the freeworld there is a price to pay ...

I was just in Thailand less than 3 months ago,it is very cheap and without ex pats or alot of tourists the Thai economy would plummet badly,thats a fact.They want rich farangs(people who earn more than 3 times the average Thai.Great country but Vietnam here I come!!!!!

This guy speaks with a hard-to-understand accent.  Is he a Brit? an Aussie? It's good that Thailand has a law to screen those retirees who want to move here? Thailand has no obligation nor duty to feed the old-aged people retired from other countries, especially if they have no money or income to sustain themselves and become burdens to our country.

No need to really worry if you are self supporting financially on the aspect of New Immigration Rules in Thailand. The Thai Royal Family also decreed a new system for a one only deposit to cover all aspects of health even FREE travel by limo if you want it.

Why not just change to Thai Wife 400 k in bank and the 65 per month with bank statement not the 800 k and the money locked away for the 5 months ,just a choice some can make if you have a Thai wife.

All so i am not going to have to jump because BJ needs a pat on the back again if he keeps doing this Chit most will just move on so Thailand will have Less ATM's walking around and using there money in a country where there welcome and not under the scope 24/7. Just thinking thats all. lol and thanks for the News Kev.

It will be apprx. 25000 USD and/or 2500 per month income. This is for the Elderly. I have seen people USA on disability with direct deposit from social services. They get from 1200 to 2200 unless they require additional  assistance. The new rules for USA seem to weed out the marginal mental walking wounded but include anyone participating in their health care system. As for Europe and other countries I assume numbers in the 1000s will start leaving regularly.

There is a loophole that illegal workers use. you basically volunteer to pay a penalty 50000 baht while you attempt to legitimize and they will ignore you for awhile and then you do it again every 6 months. I know Indians and Africans that do this. There are also border runs but after about 12 in one year they fuss and complain. If you support kids,not necessarily your own, or have a thai wife, or are connected with Temples you will have a come and go at will visa.

As an American ...Just show bank statements towards monthly income (that can be a chargeable offense if falsified) in lieu of paying for a notarization stamp at US Consulate for an affidavit they did nothing with anyway...only saves me fifty bucks for the stamp... Sounds good.

Tell me if you think I am wrong with my assessment laid out above...and by the time March rolls around people will need to fill those properties they own much more desperately than was the case a year ago...and even for some time before this.

And so why not be wise and fill these places with people who do not intend to go here and there and everywhere...make the right people WANT to stay with intelligent incentive to do such...and if they are the right people...they will be intelligent enough to know what kind of incentives are necessary and available for Kon dee nai...kon leo ok.  Getting rid of the chaff...

I am waiting for my full and proper pensions which is why I am in the US temporarily...but the place I will stay next time will be most luxurious.  The last place I stayed was one of the nicest apartments available in all of Chiang Mai...but honestly, you know what made it unbearable at times?

Loser ex-pats trying to buy and fix up places and give others around them a stipend to annoy you into moving into their place..or their building...to a place they fixed up and wanted to sell...(war was coming and huge sellers were discretely abound with activity)...it is the loser ex-pats, the ones "so gangster" that they need to try and rip their own kind off to have enough money to stay there in the first place...for them...go find a roommate and live in a nice New Mexico studio and hang Thailand posters on your walls instead of annoying those who worked their asses off for a living.  Lots if "illegally on disability" claims will be losing funding also anyway...many jobs available in USA soon...and now...soooo.

Over bought and built but kept at too high levels of rent price in and around Thailand will fall sharply soon anyway...after the economies in some places falter severely.  This is life....and with ownership as it goes in Thailand...helping hold on to property they were blessed to be given good share and circumstance of...will also help maintain the goodness if war should unfortunately find itself in Thailand.

Kon Dee Nai...Kon Leo Ok!   ...and its about time.  I lived there close to three years and it was the loser ex-pats that annoyed my circumstances the most...by far...besides obnoxious and loud tourists.

Thai people are some of the best around...and if you don't believe me...try and find other places in the world on the dime you expect paying and you will find it is NOT the loser ex-pats annoying you the most...but the locals.

Thinking of my pension and with good times in Thailand at such an awesome place...hopefully soon.

The rules have not really changed. They are just going to apply the old rules. Surely it's best just to pay an agent. Many of us have incomes far in excess of the 60k a month but it not paid monthly. 800k goes through my account every year but I don't put it in as lump sum.

Can’t really see what the problem is  In reality the rules really haven’t changed that much. They just want to make sure people are following them.

Kev in Thai...is that correct that If you are OVER sixty and have 200.000 bht in the bank OR an income of 20.000 thousand bt a month you can stay in Thailand...not that I will...

Anyone know why the marriage visa is 400,000 baht and the retirement visa 800,000 baht?? I don't see the logic.

"Logic" and Thailand are not normally used in the same sentence...if you can learn that, you can enjoy Thailand LOL. There's no point in asking "why" about ANYTHING in Thailand.

Good Video....I think with England refusing to give out affidavit and America and other western countries soon following makes me think our countries want to force us to stay home and spend our retirement at home?   They did the same thing with closing or locking our home brokerage accounts England was first followed by America....I have to fly home to get my brokerage account unlocked so I can get dividends and interest paid to my account....

Do you have to pay if you are married to Thai?

You will have to support your partner family till the end of the day... Lol. I mean real Thai, not Thai chinese.

Re film- anyone here legally will not be affected, so it's just the liars and fraudsters then? Not true as those here legally are going to have their cash stuck in a Thai bank all year round instead of 90 days. They are burning down the forest to catch the rats, this would never have been changed if it were not for the cheaters.


Smart move by the Thai government. They need to move the economy away from what is essentially a long-term lifestyle investment into the tourist industry by retirees looking to live easy (not all, but a lot). They need to improve other sectors and move workers into skilled jobs, this requires real investment, not more bars and condos.


The attraction of easy cash that retirees provide is nothing more than a disposable income, and it pulls the youth away from higher education and skills training. I am a 35 year old Australian living in Chang Rai, my Mother is Thai and I have dual citizenship.

I retired two years ago because instead of putting my savings into a mortgage in Melbourne, I got myself a Thai passport and effectively retired on a term deposit. Without the passport this would kinda screw me, I don't have any plans or money to make any real investment myself, I just have enough to live well and support myself.

But fuck it, I know I sound like a hypocrite, but it works out better for the Thai's in the long term and there will be plenty more pussy for me.

A question for all you fortunate people who think 800,000 is small change. How many of you are actually here, living in Thailand?

If you are you will find, as the years pass, your bank balance will fall. Sometimes considerably. Houses, condo's, motor vehicle's, girlfriends and medical bills will all have an effect, unless of course you are reasonably wealthy.


So while initially the money is a mere trifle, it may not always be so.
For example. What's fair treatment for a man of 75 who retired here 15 years ago with a pension of 80,000 baht a month. He has spent most of his life savings, making a life for himself in retirement in Thailand. Despite his pension now being worth considerably less, he is still living happily. Helping to support his Thai wife and her family.

Is he now to abandon his family? Return to his home country, where he has nothing and no-one? And go back to work?

Is he just another 'cheap charlie' who many of you seem so happy to see the back of?

Steveoh - excellent comment, if I may say so. So many comments here, and elsewhere, with very little compassion for those up a creek without a paddle. But the internet is full of pessimism and negativity. And sometimes, it seems, little humanity...


I have always recommended people do not realise their assets in the West but use them to provide income but, if you don't have any to realise, it might have been a mistake to think you could cope indefinitely in a foreign country...

Even so, and even if you're down to an income of around 20,000 ฿/mon., you can still have a decent retirement here (see my other comment below) - but you won't satisfy the visa rules...
I think it used to be called: Catch-22...

@Harry inHuaHin well said, cant stand these fellas in here Creamin themselves over people who may have to leave families just because they dont  have the savings, but have a pension they can get by on..

Silly comment. If he has a Thai wife none of this applies to him.

It's true. Thailand is paradise....only if you have the money. If you don't it would be hell. Have a look at the desperate Westerners...there are too many of them. Often they join the Pattaya "flying club" (they jump from condo rooftops...happens all the time).  If you're smart, you'll live on interest/dividends only, by investing in REIT's or other high-dividend investments.  And then you keep it QUIET how much money you have, because Westerners in Thailand are more than willing to rip you off.

This is the people who will be punished the most , outrageous i feel sorry for them.

I honestly don't see what the problem is. I moved over here 3 years ago, deposited my 800,000 BHT in a separate account and left it there. I all I need to do is go to the bank, get my book updated and a letter of confirmation. All the negative comments are coming from ex-pats who came here when  they were getting 70 Thai BHT to the GBP and were living like kings. In reality they have seen their money half over the last few years and I doubt most have had the fore thought to make any sort of contingency plan. Now of course because of their short comings they are now blaming everyone but, themselves.

What actually happened was Thailand said they no longer accept affidavits [US, UK, Aus] of income so issuing them became an exercise in futility. Seriously, if your retirement is based on a fraudulent statement, maybe you should seek a job. The most recent thing I heard was the 800,000 baht has to remain in the bank 90 days after the visa approval.

Good. Less cheap Charlie’s loitering about

I am returning to Thailand in April and bought a round trip ticket returning in September. Can Americans still come for the 30 day visa, make a visa run out of country and return for another 30 day visa, Or has immigration changed the rules on this ?.

Ridiculous comments here from those who've no idea about life. Few people at 50 years old can contemplate retiring. Most at that age have children in education, some are just divorced, have lost most of what they've worked for and are struggling to get ahead again.

It's ok if you're childless and have no family and friends in your country of origin to think about. You can sell your assets and just disappear to a country that has none of the things you pretended was important; free speech, democracy and justice. But with no kids you're making yourself extinct, your DNA gone for eternity.


What kind of a success can you be if you've nothing left behind and are staring into a lonely and unloved future with some foreign bint who's only with you because of your money?

Another extreme, polarised comment that makes no allowance for the "free speech, democracy and justice" that you profess to hold dear. What happened to 'Live and let live'...?
Measuring success by the DNA you leave behind is, by my view, just vanity...
But the rest of your last sentence really made me laugh... Thank you...  ;-)

Such a foolish notion. All else in life is vanity, but not reproduction. It's the primary goal of every living thing that exists or ever existed. It's why males never stop thinking about sex throughout their life. Every female you look at you weigh up as a sexual partner. Contraception has changed the way sex is now viewed, but not it's purpose. Should you fail to pass on your DNA, you become just another of nature's failures...a human dodo.

This is just Thailand enforcing Thai law. All you need to do is abide by the law and you will be fine surely.
I wish the UK would be so strict enforcing law!!!!!

THAILAND  the kingdom of the  farang man with emotional needs, unfulfilled desires , unrealistic  dreams and sexual  fantasies

Interesting word Farang. It's used mostly in the same context as referring to someone as a bitch or a dog, someone without a country, not belonging to a tribe.

Some yes but in my case l live in a country not dominated by rampant feminism and left wing stupidity. Nothing to do with sex for me.

Here 23 years. Was no problem all them years ago for Visa. I had the money.But, as so many farangs lost all! Now I have Retire Visa Done through an "agency." Nothing in the bank. I am OK for a year anyway. What I do next year if agencies cant help? I just qualify for "Marriage Visa" but half my pension is in UK Bank, Half here.So we talking about IMM want the Whole amount in Thai Bank. OMG What I do I dont have anywhere to stay in UK! I have settled here Thailand.I cant leave! I love here!


The problem with Thailand is their immigration laws constantly change. 6 months ago it was heralded that getting a Thai visa had become easier.


I can't take this change worth a grain of salt. In months it will change. Sorry...no mass exodus will happen. Thailand NEEDS farangs and foreigners to financially survive. Ain't gonna be Thai people filling up those condos..

I got a question for you all. Why are you so dedicated on living/retiring somewhere in SE Asia? Whats wrong with south asia, central asia, latin america, africa, or even your own well developed country?

every country is free to make their own decisions about economy but the paranoia approach against everything what is farang related lifestyle and rating it as dangerous for culture and stability of society is just ridicoulus i suggest a slightly more relaxed way.

The problem is all these idiots where lieing about there income to there embraces and Thailand finally caught on,and of course they had to pay 20.000 baht to an agent  ot someone in Immigration to show money in there accounts...to qualify.


Get rid of the dead beats...go live under a tree in your own country...I play buy the rules...but now I have to show my proof of income every 90 days  and pay my bank for extra statements and a waist of my time for there trying to get around the system.....f**k off...

Easy solution, go somewhere else and vote with your dollars. Who needs Thailand and their harsh immigration policies? Plenty of nice places out there eager to let you come.

So your pension does not count as part of the 800,000 baht any more..?? once upon a time it counted towards the 800,000 so you just needed to top up with say 300,000 baht. 65000 baht a month is a lot of Australian dollars $2900 a month. AN australian pension is about $1600 a month . So it will be a struggle for some if you cant just top up with some savings.

PS..pensioners are struggling  in Australia because our pension is so low ,it doesnt cover the cost of renting or food and bills.

It's not "People not following the rules, grrr! About time" and all that nonsense. You got to look at Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia and the other alternatives. Work out what's going to be the best quality of life for your retirement.

That's the point. Just back from Vietnam, it shook me up. So cheap, people couldn't be nicer. And as Kev said, pulling this now when the exchange rate is so bad is a low blow.

I personal don't see what the problem is. You need 800000 baht in the bank. Nothing as changed. We in the UK don't want people coming to our country pherphas we should have a similar rule. All eastern European immigrants need £20000 to stay in this country.

they want our money but they dont want us there. hahahaha...ill just build a THAITOWN in my american city.

Thailand had not been sincere to accept farangs all along.... if they are trying to secure large amount of funds by targeting farangs, it shows that the country is not really doing well. For those who intends to retire there or tries to continue staying there, a serious second thought ought to be considered....

I have no problem with the $36000, but I would rather keep it in the stock market. Does banks pay interest on the deposit? I have plenty of monthly income. Can I verify it, so I will not have to have the $36k in my account? My retirement is Federal retirement, plus social security so should be easy to verify.

I really don't see what the problem is. All countries can treat over seas people as they please. There is a good reason why they say "when in Rome act like a Roman" . . . everything  outside of that is at the pleasure of the current administration regardless of how the expats feel about it. Seems to me like there are a lot of people who feel entitled to certain conditions while living in foreign countries.

Stop whinging. Thailand is an independent nation, so the Thai government can legally enforce (and has the right to do so at their discretion) any new laws it deems necessary of national importance to advance their nation and its citizen's best interest, rather than enforceing retired foreigners best interests.

If you feel the new "revamped" Retirement Visa is unfair and "unfairly" targets foreigners who wish to retire in their country, then feel free to relocate elsewhere. After all there are plenty of nations in both SE Asia and South Asia you can relocate to. It is largely a free market to pick and choose where you wish to retire, and no person is forcing you to stay in Thailand after all.......

And why must the Thai authorities make it easy for Europeans (Brits, French etc) to retire in Thailand, after the way these same European nations in the 18 & 19th century annexed over 25% of Siam territory to Malaysia, Laos and Burma with the sole intention to build their own colonial empires?
The Thai immigration authorities are taking a broad broom approach and sweeping out all the "financially stretched" foreign trash from their nation - way long overdue.

I agree with you but with the loss of tens of thousands of farang welfare funds pouring in to the small business sector of Thailand crime will rise dramatically, the police will be over stretched, the court system will be clogged, and jails over flowing all at the expense of the Thai government and the only way to compensate that is to raise taxes and we know the flow on effects of that...no investment

So if the authorities changed the figure to 1 million dollars next year that is ok I guess. I mean forget whether or not you have investments, a family etc. Who needs to be like that when we can act like a heartless shitface who belongs in the 'More Thai than the Thai' gang.

What pleases me is that you fools are usually the ones who get sent back home with your tail between your legs. Thais know how to sort you cowards out.

I have better places to put my money than in a bank doing fucking nothing but lose money. I am retired here for 11 years..... I have started making plans to move to Philippines. Enough of this crap from these money hungry people here.

So everyone is getting their panties in a bunch because they are enforcing an existing law, they are only cracking down on those committing fraud through an agent that is making a paper trail that looks like you have $25k USD when you really don’t. Come on people it’s just weeding out people who don’t have the money that is required.


You can say poor me but it is a privilege to live in Thailand not a right, you are not being thrown out of your home country. Living in a warm climate retirement place is earned, if you haven’t got it then the people who are citizens can and should be able to throw you out.

I am sure plenty of Euro people in this predicament would also like to throw out recent imports to Europe that have no money.

It's only the penniless scroungers, who are working our benefits system that we would like to throw out. If you're self-supporting, no problem.

Not exactly....many sensible people want their money to be nice and safe in a Western bank, brokerage account, or in some investment that earns interest/dividends.

Good If they apply it properly it should get rid of at least some of the wasters  and dirt poor odd ball westerners who come to Thailand with  next to no money hiding from something probably criminally that they’ve done in their own country and living in a country like Thailand  in relative anonymity  whilst still engaging in  various criminal activities such as drug dealing and or paedophillia

I think this is great and should weed out those who don't deserve to be there. I'm sure we all know a few who we would rather not be there anyway Kevin.

Thailand prefers that non-Thais retiring there be wealthy people--What is wrong with that??
Why should they welcome poor people?? Another item is Medical Insurance, there has been talk of making that be compulsory. Peniless foreigners go to their hospits and cannot pay for their care.

Hi Michael - I agree with your basic sentiment - nations are allowed to make their own rules. The problem here (and probably elsewhere) seems to be that people have retired here with full compliance but now find themselves up a gumtree because they were unprepared for currency fluctuations and inflations, etc., which are difficult to determine twenty years in advance.

Many of these people are married here, with families, for whom they have happily provided, but are now sadly faced with the prospect of having to leave these families, which isn't good for anybody...
I'm not in favour of compulsory medical insurance (because I don't like the way these things operate) and prefer to have the 800K in the bank as backup - it should be one or the other...

Is everyone on here saying that even someone like me on a retirement stay, who has guaranteed income for life of 100,000 monthly with COLA increases, still has to have 400,000 baht in the bank at all times. Before I moved here I lost over $350,000 dollars during the past mortgage crisis.

Wiped out my savings. I am married, legally to  thai women whom I have now lived with for over 4 years.  And your saying I still need 400000 in the bank??  Someone please correct me If I an reading some of these post incorrectly.

IT IS not a MESS... just SHOW THEM THE MONEY, or leave. too many people disrespect their lenient laws and just overstay visa like they do also in USA.  THEY ARE TAKERS.... who do not want to bother doing things rightly.  They ruined their own opportunity by doing so and should be sent packing.

TAKERS. Just like illegal aliens in USA and visa overstay THIEVES.  Law breakers all doing it THEIR way not the legal way.  Fukkk em. Put them all on a boat.  Now, the rules get tougher and tighter and affect those who do it correctly and legally.

Now, Thailand is more like New Zealand... want to retire here? Good, but not as a bum... You have to prove your worth.  Makes sense. Sovereignty is THEIR domain, not some individual takers domain. When I looked into New Zealand, at the Canadian based  in Ottawa, I think in 2010, the figure was minimum $450,000 USA dollars net worth.

That controls things quite well. Migrants apply for worker visa for crop harvesting and such.... and, NZ has benefit of being far away and an island... no southern border for no-good-takers to just walk across. THESE RULES are still cheap in Thailand... Thai should not pay for funerals of ex pats dying over there and wrapping up the strings and paperwork and such.

800,000b is less than $26,000 usa....
400,000b is less than $13000 usa
for older....

20,000b is less than $650/month for income... anybody on SS or SSD covers that as monthly income stream if over 65 or disabled status unless they never worked much at all in life.
OR.... important word... OR, not AND...

200,000b for over 60 is less than $7000 usa for those older already there for a while.
OR if no savings in bank.... NEW alternative for those over 50 yrs old.. for retirement purposes.
Show 65,000b income which is less than $2100 usa/month which is harder.... but OK for some.
They do not want RIFF RAFF people skidding by just messing up their country.. THEIR want THEIR rules, not the "immigrants".


USA Democrats and many Republicans should take note and do same... Stupid politicians.... either want illegal votes or cheap labor without all the proper work and paperwork to do it right and keep in orderly control.  STUPID.

I do not know if all this is voided by marrying a Thai woman, or man if a woman ex patriot.....

Top advice fella am happy in the most expensive city in the world to live in asia LOVELY SINGAPORE $275.000 in sterling in bank account here evening from sg fella


The thai government seems liberal minded now and by that I am thinking left wing. They want our money but when it is spent to make their country better then they want us out. After all only being 49% of a man is still a thing in Thailand. Thai men are now like prostitutes in some way? Seems so. I will let the children run to thailand and waste their time.

I however will not spend  1 baht other than my supporting of Thais making videos and yeah life is easy til it isn't. The Thai people are good people but honestly making someone only 49 percent is  a red flag in my book. I can meet their new standards but they can always change and it is like the old shell game of guess where the your rights aren't.

If you don’t have 800,000 baths to your name, you probably shouldn’t be in Thailand being retired.

Some of us don't have money in the bank, but inverted in real states or something else. We have good pensions and income, but not a lot of money dead at the bank.


I have considerably more than 800,000 to my name. But I didn't get it by leaving a large amount dead in a Thai bank, thanks.

I have not heard before about rules for over 60. Is it really 200,000 bhat in the bank or 20,000 a month income? That is 1/3 of the requirement for under 60. Google did not help. As I ponder retirement there I find many other concerns (pollution, noise, scams, etc) Jury still out!

The Thai immigration authorities, should also be looking at all those who arrive on tourist visas, and the 30 day exempt stamp and constantly do visa runs, and end up staying years on a tourist visa. Very simple to inforce, just state, you can only spend 3 months in any one calendar year in Thailand with a tourist visa. SIMPLE

Thats already being done.  Only 2 visas per year by land border crossing allowed.

So why is this all bad news  ?  I see this as a great change for the better  . Anyone who hasn't got the required amount of money to deposit into a Thai bank account should stop kidding  themselves that they can take a early retirement in Thailand  . Sorry  .

I think its because they know , the west will be Islam soon , and Non Islam will be Refugees and need to go somewhere , they don't want millions of English and Europeans  flooding in before it happens

I'm glad I have dual Thai and US Citizenship....this is one less thing for me to worry about. I'm looking forward to retiring comfortably, and in good health hopefully in 20 or so years from now.

It's less than 20 grand. If you've not got that tucked away and retired get your arse back to the grind stone.

when thailand became switzerland ???.these arrogent and stupid rules making this poor country more poorer.when foriegnets living millions of poor thais benefited,farmers sell vegetabkes,fruits,home renters and hotels,guest housess,restaurents and tuk tuk and all others in society get their shares.

Howcome foriegner live in ather country without money ?????.even water to drink they must spend money.idiots in governments in this country creating millions if lossess to their poor and rich both peoples.don't live this type of fools countries.findout other countries where don't have this kind of stupid rules.

Good move by the Thai government in my opinion. Who wants a bunch of broke poms, Australians and yanks loitering the streets of the kingdom.

If you don't have £20,000 pounds or $25,000 US DOLLARS to deposit in a Thai bank then stay in your own country. I think the Thai's are perfectly within their rights to demand this. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

click bait.  if your serious about legally staying there is no change, simply put don't spend the money you deposit and/or least make sure you have the set amount every 3  months. What bad news ??.  Will squash the illegals , that's exactly want you want to keep things in harmony for the genuine out there

At least in Thailand, they don't give welfare to illegal foreigners - too bad it's not the same in the West

Smart people. Thailand is protect the best interest of your nation and its own citizens, rather than pampering to foreign blow-ins. No free lunch here in Thailand, unlike the leftist nut-job politicians ruining the west who do not give two sits about their own nation or its citizens best interest.

Do you really think Thailand would miss the retired expats if they all left. Maybe a few Thai lady’s that have had an easy life would.


eMichael Proudfoot A lot are respectful people, sadly the majority are losers sitting around in bars drinking all day.

For those of us who are and will do things legally there is no problem.  You dirtbags who are living in Thailand illegally and not following the rules need to be weeded out and sent back to your countries.

No that’s telling it like it is and by the way nothing has changed have money in bank or don’t come period .

First off, that is an awful accent. Second all those boomers in the UK that think they are superior somehow and that "3rd world countries" are just there tho be your playground.......hahaha  no laughing now are you!  So what's your plan for after all the countries have pulled up their drawbridge??  You'll be totally fked. That what. Welcome back to the blight. Hahaha

Well said. I hope Thailand and the rest of these countries prosper. Too bad these poor saps will just move to Philippines, and when that country kicks them out, they'll move around like a grasshopper until they run out of cheap countries in Asia to live in.

Big J Productions your accent is where you grow up & have lived.
What a stupid thing to say, I've not bothered to read rest of your post, considering you lost me on the first sentence.

They can just move next country over....Myanmar has a expat population and welcomes them. There will never be a time when all countries are the exact same.

OK USA expat retiree, 3 years in Thailand.  Just renewed one week ago using the new rules. I have the monthly income requirement. I xfr money using the NY Bangkok bank route. Funds go direct from US Treasury to bangkok bank routing number and my bangkok bank account number which is a Direct Deposit account which means that I do not have a debit card on that account.

The US Gov requires I withdraw this money personally at counter, as does Bangkok bank. I can then put it (at the counter )into a 2nd bangkok bank account where the money flows normally using my debit card.


I had to show the statement of funds xfrs from Bangkok bank, as well as 12 months of bank statements, as well as my updated bank book. They really did not like that my bankbook did not to reflect 12 months, as the statements did, this is because I changed 3 months ago from a savings to a direct deposit account, and got a new book at the time.


They bitched a bit but got over it. Immigration also did not seem to understand that the money was comng direct from Government and not from me into bangkok bank. They could use some training on Banking, but anyway,  new 1 year retirement visa accomplished.

No big deal.  Thank you Kev for not talking alot of rubbish like others who have posted on this. I just thought I would post from American perspective as someone who recently renewed using monthly income method.  Really not that big of a deal.

Sorry old timers if you come from a western country and can't afford that at 60yrs old you have made some really bad choices in life and/or you didn't prepare for unfortunate events.

Will never forget the smell of Bangkok

The smell of burning Chum canned dogfood being bbq'd in the morning air, mixed with rubbish and sewer snails

It seems reasonable and the thais are safeguarding you from ruin by keeping a modest sum in bank.
Ive seen westerners in deplorable states. So agree with authorities that check they can look after themselves. Those who cant meet the entire 800 , 000 could have a western bank borrow the shortfall and repay it

If people had voted remain in the EU then it would only be £17k not £20k. Thanks a lot Brectums.

These new rules are.... ONLY PROPOSALS as yet. A contact at a leading agents says that it may not happen and the  announcement was jumping the gun a bit. He confirmed that immigration top brass have been annoyed at fab 103 and thai visa for posting this before confirming with immigration bosses.....
Another point is that 2 agents have confirmed there renewals are continuing as normal....

Hey, just so people know? They caught a lot of backpackers smoking E-ciggarrettes with Hashish oil, Canibis oil, opium oil, and some with meth. That's why they outlawed it. And smokers would throw cigarettes butts on the beach, which would not breakdown. Just FYI. If you smokers get upset? Too bad!!! you guys stink!!!! Why don't you inhale and keep it inside? LoL 😀

I tell you what. 800,000 baht is only about $25,000 USD and a monthly income of 65,000 baht is only about $2,000 USD. That is really not a lot of money to require someone to have. If you don't have that money, then too bad for you and you don't need to be retiring; you need to keep working! Maybe you should have made different decisions in life. Sorry for you and see you later!

In life you snooze you loose. Marty B even making the right decisions in life doesn’t guarantee that things will be fantastic. It’s called life & things do go wrong. Every one has the right to retire when the the time comes & should not have to keep working like you state. I had an accident when I was younger & was off work for quite a while & I had to use the money that I had put aside for my pension as this is what the government made me do.


Now finally back at work I have to start all over again in my 50’s . I’m happy to keep working until my retirement age but l will tell you now.  I will be retiring when my time comes & I will be happy to stay in Australia . I will use what little pension that I have & for the rest well maybe there might still be a pension available. I’ve worked my ass off before & after my accident to make my life better, & I believe that no matter where I decide to retire, I’m in titled to do so.

Sickness, natural and man made disasters and other things happen to people at different times in life which may prevent them from reaching retirement goals on time. You should consider this before making an inconsiderate comment like this.

@Shane O'Brien  Uh yea okay, I really don't care about your life story. This thread is about broke people wanting to retire in Thailand. You said you are staying in Australia, so why do I give two shits about you? This is about getting rid of the broke ass Farangs out of Thailand! This is clearly economical for the Thais. seems to me they don't want people here that are not helping their economy.

@Bassett Hound05  LOL, sound like I stuck a nerve... You mad mate? hahahaha

@Marty B Maybe they should make a rule about keeping out assholes as well.  A lot of "broke ass people" keep a lot of small business and families afloat as well.  Don't be such a judgemental prick!!

@Brian H LOL Maybe they should, but they have not... See you later later old man. Let me know how the plane ride back home went. hahaha

The Thais can stick their Retirement Visa right up their Anal passage, besides, Thailand is well and truly past its sell-by date anyway. I can think of much better places where £20,000 would go a long long way, and not having to leave it laying idle in a greedy Thai bank account just for the purposes of obtaining a dumb ass friggin retirement visa.

Thailand is not what it was a few years ago...its total shyte now. They will shoot themselves in the foot and they are just trying to shorten up the payroll because the trough is getting low. One day they'll be begging all the expats they tried to swindle and lie about to come back but first they have to deal with all those terrible cousins of theirs know as the Chinese first lol good luck all


The name lapis lazuli means ‘blue stone’. It’s more commonly known as just lapis. The name comes from the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian lazhward meaning ‘blue’. If you haven’t seen lapis lazuli before, it’s the stone that has a beautiful celestial blue color. 

There are also gold flecks on the surface that add to its charm, making it look very powerful and mysterious. There are also lower grade lapis that’s usually lighter blue in color, with white flecks instead of gold. These are often called denim lapis. Ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli as cosmetics. 

It was even said that Michelangelo used lapis lazuli in powder form to color the frescoes in his Sistine Chapel! Lapis Lazuli is not only a celestial stone in appearance with it’s dotted “stars” of pyrite in blue, it also has wonderful energy.  I particularly like it as a stone for mental organization which is very empowering.


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